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Joint Norwegian-Russian monitoring of 0-group fish on autumn surveys in the Barents Sea, 1965-2023

Author(s): Elena Eriksen , Hein Rune Skjoldal (IMR), Dmitry Prozorkevich (VNIRO-PINRO) and Harald Gjøsæter (IMR)

1 - Introduction

A joint Norwegian-Russian survey of 0-group fish (here defined as fish hatched earlier in the same calendar year) in the Barents Sea was started in September 1965 with the motivation to provide initial information on year class strength of commercially important fish stocks (ICES 1965, Eriksen and Prozorkevich 2011). The survey initially used echosounders to record 0-group fish combined with trawl sampling to identify the composition of the acoustic backscatter (Dragesund and Olsen 1965). The joint 0-group survey was continued the following years with participation also by the United Kingdom from 1966 to 1976. Intercalibration of the echosounders was done before the start of the survey to improve comparability of results obtained by different research vessels (Dragesund 1970, Dragesund et al. 2008).

The acoustic information was used in a semiquantitative manner by classifying the echo-sounder paper recordings into 5 categories from no (0) to very dense (4) recordings (Dragesund et al. 2008). The number of fish caught in supporting trawl catches was additionally used to distinguish between scattered and dense concentrations on distribution maps (Haug and Nakken 1977). While trawling in the first period was guided by the echo-sounder results, ICES advised in 1980 on a standardized trawling procedure (stepwise in the upper 60 m; see later section) which has been followed from 1981 onwards. At the same time, the 0-group survey shifted from a combined acoustic-trawl survey to a standardized trawl survey (Dragesund et al. 2008, Eriksen and Prozorkevich 2011). From 1981 onwards, all vessles have used the same type of trawl, a fine-meshed commercial trawl (‘Harstad’) designed to catch capelin (Nakken and Raknes 1996, Dragesund et al. 2008). This trawl has a rectangular opening of about 20 by 20 m.

The results from the survey have been calculated and expressed as a set of 0-group fish abundance indices of the main commercial species of fish found in the Barents Sea (Dingsør 2005, Eriksen et al. 2009, Eriksen and Prozorkevich 2011). The abundance values have also been converted to 0-group fish biomass by multiplying numbers with mean weight of the 0-group fish that are recorded routinely during the surveys (Eriksen et al. 2011, 2017b).

0-group fish play dual roles in the ecosystem. They are the recruiting life stages of fish stocks that are of great ecological and economic importance, and variation in recruitment, as reflected at the 0-group stage, plays large roles for the dynamics of the fish stocks as well as the wider ecosystem through trophic interactions. In addition, the 0-group fish are planktonivorous and constitute a substantial component among the pelagic fish in the ecosystem. This is the case not only for true pelagic species, such as capelin and herring, but also for demersal species, such as cod and haddock, before they settle to near the seafloor later in autumn.

Time series of 0-group abundance and biomass have been used in descriptions and analyses of the Barents Sea ecosystem (e.g. Eriksen et al. 2017, ICES WGIBAR 2018). We are currently expanding these analyses to address in more detail the roles of 0-group fish in relation to recruitment variability and stock dynamics of major fish species, and for the structure and energy flow in food webs of the Barents Sea ecosystem. In the project ‘Trophic Interactions in the Barents Sea: steps towards Integrated Ecosystem Assessment’ (TIBIA) and ICES working group “Integrated ecosystem assessment in the Barents Sea” (WGIBAR), we were using a subdivision of the Barents Sea into 15 subregions (polygons) (Fig. 1). We are using this subdivision (but with 13 polygons only due to lack of coverage in two northeastern polygons) to provide spatially resolved estimates of biomass of major ecosystem components, such as zooplankton, benthos, and fish, including 0-group.


Map showing subdivision of the Barents Sea.
Figure 1. Map showing subdivision of the Barents Sea into 15 WGIBAR-subareas (regions) used to calculate estimates of 0-group abundance based on the Barents Sea autumn surveys (including the Barents Sea ecosystem survey (BESS) since 2004).


In this communication, we provide an updated overview of the joint Norwegian-Russian 0-group investigations in the Barents Sea. We describe the procedures of sampling, analyses, and calculation of results, and discuss associated sources of error. One particular source of error with trawl sampling of small fish is the catchability: to what extent do the 0-group fish escape through the meshes of the trawl as function of fish length, what are the roles of herding, and how is low and variable catchability corrected for (Eriksen et al. 2009). We have used the TIBIA/WGIBAR subdivision to provide spatially resolved estimates of 0-group abundance of major species of fish collected in the 0-group survey. The new abundance estimates by TIBIA polygons are compared with the previous set of abundance indices as reported by Eriksen et al. (2009) and Eriksen and Prozorkevitch (2011). Eriksen and Prozorkevitch (2011) provided distribution maps of four species of fish (capelin, herring, cod and haddock) for each year from 1980 to 2008. Here we provide a new and updated set of distribution maps from 1980 to 2023 for the same 4 species as well as for polar cod and redfish ( Sebastes spp.) (included here in part 7. Spatial distribution). We consider the spatial and temporal coverage of the surveys and note years where incomplete coverage or timing could have influenced the results (Part 6. Survey area and coverage).

