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Blekksprut 10 01 2017 2

Cephalopods – Cephalopoda

Cephalopods are an ancient group of animals that have existed for about 500 million years. Like bivalves and gastropods, they belong to the class Mollusca, although their relationship is not necessarily obvious. 


Blue whale breathing out. Big water splash

Blue whale

The blue whale is the world's biggest animal, even if we count the enormous dinosaurs that died out more than 60 million years ago. The largest blue whales caught in the Antarctic were up to 32.6 metres long and could weigh up to 190 tonnes.

Five halibuts next to each other in different ages.

Greenland halibut

Greenland halibut is a flatfish. It resembles Atlantic halibut, but the blind side is pigmented and is only slightly brighter than the eye side.

Long fish by sea-feathers

Blue ling

The blue ling (Molva dypterygia) is a benthopelagic fish of the family Gadidae in the North Atlantic. 

HI 004619


Anglerfish in the Northeast Atlantic actually comprise two closely related species. The Norwegian catches are almost exclusively white-bellied anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius), while only a few certain observations are made of the black-bellied anglerfish (L. budegassa).

HI 017367

Stinging jellyfish

Jellyfish are familiar summer visitors to Norway’s beaches and fjords. They are frequently encountered by swimmers and can get caught in fishing nets. In both cases there is a clear and present danger of coming in contact with the tentacles trailing underneath their dome-like mantles where stinging projectiles (called nematocysts) lay waiting to be released. 

HI 008579


Sprat are schooling fish that live in pelagic waters, and are seldom found deeper than 150 m. They often make vertical migrations relative to fluctuating light of day, and go to the surface when the brightness decreases. In the summer they occur higher in the water column, often near the surface.

HI 008584


Tusk is a bottom dweller that prefers stony bottoms on the continental shelf and slope at depths between 100 and 1000 meters. The adults live in relatively deep water, while the juveniles prefer shallow water.

A basking shark swimming in the surface, a dorsal fin breaking the surface

Basking shark

The basking shark is a highly migratory shark species that lives in temperate waters in both the southern and northern hemisphere. The basking shark grows slowly but can be more than 13 meters long and weigh up to 19 tons!

HI 001691

Fin whale

Fin whales are found in all the oceans of the world and local populations are even found in the Mediterranean. In the southern hemisphere, fin whales reach about 26 metres (females) and 25 metres (males).

Ostrea edulis 29 05 2011 (1)

Flat oyster

The European flat oyster is indigenous to European waters; found in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, on the coast of Morocco and north along the European coasts north to Trøndelag. We can find them from just below the tidal zone down to a few meters’ depth. 

Harp seal with whitecoat

Harp seal

The Greenland seal lives in the Arctic parts of the North Atlantic, primarily in areas where drift ice is present. 

Galeorhinus galeus 2006 (5)


The tope, also known as school shark, is a relatively small shark measuring up to 2 m that can be found in southwestern parts of Norway. It is similar in appearance to the spurdog, but lacks spines in front of each dorsal fin.

HI 036760

Sea spiders

There is some disagreement as to how sea spiders should be classified, but for a long time they have been considered arthropods. They are marine animals, and are found in all of the oceans and at both poles.

Halichoerus grypus 23 09 2017 7

Grey seal

The grey seals occur on the east and west coasts of the North Atlantic, in Europa from Biscaya to the Kola coast in Russia, including the Baltic. In Norway from Rogaland to Finnmark, they occur in colonies on the outermost islands.

rabbit fish (Chimaera monstrosa)

Rabbit fish

Chimaeras, or ghost sharks, belong to one of two classes of cartilaginous fishes, the Holocephali. The other class, Elasmobranchii, includes the more numerous and better-known sharks and rays. The rabbit fish (Chimaera monstrosa) is the only species of chimaera found in Norwegian waters.

a diver finding white sea vomit at the bottom

Sea vomit

The Japanese tunicate Sea vomit can be devastating to animals and algae on the seabed.

