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Matre sett fra luften

Matre: 50 years of solving some of the most significant challenges in aquaculture


The key to its success is fresh water from the Matre mountains.

sanggou bay web

Successful transfer of an ocean model to China


The Yellow Sea Model which is based on the Institute of Marine Research's coastal current model is now producing important results for Chinese aquaculture in the Yellow Sea. 

Sampes of Greenland halibut.

Lower mercury concentrations in Greenland halibut


Reduced emissions to air and water have contributed to a significant decrease in Greenland halibut mercury concentrations from the Norwegian Sea.

satellitt tagging of whale

Humpback whales make a strong “comeback” in the Antarctic – after decades of protection


Humpback whales are once again abundant in their summer grazing grounds in the western Southern Ocean. 

Three people in overalls on the deck of a large boat.

The world’s most comprehensive ecosystem research cruise is underway


First published in Norwegian in Nordnorsk debatt: On Wednesday 18 August, «Johan Hjort» left Kirkenes to start the first leg of the 17th annual ecosystem research cruise (eco cruise) in the Barents Sea.

fish market

Sustainable aquatic foods can play a critical role in global food security and nutrition


Fish as a source of important micronutrients deserves increased attention in discussions on food and nutrition policy.

Ubåten ved Fedje Kystverket

Mercury in fish at Fedje is not from submarine wreck


The mercury found in fish at Fedje does not come from the submarine wreck. That is confirmed by the mercury’s own “fingerprint”.

A man in overalls on the deck of a research vessel manning a grab and a trawl.

Going global: Researchers aim to collect and organize data on plastic pollution from around the world


Plastic pollution readily crosses boundaries between countries and ecosystems. Research and monitoring also requires a holistic approach and a global perspective, argues initiator Michael Bank.

pregnant woman eating fish

The scientists explain: why all the fuss about iodine?


Nutritionists often say that young women in Norway consume too little iodine. Why? And what has it got to do with the sea?


Hear humpback whales singing outside Lofoten


New evidence that humpbacks sing outside of their tropical breeding grounds. 

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IMR explains: Mercury


In our new series "Seafood for land crabs", you will get to know your dinner better! We take a closer look at what useful and important nutrients you should get through your diet, how they work and why you need them. We also look at the less pleasant substances, the ones that we should not get too much of.  

Brown and black insect larvae in a box.

New methods for feed control in a circular economy


Insect farming for fish-feed production offers interesting opportunities in aquaculture, but it also raises new challenges for food and feed safety testing. Researchers have now developed and tested new methods for detecting and tracing prohibited ingredients in insect meal.

Lantern fish, a small, silvery fish.

How healthy is the food of the future?


New marine resources such as mesopelagic fish may play a larger role in future food systems. Researchers are now studying what this could mean for our health.

fisk ankervinsj

IMR scientists discover a missing shipwreck from 1913


IMR researchers have found a wreck off Bodø that they assume must be DS Malmberget. After 108 years, we may be close to solving the mystery of this ship, which disappeared in a storm with 43 people on board. 

koronakollasj article

Covid-19: Why do hand sanitizer and hand-washing work?


“The common hand sanitizers work only on certain types of virus, including coronaviruses”, explains Mette Myrmel, a virologist at the Institute of Marine Research.

Diver with a headlight hovers over the seafloor.

Ocean health update: Species go extinct before they are discovered


Bottom dwelling animal species may become extinct before scientists are able to discover them. That is one of the conclusions of the UN’s Second World Ocean Assessment.

Cod fish on deck.

No major changes in cod DNA from long-term fishing pressure


Historical and contemporary samples of Norwegian and Canadian cod show that the fish’s genome has remained stable over time.

Sjømonster utenfor Helgelandskysten

Sea monsters – and the natural explanations for them


For thousands of years, seafarers have lived in fear of dangerous monsters living in the ocean. We’ll guide you through their treacherous waters.

sonar i styrhuset

Researchers have given sonar the power to calculate the tonnes of fish in a shcool


This is good news for both fishers and fish stocks.

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Why freshwater fish sometimes taste earthy


… and why this creates a challenge for land-based fish farming.

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New manned and unmanned vessels to strengthen Norway's maritime surveillance


Five new vessels, four of which are autonomous, will be an integral part of the Institute of Marine Research's long-term cruise strategy. 


Krill had low tolerance for hydrogen peroxide in lab experiments


One two-thousandth of the “salmon dose” was lethal to the krill.

Kristin og Kevin collage

IMR researchers on prestigeous Stanford ranking


19 researchers from the Institute of Marine Research are included in a recent ranking of the world's top scientists.

Laks i merd 13 10 2014 2

What will farmed fish eat in the future?


Insects, mussels and bristle worms are some of the candidates being considered by the aquaculture industry and marine scientists, as they search for new, sustainable raw ingredients.


Why fish are "immune" to coronaviruses


There are at least two reasons why fish could not have been the source of the virus.

Symphodus melops  gronngylt svensen

Grunt, click and plop: The language of the corkwing wrasse


The corkwing wrasse has a fascinating behaviour. Now, researchers have mapped the sounds made by this colourful fish. 


Mackerel and salmon had different diets


New research found little evidence that herring and mackerel were responsible for salmon decline. 

To merder i Grisebukta

How scientists established fish farming in the Bay of Pigs


Select the right species of fish, find a suitable location sheltered from tropical storms and, hey presto, you can start farming fish in Cuba.

Skjermbilde 2020 12 18 kl

Seafood can help ensure that the world’s poorest people get enough nutritious food


Seafood can play a key role in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goal of ending hunger by 2030. ⁠⁠⁠”That makes it really important to emphasise the role of seafood and to include it in food strategies”, says research scientist Marian Kjellevold.


New way found to mass produce sterile salmon


By cutting out a particular gene, scientists can make farmed salmon sterile. This prevents escaped fish from spawning with wild salmon. Now scientists have also worked out how to produce sufficient quantities of sterile salmon for commercial production.