2 - Development of the 0-group monitoring

2.1 - From acoustics to trawl-based survey

The international 0-group survey in the Barents Sea shifted from an acoustic survey, where trawling was used to identify the species of 0-group fish in the acoustic layers, to a standardized trawl survey where acoustic records are used mainly to guide sampling (e.g. add extra steps in the vertical if acoustic records suggest that 0-group fish are distributed below 60 m depth) (Dragesund et al. 2008). A study performed in autumn 1963 on abundance and distribution of 0-group fish from acoustic records in the Barents Sea, suggested that it would be feasible to carry out an 0-group survey in autumn based on acoustic methodology (Dragesund and Olsen 1965). At this time, it was known that 0-group fish were abundant in the surface layers of the Barents Sea, stemming from spawning at ‘up-stream’ spawning grounds further south. An echo integrator had also been constructed, which facilitated the treatment of the acoustic recordings (Dragesund et al. 2008). Based on the initial investigation in 1963, and follow-up studies in 1964, it was decided to start a joint international 0-group survey in autumn 1965. The results and experiences from the first four years of the survey (1965-1968) were reported as an ICES publication in 1970 (Dragesund 1970).

The feasibility of an acoustic survey of 0-group fish in the Barents Sea was at the time considered positively, being an early and inspirational case of the general development of fisheries acoustics, where abundance of fish is estimated from acoustic records combined with trawl catches to help identify the acoustic scatterers and allocate the acoustic signals among them (Dragesund et al. 2008). However, it became apparent that use of the acoustic method for 0-group fish was a challenge due to the commonly mixed occurrences of the different species as well as abundant presence of other scatterers such as krill and jellyfishes, as well as 1-group capelin. This led to a shift in emphasis from acoustics to trawling as the basis for the survey.

2.2 - Standardized trawling procedure

The “Harstad” trawl is designed to capture small fish and has been the standard equipment since around 1980 for the 0-group fish survey, the capelin survey, and later the ecosystem survey (Anon. 1980, Eriksen and Gjøsæter 2013). In the first years of the survey, pelagic trawl hauls were taken frequently, usually no more than 40 nautical miles (nm) apart, targeting acoustic scattering layers to help identify and quantify the contribution by 0-group fish (Dragesund et al. 2008). In addition, some trawl hauls in the surface layer were also taken in areas where there were no clear acoustic records of 0-group fish. Based on advice from ICES, a new trawling procedure was introduced in 1980. This has since been the standard trawling procedure where the trawl is operated in steps with the headline at 0 m, 20 m and 40 m. With a nominal trawl opening of 20x20 m, this provides an integrated sample from the upper 60 m of the water column. The trawling procedure prescribes a towing speed of 3 knots and a tow distance of 0.5 nm for each depth interval (Fig. 2). Additional tows with the headline at 60 and 80 m, and with distance of 0.5 nm, were made when dense concentration was recorded deeper than 60 m on the echo-sounder.


Schematic representation of a pelagic trawling trawling (standard 0-group trawling)
Figure 2. Schematic representation of a pelagic trawling (standard 0-group trawling), indicating three depth steps with headlines at surface (0 m), 20 m and 40 m. With a theoretic trawl opening of 20x20m, this provides an integrated sampling over the upper 60m water column .


Standardization has been an important aspect of the joint 0-group survey in the Barents Sea since its beginning in 1965. The same echo sounders were used on Norwegian and Soviet/Russian vessels in the early years, and inter-ship acoustic calibrations were carried out by comparing results from the same areas (Dragesund et al. 2008). The survey has been a large-scale, multi-ship operation with 3-6 vessels taking part annually. The vessels used in the first years were built as side-trawlers, being gradually replaced between 1970 and 1979 with larger stern-trawlers, better equipped and capable of operating larger trawls (Dragesund et al. 2008). From 1980 all participating vessels have used the same small-meshed sampling ‘standard’ trawl – the ‘Harstad’ trawl. This trawl is constructed with seven panels, with mesh size (un-stretched) decreasing from 100 mm in the first (front) panel to 30 mm in the last panel and 8 mm in a codend (Godø et al. 1993). While the trawl is considered standard and has been used on both Norwegian and Russian vessels, there have been adaptations and differences in rigging due to the Norwegian vessels initiated towing at the surface and the Russian vessels initiated towing at depth.