Entelurus aequoreus 19 12 2016 2

Snake pipefish

The snake pipefish is a bony fish in the family of pipefishes and seahorses (Syngnathidae). The species occurs in shallow waters from Northern Norway to the Azores, and is the largest Syngnathid found in Norwegian waters.

HI 000235

Horse mackerel

The horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) is widely distributed from Africa to the Norwegian Sea. It is a pelagic fish feeding on zooplankton, fish larvae and smaller fish. International catches of western horse mackerel are annually around 150 000 tonnes.

HI 001087

Lobster – European

The lobster in Norwegian waters lives along the coast from the Swedish border to Trøndelag, and sporadically in Nordland. You can usually find it from 5 to 40 meters deep.

HI 043818

White whale

The beluga and the narwhale constitute the family Monodontidae. Both species are medium sized odontocetes (toothed whales) distributed in Arctic waters.

Merlangius merlangus 11 10 2015 3


Whiting in the North Sea spawns over a period of several months. In the south, the spawning season starts already in January, and in the north eggs and larvae have been observed as late as September.

HI 012812


The haddock is easily recognizable on the black spot under the foremost dorsal fin. There are several populations of haddock in Norwegian waters. Here you can read about Northeast Arctic haddock and haddock in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat.

HI 040335


The porbeagle shark is a close relative of the much larger and more southerly distributed white shark. It is the largest predatory shark in Norwegian waters and can be found along most of the Norwegian coast and northern Atlantic seas.

Galeus melastomus 10 01 2017 20 E Svensen

Blackmouth catshark

The blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus) is a small deepwater shark (Pentanchidae) that is relatively abundant along most of the Norwegian coast.

HI 009602

Greenland shark

The Greenland shark is a large predatory shark best known for its longevity and its presence in cold Arctic waters. It also occurs along the Norwegian coast.

HI 000508

Great scallop

Great scallop are common along the coasts of the North-eastern Atlantic Ocean from the Iberian peninsula in the south to Vestfjorden in the north. They are found on sandy bottom from just below the intertidal zone and down to depths of more than 100 m.

HI 012918

Hooded seals

Hooded seals are widespread in the Arctic parts of the North Atlantic. Adults gather in patches in the drifting pack ice during the breeding period in March. Pups born on the ice, where they remain throughout the lactation period, which lasts for four to five days.

HI 017860

Humpback whale

With its extremely long pectoral fins (a third of its body length), hump on its back and wart-like growths on its upper and lower mandibles, the humpback whale is distinct from the other whales in the fin whale family. 

HI 006257

Blue whiting

Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) is one of the most abundant fish stocks in the semi-pelagic water masses of the northeast Atlantic.

HI 010107

Red King Crab

The red king crab is one of five species in the same family. Three of the species live in the northern part of the Pacific and the Bering Sea. The other two live off the coast of California. The red king crab is the only one found in the Barents Sea.

Echinus esculentus 03 05 o

Sea urchins

About 1,000 species of sea urchins have been registered in the world, of which 16 species in Norway. The two most common ones with us are the red and the green.

HI 039766


Atlantic halibut is the largest vertebrate fish species in our waters. It has grey pigmentation on its eyed side and a white pigmentation on its blind side.

HI 032437

Salmon – Atlantic

The Atlantic salmon is an anadromous fish. They spend their first years in freshwater, and when they are big enough they undergo physiological and morphological changes, and migrate into seawter as a ’smolt’.

HI 029827

Sea lice

The salmon louse is the most common parasite on farmed salmon, and the biggest disease problem in the aquaculture industry in Norway.

HI 036734


Ling inhabit various environments: areas of hard or sandy seabeds with scattered large rocks; warm, relatively deep habitats on the continental shelf; on north Atlantic sea banks; in fjords from the Bay of Biscay to Iceland; on the Skagerrak and Kattegat, and in the southwestern Barents Sea. Ling also dwell in the northwest Atlantic from southern Greenland to Newfoundland. 

Labrus mixtus 11 05 2017 1


Five different species of wrasse commonly occur in Norwegian waters.

