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Tore Strohmeier

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Avdeling: Bentiske ressurser


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Temporal changes in visual organic enrichment indicators at an aquaculture site over mixed- and hard-bottom substrates

Caterina Pezzola, Signe Gunborg Bentzröd Svensson, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Tore Strohmeier, Pia Kupka Hansen, Nigel B. Keeley
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 16 p. 267-282

Seasonal variations in mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic species in Norwegian blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) – Assessing the influence of biological and environmental factors

Ana Isabel Gomez Delgado, Jojo Tibon, Marta Sofia Silva, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Antonio Aguera, Josef Rasinger, Tore Strohmeier, Veronika Sele
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 76

Arsenic speciation in low-trophic marine food chain – An arsenic exposure study on microalgae (Diacronema lutheri) and blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.)

Jojo Tibon, Ana Isabel Gomez Delgado, Antonio Aguera, Tore Strohmeier, Marta Sofia Silva, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Martin M. Larsen, Jens Jørgen Sloth, Heidi Amlund, Veronika Sele
Environmental Pollution (1987) 334

Life history traits for Ophryotrocha craigsmithi (Wiklund, Glover & Dahlgren, 2009), a candidate species in integrated multitrophic aquaculture

Signe Gunborg Bentzröd Svensson, Tore Strohmeier, Helen Rastrick, Antonio Aguera, Erik Jan Robert Lock, Harald Sveier, Henrice M Jansen
Frontiers in Marine Science 10

High frequency monitoring of feeding activity in benthic suspension feeders

Antonio Aguera, Tore Strohmeier, Cathinka M. Krogness, Øivind Strand
Limnology and Oceanography : Methods

High frequency monitoring of feeding activity in benthic suspension feeders

Antonio Agüera, Tore Strohmeier, Cathinka Krogness, Øivind Strand
Limnology and Oceanography, Methods p. n/a - n/a

Mussel farming production capacity and food web interactions in a mesotrophic environment

Paul Gatti, Antonio Aguera, Shuang Gao, Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier, Morten D. Skogen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 15 p. 1-18

Seasonal variations in mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic species in Norwegian blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) – Assessing the influence of biological and environmental factors

Ana Isabel Gomez Delgado, Jojo Tibon, Marta Sofia Silva, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Antonio Agüera, Josef Rasinger, Tore Strohmeier, Veronika Sele
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 76

Relationship between pumping rate and particle capture efficiency in three species of bivalves

Laura Steeves, Cecile Vimond, Tore Strohmeier, Sandra Casas, Øivind Strand, Luc A. Comeau, Ramón Filgueira
Marine Ecology Progress Series 691 p. 55-68

High-Frequency Responses of the Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis) Feeding and Ingestion Rates to Natural Diets

Laura Steeves, Antonio Aguera, Ramón Filgueira, Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10

Effect of Mytilus coruscus selective filtration on phytoplankton assemblages

Tao Jiang, Huizhu Pan, Laura Steeves, Zengjie Jiang, Ramón Filgueira, Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier, Peter J. Cranford, Zhengguo Cui
Frontiers in Marine Science 9

Exploring feeding physiology of Mytilus edulis across geographic and fjord gradients in low-seston environments

Laura Steeves, Tore Strohmeier, Ramón Filgueira, Øivind Strand
Marine Ecology Progress Series 651 p. 71-84

Embracing multimodal optimization to enhance Dynamic Energy Budget parameterization

Ramón Filgueira, Manuel Chica, Juan José Palacios, Tore Strohmeier, Romain Lavaud, Antonio Aguera Garcia, Sergio Damas, Øivind Strand
Ecological Modelling 431

Mixed-habitat assimilation of organic waste in coastal environments – It's all about synergy!

Nigel B. Keeley, Thomas Valdemarsen, Tore Strohmeier, Xavier Pochon, Thomas Gunnar Dahlgren, Raymond Bannister
Science of the Total Environment 699

Enhancing opportunistic polychaete communities under fish farms: an alternative concept for integrated aquaculture

Henrice M Jansen, Pia Kupka Hansen, N. Brennan, Thomas Gunnar Dahlgren, J. Fang, M.A.J Nederlof, Tore Strohmeier, H. Sveier, Øivind Strand
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 331-336

Mussels or tunicates: That is the question. Evaluating efficient and sustainable resource use by low-trophic species in aquaculture settings

Ramón Filgueira, Leah Strople, Tore Strohmeier, Samuel Rastrick, Øivind Strand
Journal of Cleaner Production 231 p. 132-143