2.3 - Sample processing and analyses

When the trawl comes on deck, the trawl is shaken well, to allow for fish adhering to the trawl meshes to fall back into the trawl cod end or to the deck. This is to ensure that the calculated biomass and numbers of individuals are as accurate as possible, and to avoid fish from earlier hauls contaminating later samples. The problem of fish being trapped between trawl meshes is greatest at stations with a lot of 0-group capelin. The part of the catch that falls to the deck, usually in poor condition, is collected and processed separately. The sample from the deck is identified to species and weighed per species. The weight of the deck sample is added to the rest of the sample on a species basis to give the total sample weight for each species.

Catch processing in the fish laboratory starts with all jellyfish and larger fish (such as lumpfish) being sorted out to make the rest easier to handle. Jellyfish and larger fish are weighed separately. Sometimes it is necessary to remove excess of water so that the sample weight is affected as little as possible by the water. In the case of large catches, a sub-sample is taken. When sub-sampling, a conversion factor is used to calculate the total weight of all groups in the catch. A factor is calculated as the total weight divided by the sub-sample weight. The samples from the trawl are processed immediately after the catch is removed from the trawl. 0-group fish of different species, as well as other components of the catch (e.g. krill and pelagically distributed small non-commercial fishes), are sorted into groups that are weighed separately. The total weight of the catch is determined as the sum weight of the components. The extra variance introduced by subsampling has not been studied formally but is believed to be low compared to the high variance associated with the trawl samples of 0-group fish.

The 0-group fish are determined to the species level, while some of the small non-commercial species (families Agonidae, Stichaeidae, Cottidae and Myctophidae) could be determined to genus or family level (due to taxonomic difficulties, available expertise, and time constraint). Before 2014, 100 individuals of each species/group (if available) were weighed and separately length measured (to nearest mm on Norwegian and 0.5 mm on Russian vessels). The length sample weight and total catch weight are used to calculate the total number of fish caught. From 2014, the number of fish that were length measured was reduced to 30 individuals (based on statistical considerations described in Pennington and Helle, 2013).

3 - Calculation of abundance indices and quality control of databases

Various ways of calculating abundance indices have been used during the history of the survey. In the early years of the survey, from 1965, the echo abundance was subjectively evaluated from the paper recordings (echograms) on a scale from 0 to 4 (0 - no recording, 1 - very scattered, 2 - scattered, 3 - dense, 4 - very dense). This information was then used during the first 6 years (1965-1970) to classify year-class strength as poor, average, or strong by expert judgement (Dragesund et al. 2008).

3.1 - Area index

The acoustic information was subsequently used to construct a quantitative (or semi-quantitative) abundance index, the so-called area index (Haug and Nakken 1977). Maps of distribution of various 0-group species had been prepared for the annual reports based on the 0 - 4 scale visual grading of paper echograms, guided by results on the 0-group fish counts in the supporting trawl hauls. Classification of the acoustic records was done for every nautical mile sailed along survey lines, with three density grades used to plot the results onto maps: absent, scattered, and dense (Dragesund et al. 2008). Haug and Nakken (1977) established empirical relationships between trawl catches and the 4 density grades (very scattered, scattered, dense, very dense). They noted some inconsistencies in the grading between vessels and years, and established criteria in terms of number of fishes per haul to help standardize the distinction between scattered and dense records of 0-group fish of four species (cod, capelin, redfish, and polar cod).

Haug and Nakken (1977) used the criteria to draw new distribution maps for the four species of 0-group fish for the years 1965-1972. The area index was calculated as the sum of the integrated area on the map with low abundance (scattered), plus the area with high abundance (dense) multiplied by factor 10. This factor was an approximation based on the empirical data (Haug and Nakken 1977). The area index was calculated for six species (cod, capelin, haddock, redfish, polar cod, and long rough dab) for the years 1965-1972. Average index values were used to reclassify year-class strength in each year in this (relatively short) period as average, poor, or strong (Haug and Nakken 1977).

The area index was calculated in subsequent years as one of two methods (the other was the logarithmic index; see below) used to produce time series from the 0-group survey (Dragesund et al. 2008). It became apparent that the area index had shown an increasing trend from 1965 until the early 1990s. Nakken and Raknes (1996) provided a correction to the area index time series by assuming that capture efficiency had increased proportional to the size of the trawls (trawl opening (“mouth”) area) used in the survey. They used the arithmetic mean trawl opening for the survey participating vessels (and trawls) each year, which they considered a rough approximation since differences in geography and catches among the vessels were not taken into account (which would have required much work). The correction represented more than a doubling of the area index values between 1970 and 1984 (Nakken and Raknes 1996). Nakken and Raknes (1996) also attempted an alternative method for correction, using the trend in the sum of index values for cod, haddock and redfish as an expression for the trend in overall capture efficiency. However, this depended strongly on an increasing trend for redfish, and it was uncertain how much of this increase was due to increased capture efficiency.

