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New probe will increase catch control in purse seines


Development of a new catch monitoring probe will provide a means of monitoring fish welfare and quality early in the capture process in purse seines, as well as providing a simplified and cost-effective method for species and size identification. 

HI 001818

Fishing increased around the lobster reserve


The lobster reserve was supposed to ensure more and bigger lobsters in the surrounding area as well. Then people started fishing three times as much just outside the borders.


See the first photos from our Antarctic expedition


Researchers have tested their gear and already tagged whales in the Southern Ocean. The first pictures from our Antarctic cruise have now reached us in Norway.


The Kronprins Haakon sails for the Antarctic


The bountiful krill in the wild and remote waters of the Antarctic has not been measured on such a large scale since 2000.

Julebord 2013

The Christmas party when seafood researchers gave themselves food poisoning


When a group of seafood researchers decided to organise their own Christmas party, it all went wrong. Then the search for answers began.


Bluefin tuna tag has ''phoned home''


The tag attached to a blue fin tuna outside of Bergen has surfaced west of Ireland. It tells the story of quite a ride.

Vidar Helgesen 2 MX0B3720

Turning researchers’ discussions into action


How can you get world-leading experts to provide specific recommendations on how to ensure that the oceans remain clean and productive for the future? By breaking down barriers between fields and by having good “table secretaries”.

Erna 4 MX0B3442

Prime Minister Solberg spoke to the marine experts


Prime Minister Erna Solberg addressed 160 of the world’s leading ocean experts.

erna og sissel

"We must act now to protect our oceans for the future"


At the conference on the oceans in Bergen, marine scientists from all over the world will sit down together. The Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg believes that it is high time to turn words into actions to ensure that our oceans remain pure and rich.

HI 040360

Have analysed contaminants in "new" fish


The deep oceans are home to large unexploited fish resources. Now scientists have studied toxic levels in some important species.

HI 037829

Swapping waders for business attire


Anne Hege Straume’s day-to-day work consists of editing the genome of salmon eggs. She and the other postdocs at the Institute of Marine Research are now getting ready to act as eyes and ears during the upcoming ocean conference in Bergen this autumn.


Part of our ocean is dying


Opinion in Washington Post 23.10.18: PERTH, Australia – Over the last few years, an intense, marine heatwave has decimated Northern California’s kelp forests by helping trigger an explosive growth of the purple sea urchin.


One month to go until the government's marine science conference in Bergen


On 20-21 November the world’s leading marine scientists will meet in Bergen. The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) is hosting the conference, which was launched by Erna Solberg at the G7 meeting in the summer.


Conference: Science for Ocean Actions


Institute for Marine Research (IMR) is, on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, responsible for a science conference to share new knowledge and suggest action points for the High-level Panel and G7 countries. 

Kvalblåst i Barentshavet   Audun Rikardsen

Follow whales on their migration


The humpback whales have started their migration, but where are they going? You can follow their journey live here.

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Delousing agent kept juvenile lobsters from finding shelter


Juvenile lobsters fed with realistic quantities of teflubenzuron developed stiff joints and were unable to find shelter.


Helmet jellyfish is a rare guest in the north


Sometimes rare species appear on our research cruises. This time there was a helmet jellyfish that gathered the scientific staff in the laboratory.


Checking the state of all life in the Barents Sea


Fish, birds, whales, sea cucumbers, plankton, radioactivity and microplastics: Step aboard the research vessel G.O. Sars for the 15th ecosystem survey of the Barents Sea.

Ocean Opportunities banner

Oceans Opportunities Meeting


To continue the strong collaborative relationship with Europe and discuss the future of marine research, IMR invites you to meet a selected group of our senior scientists and research directors at Norway House, Rue Archimède 17 in Brussels on October 17th 2018 at 0900-1300. 

HI 040384

Strange fish from the deep blue sea – are they tasty?


It looks strange, smells odd and has never been tasted before. So what happened when a celebrity chef served the “seafood of the future” to five researchers at the Institute of Marine Research?

grøngylt ansikt

Tries to use facial recognition technology on fish


Maybe you think that a fish is just a fish? You’re wrong. Fish are also unique individuals with different traits, and now researchers at the Institute of Marine Research want to use facial recognition technology to distinguish between them.


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Satellite tagging 20 bluefin tuna: The search is on


“This is the tagging boat. Team 13 have observed bluefin tuna at the surface.”

Plasthval 1971 hovedbilde av Åsmund Bjordal

The “plastic whale” from 1971


46 years before a whale with its stomach full of plastic famously stranded in Norway, marine scientists found plastic in the stomach of a whale off Canada. We know this thanks to a newly discovered report.

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A Baltic sea fish named after IMR-researcher


A new flatfish in the Baltic Sea, the “Baltic flounder”, has received the Latin name Platichthys solemdali after the late Norwegian scientist Per Solemdal. Genetic studies in 2017 confirmed that this flounder was a new species of fish.

HI 040243

Flying an echo-sounder to the fish school with a drone


The principle is simple: A multi-jet drone flies over a herring school and "dips" a scientific echo-sounder from a 9 meter long cable into the school. The echo-sounder sends data about the fish school back to the vessel in real time. The data can be used to improve the estimation of school size, before it is captured or during capture while it is still legal to release unwanted catches.


Norwegian collaboration on plastic mapping


A broad alliance on plastic pollution has been entered at Kongsberg this summer. Shipowner Torvald Klaveness, KONGSBERG, the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association and the Institute of Marine Research will develop a mapping concept for plastic in the oceans.


Blue ling from the sea and fjord were not related


While the blue ling is endangered, fishers report of lots of blue ling in some fjords. New DNA tests show that the sea and fjords may in fact be home to several distinct populations.

Michael Bank og kvikksølv

Norwegian mercury research and surveillance is valuable to the UN


The Institute of Marine Research is contributing research, capacity building and unique data to the UN’s efforts to prevent mercury pollution.

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Microplastics found amongst fish eggs in remote fjord in northern Norway


When researcher Terje van der Meeren was quantifying fish eggs in the Repparfjord in the very north of Norway, there were microplastics in around 25% of the samples that he collected from the fjord.

HI 036222 Monika Sæle

10 things you didn't know about the oceans


How much water is there in the oceans? And where is the oldest water on the planet? Marine scientist Svein Sundby has the answers.