New insights into the seasonal feeding ecology of Pecten maximus using pigments, fatty acids and sterols analyses

Romain Lavaud, Sébastien Artigaud, Fabienne Le Grand, Anne Donval, Philippe Soudant, Jonathan Flye Sainte Marie, Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Aude Leynaert, Beatriz Beker, Arnab Chatterjee, Fred Jean
Marine Ecology Progress Series

Framtidsrettet matproduksjon i kyst og fjord – En vurdering av muligheter for økt sjømatproduksjon i Norge

Ole Torrissen, Lena Birgitta Norberg, Kiron Viswanath, Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Terje Svåsand
Rapport fra havforskningen

Feeding plasticity more than metabolic rate drives the productivity of economically important filter feeders in response to elevated CO2 and reduced salinity

Samuel Rastrick, Victoria Collier, Helen Graham, Tore Strohmeier, Nia M. Whiteley, Øivind Strand
ICES Journal of Marine Science

Spatio-temporal dynamics in the dissolved nutrient waste plume from Norwegian salmon cage aquaculture

Henrice M Jansen, Ole Jacob Broch, Raymond Bannister, Peter J. Cranford, Aleksander Handå, Vivian Husa, Zengjie Jiang, Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 p. 385-399

Mobile epibenthic fauna consume organic waste from coastal fin-fish aquaculture

Skye Woodcock, Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Siri Aaserud Olsen, Raymond Bannister
Marine Environmental Research 137 p. 16-23

New insights into the seasonal feeding ecology of Pecten maximus using pigments, fatty acids and sterols analyses

Romain Lavaud, Sébastien Artigaud, Fabienne Le Grand, Anne Donval, Philippe Soudant, Jonathan Flye-Sainte-Marie, Tore Strohmeier, Øyvind Strand, Aude Leynaert, Beatriz Beker, Arnab Chatterjee, Fred Jean
Marine Ecology Progress Series 590 p. 109-129

Combining biochemical methods to trace organic effluent from fish farms

Skye Woodcock, Christofer Troedsson, Tore Strohmeier, Pablo Balseiro Vigo, Katrine Sandnes Skaar, Øivind Strand
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 9 p. 429-443

Spatial and temporal organic carbon burial along a fjord to coast transect: A case study from Western Norway

CJ Duffield, Elisabeth Alve, N Andersen, TJ Andersen, Silvia Hess, Tore Strohmeier
The Holocene

Spatial and temporal organic carbon burial along a fjord to coast transect: A case study from Western Norway

Christopher James Duffield, Elisabeth Alve, Nils Andersen, Thorbjørn J. Andersen, Silvia Hess, Tore Strohmeier
The Holocene 27 p. 1325-1339

Combining biochemical methods to trace organic effluent from fish farms.

Skye Woodcock, Christofer Troedsson, Tore Strohmeier, Pablo Balseiro Vigo, Katrine Sandnes Skaar, Øivind Strand
Aquaculture Environment Interactions p. 429-443

Potential methodological influences on the determination of particle retention efficiency by suspension feeders: Mytilus edulis and ciona intestinalis

Peter J. Cranford, Tore Strohmeier, Ramón Filgueira, Øivind Strand
Aquatic Biology 25 p. 61-73

An integrated ecosystem approach for assessing the potential role of cultivated bivalve shells as part of the carbon trading system

Ramón Filgueira, Carrie J. Byron, Luc André Comeau, Barry A. Costa-Pierce, Peter J. Cranford, João Gomes Ferreira, Jon Grant, Thomas L. Guyondet, Henrice M Jansen, Thomas Landry, Christopher W. McKindsey, Jens Kjerulf Petersen, Gregor K. Reid, Shawn M.C. Robinson, Aad C. Smaal, Rémi Sonier, Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier
Marine Ecology Progress Series 518 p. 281-287

Response of Mytilus edulis to enhanced phytoplankton availability by controlled upwelling in an oligotrophic fjord

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Marianne Alunno-Bruscia, Arne Duinker, Rune Rosland, Jan Aure, Svein Rune Erga, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Henrice M Jansen, Peter J. Cranford
Marine Ecology Progress Series 518 p. 139-152

Proteomic-based comparison between populations of the great scallop, pecten maximus

Sébastien Artigaud, Romain Lavaud, Julien Thébault, Frederic Jean, Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier, Massimo Milan, Vianney Pichereau
Journal of Proteomics 105 p. 164-173

Variability in particle retention efficiency by the mussel Mytilus edulis

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Marianne Alunno-Bruscia, Arne Duinker, Peter Cranford
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 412 p. 96-102