The corrected area index time series was updated annually and reported in the annual report from the 0-group survey to ICES. Nakken and Raknes (1996) provided corrections for cod, haddock, and redfish. Subsequently, similar corrections were made for Greenland halibut, long rough dab, and polar cod. The area index for herring was calculated by Toresen (1985) for the period 1965-1984. Dragesund et al. (2008) provided a graphical representation (in their Fig. 6.6, page 127) of the area indices for the 1965-2000 period for 7 species of 0-group fish (cod, haddock, herring, redfish, capelin, and polar cod,) (based on ICES 2003).

3.2 - Logarithmic index

The logarithmic index was developed by Randa (1984). The catch in numbers of 0-group fish at each station was log-transformed (natural logarithm, ln), and mean densities (catch rates per nautical mile) were calculated for 17 strata (geographical areas) of the 0-group survey area in the Barents Sea. The overall abundance index for a species was then calculated as the area-weighted mean logarithmic abundance, adjusted for the proportion of hauls with no catch. The method is based on the log-normal theory, and it allows confidence intervals to be calculated based on normal theory (Randa 1984). Randa (1982) showed that log-transformation normalized the catch data for 0-group cod (for the 1965-1979 period).

Randa (1984) took into account the different trawls used in the early years of the joint 0-group survey by estimating ‘relative fishing power’ (relative to R/V “G.O. Sars”, 1971-1979) for each of the participating vessels.

The logarithmic index was calculated by Randa (1984) for cod and haddock, and by Toresen (1985) for herring. These indices were updated and included in the annual reports to ICES from the joint 0-group survey.

The logarithmic index was further developed as one of two alternative indices by Dingsør (2005; the other was an arithmetic index based on stratified sample mean; see below), which he called the ‘Pennington estimator’ (Pennington 1996). While the 0-group data largely follow a log-normal distribution, they usually have many low values close to zero which may bias log-normal-based estimators. A cut level for low values (set at 20 % of the average abundance density in each stratum) was used to reduce the bias from low values and achieve better fit to log-normal distribution for the remaining values above the cut level (Folmer and Pennington 2000). Dingsør (2005) calculated time series of the logarithmic ‘Pennington estimator’ (with standard errors) for cod, haddock, capelin, redfish, and herring for the years 1980-2002. The index was calculated both with and without correction for capture efficiency (see section ‘Capture efficiency’) for cod and haddock. Dingsør (2005) compared the ‘Pennington estimator’ index with the old area index and the previous logarithmic index. He found similar trends but also some discrepancies, notably for some of the species in the 1980s (see Figs 4 and 5 in Dingsør 2005).

Dingsør (2005) recommended using the ‘Pennington estimator’ as the most appropriate method and new standard for presenting 0-group abundance indices in the Barents Sea. However, the arithmetic abundance index based on the ‘stratified sample mean’ method turned out to be the preferred index for routine use. With the start of the joint ecosystem survey (where the 0-group survey became an integral part) in 2004, the arithmetic (total abundance) index was used, and the logarithmic index was no longer calculated after 2004.

3.3 - Total abundance indices

At the transition to the joint ecosystem survey in 2004, a new abundance index was developed by Gjert E. Dingsør and Dmitry Prozorkevich and used for the 0-group results from the survey in 2004 (Anon. 2005, Dingsør 2005). The index was based on a stratified sample mean estimator, reflecting the mean areal density of 0-group fish in the survey area. The density of fish in length groups (number of fish per nm2 ) was calculated for each trawl station, and mean density was calculated for each of 23 strata of the total survey area of the Barents Sea (Fig. 3; Dingsør (2005) used a division into only 4 larger strata). The stratified sample mean estimator of abundance was then calculated as the overall mean density of 0-group fish, by weighting the strata means by the proportion of the survey area in each stratum. The area covered with survey stations within each stratum was determined using GIS software.

The 23 0-group strata were combined into larger areas (north-western, northern, western, central, eastern and coastal; Fig. 3) used in Eriksen at al. 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2014. Later, in the project TIBIA, the Barents Sea was divided into 15 subareas (polygons, see Fig. 1). The division is based on topography and oceanography and is a modification (with some subdivision) of the system used by Eriksen et al. (2017) in a summary analysis of distribution of pelagic biomasses in the Barents Sea. At the ICES WGIBAR meeting in 2018 (ICES WGIBAR 2018), the division of the Barents Sea into 15 polygons was presented and adopted for use in reporting status and changes in the ecosystem.


The Barents Sea 0-group strata system
Figure 3. The Barents Sea 0-group strata system, consisting of 23 strata shown in different colours. 0-group survey coverage area is shown by dots at 0-group strata system. The 23 strata have been used for compilation of data in Barents Sea fish stock assessments.