HI 027799

Capelin in the Barents Sea

Capelin is a small pelagic fish with distribution in the polar and subpolar regions of the northern hemisphere. Capelin is a typical pelagic shoal fish that feeds on plankton organisms and is an important prey for predators higher up the food chain, especially cod.

European hake


European hake in the North Sea, Skagerrak, and Norwegian coastal waters.

HI 040159


Northeast Atlantic (NEA) mackerel is found in a huge area extending from the Iberian Peninsula in the south to the northern Norwegian Sea up to Svalbard in the north. Mackerel is a fast-swimming schooling pelagic fish, and feed on a variety of zooplankton and small fish. 


Bluefin tuna

Bluefin tuna is the largest species of tuna and one of the largest bony fishes on the planet. It is found throughout the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

Porpoise laying on metal floor


The porpoise is all small toothed whale about one and a half metres long. In Norway, the porpoise takes its name, "nise", from an Old Norse word for to sneeze. This refers to the sound of the spout when the porpoise comes to the surface to breathe.

Apolemia uvaria under water

String jellyfish

String jellyfish are colonial animals with a strong sting. In recent years, there has been an increase in its occurrence along the Norwegian coast.

Spiny dogfish among kelp forest


Several shark species are found in Norwegian waters. The most common are spurdog, velvet belly lanternshark, blackmouth catshark, Greenland shark, porbeagle and basking shark. 

HI 009551

Polar cod

Polar cod is a pelagic or semi pelagic fish, ie. it lives in the free water masses, but is usually distributed down to the bottom, often in very dense concentrations. It is a cold-water species which thrives best north of the Polar front. 

pukkellaks i elv

Pink salmon in Norway

Pink salmon is native to the Pacific Ocean and is considered an unwanted species in Norwegian nature.

HI 004675

Northern shrimp

Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) constitutes the most important shellfish resource in the North-Atlantic, with total annual landings of 250,000–400,000 tonnes. The species is found in deep water, mostly deeper than 70 m.

HI 034608


Despite its commercial interest, lumpfish is a poorly studied group, and many aspects of its lifecycle and ecology are unknown.

Plaice swimming above sea floor


European plaice are distributed in the eastern Atlantic from the Barents Sea in the north and south to the northwest coast of Africa.

HI 006292

Northeast Arctic saithe

Saithe occur only in the North Atlantic, with a small population in the western part between the border of Canada and USA. In the Northeast Atlantic saithe is currently divided into six stocks primarily in the area west of Ireland, west of Scotland, around the Faroe Islands, Iceland, the North Sea, and along the Norwegian coast north of Stad.

A pile of shiny, fresh North Sea herring with silver-glinting skin.

North Sea herring

North Sea herring is a pelagic shoal fish found in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat. There are autumn, winter and spring spawning herring in the area, but the autumn spawning North Sea herring dominates.

HI 033147

Norwegian spring-spawning herring

The herring is a pelagic fish inhabiting the upper water masses. Norwegian spring-spawning herring (NSSH) belongs to the Atlanto-Scandian herring together with Icelandic summer-spawning and Icelandic spring-spawning herring.

Picture of beneath sea star

Sea stars – Asteroidea

Sea stars belong to the echinoderms, together with the brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and sea lilies.

Raja clavata 20 11 2013 4


Skates and rays are bottom-dwelling cartilaginous fishes. They are often found in shallow waters, but some species occur at great depths. As the name implies, they have a cartilaginous skeleton, a characteristic they share with sharks and chimaeras.

Orange and red lobster on sand-floor

Norway lobster

The Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) occurs in the Western Mediterranean Sea and in the Northeast Atlantic from Morocco to Lofoten.

roundnose grenadier

Roundnose grenadier

Roundnose grenadier belongs to the Macrouridae family, which is part of the Gadiformes order (the same order as codfish). It has a blunt body shape with a long, pointed tail; large eyes, and strong scales covering its entire body.