Dynamics of phytoplankton distribution and photosynthetic capacity in a western Norwegian fjord during coastal upwelling: Effects on optical properties

Svein Rune Erga, Nicolausi Ssebiyonga, Øyvind Frette, Børge Hamre, Jan Aure, Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 97 p. 91-103

Seasonal variability in nutrient regeneration by mussel Mytilus edulis rope culture in oligotrophic systems

Henrice M Jansen, Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier, Cathinka M. Krogness, Marc C.J. Verdegem, Aad C. Smaal
Marine Ecology Progress Series 431 p. 137-149

Modelling growth variability in longline mussel farms as a function of stocking density and farm design

Rune Rosland, Cédric Bacher, Øivind Strand, Jan Aure, Tore Strohmeier
Journal of Sea Research 66 p. 318-330

Applying Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory to simulate growth and bio-energetics of blue mussels under low seston conditions

R Rosland, Ø Strand, M Alunno-Bruscia, C Bacher, T Strohmeier
Journal of Sea Research 62

Clearance rates of the great scallop (Pecten maximus) and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) at low natural seston concentrations

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Peter Cranford
Marine Biology 156 p. 1781-1795

Phytoplankton depletion by mussel aquaculture: high resolution mapping, ecosystem modeling and potential indicators of ecological carrying capacity

PJ Cranford, W Li, Ø Strand, T Strohmeier

Temporal and spatial variation in food availability and meat ratio in a longline mussel farm (Mytilus edulis)

Tore Strohmeier, Arne Duinker, Øivind Strand, Jan Aure
Aquaculture 276 p. 83-90

Modelling current speed and carrying capacity in long‐line blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) farms

J Aure, T Strohmeier, Ø Strand
Aquaculture Research 38 p. 304-312

Primary production enhancement by artificial upwelling in a western Norwegian fjord

J Aure, Ø Strand, SR Erga, T Strohmeier

Predation of hatchery-reared scallop spat (Pecten maximus L.) by the Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta)—consequences for sea ranching

T Strohmeier, GG Oppegård, Ø Strand
Aquaculture 254 p. 341-346

Flow reduction, seston depletion, meat content and distribution of diarrhetic shellfish toxins in a long-line blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) farm

T Strohmeier, J Aure, A Duinker, T Castberg, A Svardal, Ø Strand
Journal of Shellfish Research 24 p. 15-23

Seasonal variations in chemical composition of the female gonad and storage organs in Pecten maximus (L.) suggesting that somatic and reproductive growth are separated in time

Tore Strohmeier, Arne Duinker, Øyvind Lie
Journal of Shellfish Research 19 p. 741-747

Annet tidsskriftbidrag


La laksen spise blåskjell

Sofie C. Remø, Nina Sylvia Liland, Tore Strohmeier
Dagens næringsliv

Vitenskapelige foredrag


A DEB based analysis of growth and toxin elimination processes in mussels (Mytilus edulis) exposed to Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins (DST)

Rune Rosland, Marianne Alunno-Bruscia, Arne Duinker, Oivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier

Faglige foredrag


Kan lågtrofisk akvakultur bidra til berekraftig fôrproduksjon?

Nina Sylvia Liland, Sofie C. Remø, Tore Strohmeier

Why do we need low trophic aquaculture? & Current LTA research at the IMR – filter feeders.

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand

EAG – final project meeting

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand

Betingelser for blåskjelldyrking – hva kan IMTA forbedre?

Strohmeier, Tore

EAG – final project meeting

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand

Low trophic aquaculture

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand

Can bomb calorimetry be used to determine the energy content of seston?

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Cathinka M. Krogness


Laura Steeves, Tore Strohmeier, Ramón Filgueira, Øivind Strand

Trang til tang? Både fisk og folk kan spise mer skjell og tang. Lavtrofisk akvakultur.

Strohmeier, Tore

Mussels or tunicates: that is the question. Evaluating efficient and sustainable resource use by low-trophic species in aquaculture settings

Ramón Filgueira, Leah Strople, Tore Strohmeier, Samuel Rastrick, Øivind Strand

Mussels or tunicates: that is the question. Evaluating efficient and sustainable resource use by low-trophic species in aquaculture settings

Ramón Filgueira, Leah Strople, Samuel Rastrick, Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand

Scallop (Pecten maximus) sea-ranching in Norway – lessons learned.

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand

Lavtrofisk akvakultur og produksjon av biomasse.

Strohmeier, Tore

Carrying capacity of native low-trophic resources for fish feed Ingredients - the potential of tunicate and mussel farming.