The stratified sample mean estimator was expressed as a total abundance index by using the total area covered in the survey (sum of polygon mean density of fish, per nm2, multiplied by polygons coverage in nm2 ). The total abundance index was calculated both without and with length correction for low capture efficiency for small fish (see section ‘Capture efficiency’). These two sets of indices (corrected and non-corrected) were calculated back to 1980 for capelin, cod, haddock, herring, saithe, and polar cod, as were uncorrected values for redfish, Greenland halibut, and long rough dab (Tables 2.2 and 2.3 in Anon. 2005). The new total abundance index is calculated with variance and confidence intervals based on the variation in 0-group abundance among sampling stations. At the time it was agreed that the new total abundance index without correction would be the ‘official’ one, while the corrected index was ‘additional’.

Dingsør (2005) showed that the stratified sample mean estimator corresponded closely to the log-normal based ‘Pennington estimator’, with both showing similar temporal patterns from 1980 to 2002 (for cod, haddock, capelin, herring and redfish; see his Table 2).

The total abundance index was used for 0-group data for the next years of the ecosystem survey with some adjustments of the time series (in 2005 and 2007). The former logarithmic index was discontinued in 2005, while the old area index former reported in parallel to the new set of indices (total abundance, corrected and uncorrected) until (and including) 2007 when it also was discontinued.

An ‘overhaul’ of the total abundance index was done in 2009. It had become apparent that there were many mistakes and errors in the data (e.g., punching errors when data were transferred from paper sampling sheets to the computer), and inconsistencies between the data held in data bases of the two institutions conducting the surveys (IMR and PINRO). A major effort was therefore made over a three-year period to check the quality of the data, using cruise logbooks and original data records dating back to 1980.

New sets of total abundance indices based on the quality assured data were calculated and reported by Eriksen et al. (2009). This work included indices corrected for capture efficiency and uncorrected indices for cod, haddock, capelin, herring, saithe, and polar cod, and uncorrected indices for redfish, Greenland halibut, and long rough dab, from 1980 onwards (see Table 2 in Eriksen et al. 2009). The corrections were from slight to substantial in some cases (species and years). However, the broad temporal patterns and trends in 0-group year-class strength did not change much, reflecting that the amplitude of changes in abundance was generally much larger than the corrections (Eriksen et al. 2009). The estimation was carried out in SAS software and the indices of fish abundance for the 0-group are presented in part 9.1.

Eriksen et al. (2009) showed that the revised set of total abundance indices were positively correlated with the old area index for cod, haddock, capelin, and herring (r = 0.80-0.89). The abundance indices were also positively correlated with estimated abundances of the year classes as 1-group for capelin (r = 0.81-0.82), and 3-year old for haddock (r = 0.43-0.49).

Abundance and biomass estimates were calculated by different software during the last four decades: SAS (for the new 23 fisheries subareas, 1980-2017, 0-group strata and WGIBAR polygons ) and MatLab (for the new 15 WGIBAR- polygons ( for the period between 1980 and 2018, ICES WGIBAR 2018) and R (for the new 15 WGIBAR-subareas (2003-202 3 ). Due to software upgrading (which led to challenges with script running in SAS) and personal resource limitation (MatLab), it was decided to develop R-scripts (R core Team, 2023) for estimation of abundance and biomass indices. Two data sets (abundance and biomass indices calculated by R and SAS) were analyzed for similarities and were found to be highly significantly correlated (for capelin r=0.95, cod r=0.99, haddock r=0.94, herring r=0.98 and polar cod r=0.94).

During development of R scripts for abundance and biomass estimation, some errors in the IMR database were detected, that most likely occurred when all historical data were converted from an old to the new "Biotic" format. Apparently, some algorithms failed, which created duplicate rows of existing fish observations and recalculated total weight or abundance. A new quality check was carried out on the data in the new data format, which was corrected back to 2004. The older data (1980-2003) in the IMR database. have not been checked and corrected, and it is uncertain how many errors there are in this part. We note that the data compiled and used in this report were extracted from the database at an earlier stage and are not affected by these errors.

The last “official” updated time series of the abundance and biomass of the 0-group fish are reported in the BESS report 2023 (available at https://www.hi.no/hi/nettrapporter/imr-pinro-en-2024-2) and in Part 9.4 of this report.

4 - Capture efficiency

Small juvenile fish, especially herring, pass through the meshes of the first panels of the Harstad trawl. This gives a low capture efficiency of the trawl when catch is referenced to the mouth opening of the trawl (Godø et al. 1993). The effect is inevitable due to the low maximum swimming speed of small 0-group fish relative to the mesh size and speed of the trawl. This was clearly demonstrated in experiments in the early 1990s, comparing catches of 0-group fish in the standard trawl with catches obtained with a specially designed 0-group trawl with finer meshes (Godø et al. 1993, Hylen et al. 1995).