Scyliorhinus canicula 10 06 (1)

Small-spotted catshark

The small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) is one of two catsharks found in Norwegian waters. This little bottom-dwelling shark has a very characteristic shape and colouration, being covered in small, dark spots.

Close-up of Snow-crab on white surface.

Snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio)

Snow crab are found in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans. In the North Atlantic, they are found from Greenland in the northeast Atlantic and from southern Labrador of the Gulf of Maine in the northwest Atlantic. 

Three ocas diving over water.

Killer whale

The killer whale is the largest species in the dolphin family (Delphinidae). With its high dorsal fin and its clear pattern with its white abdomen, a white spot behind the eye and a grey saddle patch on an otherwise black body, the killer whale is easily recognisable.

white-beaked dolphin pack


Many of the species of the dolphin family are similar to each other, also in behaviour, as for example the white-beaked dolphin and the Atlantic white-sided dolphin. They can be difficult to tell apart when you don't have them up close.

Harbour seal laying on rocks

Harbour seals

Harbour and grey seals are known as coastal seals in Norway. They occur in colonies distributed along the coast and they complete their entire life cycle in coastal waters.

Pacific oyster with black details and european flat oyster, white on the edges

Pacific oyster

The Pacific oyster is easily differentiated from the indigenous European flat oyster by its shape and shell structure. The European flat oyster has a rounded flat shell with a fine, “flaky” surface. The Pacific oyster is usually longer, has a cupped lower shell and a rough surface, often with radial brownish or violet lines.

Small school of fish with stripes on their backs.

Atlantic Bonito

The Atlantic bonito is a mackerel-like fish in the Scombrid family. It can reach 5 years in age, 90 cm in length and weigh 11 kg. The bonito is characterized with their dark blue with black lines extending from its dorsal fin down and forward to its abdomen.

a velvet belly lanternshark

Velvet belly lanternshark

Several shark species are found in Norwegian waters. The most common are spurdog, velvet belly lanternshark, blackmouth catshark, Greenland shark, porbeagle and basking shark. The velvet belly lanternshark is the smallest shark in Norwegian waters, but among the most abundant.

A big edible crab on a white surface.

Edible crab

The edible crab (brown crab) is an important commercial species with a wide distribution, ranging from Northern Norway to the coast of Morocco and the Mediterranean in the south.

NEA cod

Cod – Northeast Arctic

Cod is a predatory fish and mainly a demersal fish, but in the Barents Sea it is also to a large extent distributed in the pelagic water masses during some parts of the year. 

Two atlantic cods between rocks

Atlantic cod - North Sea, Skagerrak and the Eastern English Channel

Cod in the North Sea is relatively local, but recent work has shown that multiple local populations can be identified in relation to spawning grounds, migratory behaviour and genetic identity.


HI 042186

Costal cod - north of the 62 latitude

Cod living in coastal areas and fjords is called coastal cod. On the long Norwegian coastline there are numerous local cod stocks.

Multiple redfish swimming.


There are several species of redfish in Norwegian waters. Golden redfish (Sebastes norvegicus), deep-sea redfish (Sebastes mentella) and Norway redfish (Sebastes viviparus). In addition, there is a separate population of beaked redfish in the Irminger Sea. This is composed of two pelagic populations that, with a certain overlap, are largely separated at depths. 

common minke whale at the surface

Minke whale

Common minke whales reach up to 10 metres in length. The females are slightly longer than the males. The common minke whales in the northern hemisphere have dark backs with a lighter, almost whitish abdomen. The pectoral fin has a clear white band. They have whitish baleen.

Brown trout with very green back, and black dots

Brown trout

Brown trout (Salmo trutta) is a species in the salmon family (Salmonidae) and has a wide natural distribution. This is the only trout species in Norway, and different populations of brown trout may occur in fresh water and salt water.

HI 017743

Norway pout

Norway pout is a small, short-lived fish species in the cod family (Gadidae) that lives at depths ranging from 50–250 meters.

Eel swimming above seafloor


The Anguillidae family of freshwater eels is comprised of approximately 19 different species around the world.