Samuel Rastrick, Tore Strohmeier, Ramón Filgueira, Øivind Strand

Securing temporal and spatial food availability to suspension feeders by controlled upwelling of nutrient-rich deep water

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Samuel Rastrick

Hvorfor forsvinner blåskjellene?

Stein Mortensen, Tore Strohmeier, Sissel Andersen, Lisbeth Sælemyr, Cecilie Kristin Skår

Molecular trophic intreaction between blue mussel and their prey in a controlled up-welling system in Lysefjorden, Norway, using Next-Generation Sequencing

Pablo Balseiro Vigo, Katrine Sandnes Skaar, Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Marte Kjelby, Marc E. Frischer, Christofer Troedsson

Benthic foraminifera and organic carbon along a fjord to coast transect in western, Norway

Christopher James Duffield, Elisabeth Alve, Nils Andersen, Thorbjørn J. Andersen, Silvia Hess, Tore Strohmeier

Improved growth conditions for phytoplankton during summer in a western Norwgian fjord by forced upwelling of nutrient rich deep water

Svein Rune Erga, Øyvind Frette, Børge Hamre, Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier

Effects of stimulated upwelling on phytoplankton production and mussel growth in a Norwegian fjord system

Marianne Alunno-Bruscia, Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier



Enhanced production capacity of low trophic suspension feeders by controlled upwelling of nutrient-rich deep water

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Jan Aure, Samuel Rastrick, Christofer Troedsson, Pablo Balseiro Vigo, Ramón Filgueira, Peter Cranford

Using soya DNA barcodes to trace feed and faeces from salmon aquaculture to the benthic suspension feeder Pecten maximus

Christofer Troedsson, Tore Strohmeier, Katrine Sandnes Skaar, Pablo Balseiro Vigo, Øivind Strand

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Tilstandsrapport for Oslofjorden

Helene Frigstad, Paula Ramon, Gunhild Borgersen, Anette Engesmo, Andre Staalstrøm, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Sarah Joanne Lerch, Merete Schøyen, Anders Ruus, Tore Strohmeier, Tone Falkenhaug, Carla Freitas, Even Moland, Thrond Oddvar Haugen, Siv Nam Khang Hoff, Sissel Jentoft, Tor Atle Mo, Eli Rinde, Sveinn Are Hanssen, Vivian Husa, Henning Steen, Mats Gunnar Walday

Kartlegging av østersbestander i Rogaland i 2021 og 2023 - innsamling av data som grunnlag for bestandsforvaltning

Stein Mortensen, Mats Bøgwald, Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Sigmund B. Larsson, Ane Timenes Laugen, Molly Claire Reamon, Johanna Bjånes Marcussen
Rapport fra havforskningen

Oljeforurensning i Mossesundet etter oljelekkasjen fra vraket av MS Nordvard 2022-2023

Stepan Boitsov, Tore Strohmeier, Ingrid Johanne Lauvrak
Rapport fra havforskningen

Overvåking av blåskjellbestanden – grunnundersøkelse 2021 og 2022

Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Paul Gatti, Antonio Aguera

Framtidsrettet matproduksjon i kyst og fjord – En vurdering av muligheter for økt sjømatproduksjon i Norge

Ole Torrissen, Birgitta Norberg, Viswanath Kiron, Tore Strohmeier, Øivind Strand, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Terje Svåsand

Meldinger om blåskjell som er forsvunnet – oppsummering for 2016

Sissel Andersen, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Stein Mortensen, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier, Lisbeth Sælemyr

Næringsutslipp fra havbruk – nasjonale og regionale perspektiv

Ole Torrissen, Pia Kupka Hansen, Jan Aure, Vivian Husa, Tore Strohmeier, Rolf Erik Olsen

Næringsutslipp fra havbruk–nasjonale og regionale perspektiv

Ole Torrissen, Pia Kupka Hansen, Jan Aure, Vivian Husa, Sissel Andersen, Tore Strohmeier, Rolf Erik Olsen

Fangsteffektivitet i dykkebasert fiske etter stort kamskjell (Pecten maximus) i Sør-Trøndelag

Øivind Strand, Tore Strohmeier, Ann Merete Hjelset, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud

Karbonfangst og matproduksjon i fjorder

T Strohmeier, HK Strand, Ø Strand

Feeding behavior and bioenergetic balance of the great scallop (Pecten maximus) and the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) in a low seston environment and relevance to suspended shellfish aquaculture.

T Strohmeier

Strømforhold, fødetilgang og algetoksiner i et blåskjellanlegg

J Aure, T Strohmeier, A Duinker, T Castberg, AM Svardal
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