The experimental trawl was smaller with mouth opening of 30 m2 (compared to 300 m2 for the standard trawl for a specific configuration of 20 m x 15 m), and mesh size decreased from 200 mm in the front panel to 10 mm in the cod end (Godø et al. 1993, Valdemarsen and Misund 1995). Experiments comparing the standard trawl and the experimental trawl were done in the Barents Sea in August 1991 (Godø et al. 1993), and during the 0-group survey in August/September 1992 and 1993 (Hylen et al. 1995). Both studies gave consistent results, with sampling efficiency (comparing density of 0-group fish in numbers per nm2 ) around 3-4 times higher for the experimental trawl compared to the standard trawl for 0-group cod and haddock. Furthermore, there was a clear size selection, where juveniles smaller than 5 cm were captured to very low extent with the standard trawl (Godø et al. 1993). The capture efficiency was strongly size-dependent, increasing from around 10 % for 5 cm long juveniles to nearly 100 % for 10-cm long fish for the standard trawl relative to the experimental trawl (Hylen et al. 1995). For even larger juveniles (>10 cm), there were evidence that they were more effectively captured with the standard trawl, suggesting that they were either herded into the larger trawl or having some avoidance of the smaller experimental trawl (Godø et al. 1993, Hylen et al. 1995).

In addition to a size effect, Hylen et al. (1995) found indication of a considerable effect of density of 0-group fish on capture efficiency. Using acoustic recordings as reference, they found a clear and significant positive effect of fish density (as reflected in trawl catches) on capture efficiency (trawl catch relative to acoustically recorded density). Hylen et al. (1995) explained this relationship by density-dependent herding, with increasing degree of herding (either in front of or inside the trawl) with increasing density of fish.

Mamylov (1999) developed a theoretic model of capture efficiency by trawl. The model assumed that the lowest capture efficiency for small fish (4.5 cm and 12.5cm) was equal to the ratio between the cross-sectional area of the cod-end and the mouth opening of the trawl, which he set at 0.1, corresponding to a maximum correction factor of 10. He assumed the capture efficiency of large 0-group fish was equal to 1, i.e. all fish that passed the mouth opening were collected in the cod-end. The equation is Keff = 31.177*exp (-0.2708*L) and illustrated graphically in Figure 4.

Later, PINRO carried out several investigations, and of 1205 analysed trawl catches, 131 trawl catches were selected in which mainly one species was present (Mamylov 2004, Prozorkevich 2010, 2012). The trawl catches in terms of numbers and size of 0-group fish were converted (using target strength relationship) and expressed in units of acoustic backscattering. The acoustic data were scrutinized, and selected portions of the data were regressed against the trawl data expressed in the same units. The equations give very high factors for fish smaller than 4 cm (because of linear extrapolation), and therefore the maximum Keff (gadoids=8, herring =30 and capelin =4) was used for these small fish. The results from these experiments were close to the theoretical model, but they varied between species.

The correction curve for herring is very different, being much steeper than the lines for gadoids and capelin shown in Figure 4. For juvenile herring <6 cm long, the correction factor is higher than 10 (30 at 4 cm length), which is a theoretical maximum. For juvenile herring >10 cm, the correction factor is <1, corresponding to capture efficiency >1 (>100 %). This would imply active herding by doors and bridles in front of the trawl. While this cannot be ruled out, the very low capture efficiency in the low end, and the high capture efficiency in the high end, suggest that the steepness of the herring curve may be an artefact.


Correction factors (Keff) for capture efficiency as a function of length (L in cm) of 0-group fish on log scale.
Figure 4. Correction factors (Keff) for capture efficiency as a function of length (L in cm) of 0-group fish on log scale. The equation from theoretic model is Keff = 31.177*exp(-0.2708*L) (Mamylov 1999). The equations for capelin (Keff = 7.2075*exp(-0.1688*L), gadoids (Keff = 17.065*exp(-0.1932*L), and herring (Keff = 357.23*exp(-0.6007*L) are from Prozorkevich (2012).


Hylen et al. (1995) provided similar empirical relationships for capture efficiency and correction factors for cod and haddock, using the experimental trawl as a reference for the catches obtained with the standard trawl. The relations from Hylen et al. (1995) have been plotted in Figure 5 using equations (2 and 3) from Dingsør (2005). The lines for cod and haddock are curvilinear on this log-scale plot because the equation is of a different form (declines exponentially to 1 rather than to zero). Apart from this, the line for cod from Hylen et al. (1995) is very similar to the Mamylov line. The haddock line is also close to the Mamylov line for fish in the size range from 8.5 to 13 cm. The haddock line swings upwards at low fish length, to values over 10 for fish <7 cm; again, this is possibly an artefact due to large variation in the underlying data (see Hylen et al. 1995, their tables 3 and 6).


Correction factors (Keff) for capture efficiency as a function of length (L - cm) of 0-group cod and haddock
Figure 5. Correction factors (Keff) for capture efficiency as a function of length (L - cm) of 0-group cod and haddock from Hylen et al. (1995) with equations from Dingsør (2005): cod - Keff = 1 + exp(4.158-0.422*L), haddock - Keff = 1 + exp(8.031-0.838*L). The relation from Mamylov (2004) is the same as in Figure 4.


The correction factors for gadoids, capelin and herring in Fig. 4 were used to correct the total abundance indices from the 0-group survey by Dingsør (2005) and Eriksen et al. (2009). Corrections were done for cod, haddock, saithe, and polar cod using the equation for gadoids, and for capelin and herring with their respective equations. The time series of abundance of 0-group fish of redfish, Greenland halibut, and long rough dab were not corrected, and uncorrected indices were used by Eriksen et al. (2009). The corrected abundance time series were used by Eriksen et al. (2011, 2017) where abundance was converted to biomass of 0-group fish.

In 2013-2016, several experiments were performed to study escapement of 0-group fish through the trawl panels and clogging of 0-group fish (BESS reports for 2013-2016, available at https://www.hi.no/hi/nettrapporter?y=2024&query=&serie=imr-pinro&fast_serie= ) with the aim to develop a new 0-group fish trawl. The trawl is designed to obtain constant trawl geometry independent of warp length and to obtain reduced clogging and escapement compared to the standard Harstad trawl. Unfortunately, the newly developed 0-group trawl with fine inner nets and constant opening was too heavy to be towed by the old Russian vessel. It was therefore decided that, for the time being, the Harstad trawl would be used as the standard trawl on all vessels participating in the BESS.

5 - Vertical distribution

The timing and general design of the 0-group fish survey is to allow sampling of the 0-group part of populations of the different species while they still are in the upper pelagic zone. The early studies that used acoustic recordings, showed that the 0-group fishes were generally distributed in the upper 60 m water layer in early autumn, where they are feeding on zooplankton. This observation was the basis for the standard trawling procedure with three steps covering the 0-60 m depth interval (Fig. 2). The procedure is also to include one or two additional deeper steps (to 80 or 100 m) if the acoustic records show deeper distribution of 0-group fish.

There is little information in the literature about when cod change from pelagic life-stage to a demersal life-stage in the Barents Sea. Several studies from other areas have shown that there is no clear relationship between fish age (in days) and fish length (in mm), and that fish of similar length settle at different times (Hussy et al. 2003; Anon. 2009). Boitsov et al. (1996) found that the transition (settlement) is a rather long process that occurs in September-October in the Spitsbergen area and in October-November in the southern Barents Sea. The settlement of cod and their food items occurs gradually and it is likely to be connected with a convection mixing of water layers and deepening of the thermocline layer (Ozhigin et al. 1999). It is assumed that haddock follows a similar pattern to cod, with the transition occurring gradually during the autumn (Dingsør 2005; Anon. 2006, 2009).

When the 0-group survey became a part of the ecosystem survey (in 2004), bottom trawl samples were also taken. Some 0-group cod were collected by the bottom trawl indicating most likely cod settlement, although ‘contamination’ by 0-group cod from the water column when the bottom trawl was retrieved may also have contributed to the catch. The data indicated varied settlement pattern between years and areas. Prozorkevich and Eriksen (2013) examined 0-group cod distribution based on pelagic and bottom trawl for the years 2005-2012 (Figure 6). They found that numbers of cod taken by demersal trawl were generally low, varying between 0.2 and 1.1%, suggesting that the settled part of the 0-group of cod population is too small to influence 0-group abundance indices markedly. The study suggested that there was no strong relationship between fish settlement and year class strength. However, during some of the most recent years, 0-group fish, notably cod, haddock and capelin, were found to be abundant in the 100-150 m depth layer possibly reflecting early descent from the upper pelagic layer.


0-group catches of cod taken by pelagic (red) and bottom (blue) trawl in 2005-2012.
Figure 6. 0-group catches of cod taken by pelagic (red) and bottom (blue) trawl in 2005-2012. Higher demersal records than pelagic records at ecosystem survey stations may indicate cod settlement (Figure 4 in Prozorkevich and Eriksen 2013).


6 - Survey area and coverage

0-group fish of the different commercial species, taken together, occupy much of the area of the Barents Sea. Capelin and cod are most widely distributed, haddock and redfish are distributed mainly in the western and central areas, herring in the southern, central and western areas, while polar cod is distributed in the eastern and northern Barents Sea (see maps in Part 7).

The survey area has included the western, southern, and central Barents Sea during the whole survey period. The survey has been operated with 4-6 research vessels each year (Table 1). The vessels have covered different parts of the surveyed area, and cruise lines with sampling stations have been planned so that sampling effort is spread out more or less evenly over the survey area. One reason for this is the aim to monitor distribution and abundance of 0-group fish of several species that have different distribution patterns. The 0-group investigations have also been integrated with other survey elements, into what was called multi-species surveys from the late 1980s, and ecosystem survey from 2004 (Eriksen et al. 2018). Due to the many different purposes of the cruises, a stratified sampling design with higher effort in core areas of 0-group distribution and lower effort elsewhere, has not been used. The distance between trawl stations was about 30 miles until 1994 and 35 miles thereafter (Eriksen et al. 2018).

Year Vessel name Start of the survey End of the survey
1965 Akademik Knipovich 03.09 17.09
1965 Jastreb 03.09 17.09
1965 Johan Hjort 03.09 17.09
1965 G.O. Sars 03.09 17.09
1966 Akademik Knipovich 27.08 10.09
1966 Fridtjof Nansen 27.08 10.09
1966 Johan Hjort 27.08 10.09
1966 G.O. Sars 27.08 10.09
1966 Ernest Holt 27.08 10.09
1967 Akademik Knipovich 24.08 09.09
1967 Fridtjof Nansen 24.08 09.09
1967 Johan Hjort 24.08 09.09
1967 G.O. Sars 24.08 09.09
1967 Ernest Holt 24.08 09.09
1968 Akademik Knipovich 25.08 09.09
1968 Fridtjof Nansen 25.08 09.09
1968 Johan Hjort 25.08 09.09
1968 G.O. Sars 25.08 09.09
1968 Ernest Holt 25.08 09.09
1969 Akademik Knipovich 24.08 07.09
1969 Fridtjof Nansen 24.08 07.09
1969 Johan Hjort 24.08 07.09
1969 G.O. Sars 24.08 07.09
1969 Ernest Holt 24.08 07.09
1970 Akademik Knipovich 23.08 11.09
1970 Fridtjof Nansen 23.08 11.09
1970 Johan Hjort 23.08 11.09
1970 G.O. Sars 23.08 11.09
1971 Akademik Knipovich 20.08 11.09
1971 Fridtjof Nansen 20.08 11.09
1971 G.O. Sars 20.08 11.09
1971 Johan Hjort 20.08 11.09
1971 Cirolana 20.08 11.09
1972 Akademik Knipovich 26.08 10.09
1972 Fridtjof Nansen 26.08 10.09
1972 Poisk 26.08 10.09
1972 Johan Hjort 26.08 10.09
1972 G.O. Sars 26.08 10.09
1973 Fridtjof Nansen 26.08 12.09
1973 Poisk 26.08 12.09
1973 Johan Hjort 26.08 12.09
1973 G.O. Sars 26.08 12.09
1973 Cirolana 26.08 12.09
1974 Akademik Knipovich 27.08 12.09
1974 Poisk 27.08 12.09
1974 G.O. Sars 27.08 12.09
1974 Havdrøn 27.08 12.09
1974 Cirolana 27.08 12.09
1975 Fridtjof Nansen 25.08 07.09
1975 Poisk 25.08 07.09
1975 Johan Hjort 25.08 07.09
1975 G.O. Sars 25.08 07.09
1975 Cirolana 25.08 07.09
1976 Odissey 25.08 07.09
1976 Fridtjof Nansen 25.08 07.09
1976 Johan Hjort 25.08 07.09
1976 G.O. Sars 25.08 07.09
1976 Cirolana 25.08 07.09
1977 G.O. Sars 22.08 11.09
1977 Johan Hjort 20.08 11.09
1977 Odissey 31.08 11.09
1977 Fridtjof Nansen 26.08 11.09
1977 Poisk 25.08 11.09
1978 G.O. Sars 25.08 10.09
1978 Johan Hjort 20.08 10.09
1978 Poisk 25.08 10.09
1978 Fridtjof Nansen 25.08 08.09
1979 Johan Hjort 26.08 14.09
1979 G.O. Sars 19.08 14.09
1979 Poisk 29.08 14.09
1979 Akhill 01.09 03.09
1980 Johan Hjort 16.08 07.09
1980 G.O. Sars 16.08 07.09
1980 Michael Sars 16.08 08.09
1980 Poisk 22.08 08.09
1981 Johan Hjort 21.08 05.09
1981 G.O. Sars 14.08 04.09
1981 Michael Sars 12.08 04.09
1981 Persey III 22.08 06.09
1981 Akhill 23.08 01.09
1982 Johan Hjort 18.08 05.09
1982 G.O. Sars 18.08 05.09
1982 Michael Sars 21.08 11.09
1982 Persey III 31.08 05.09
1982 Poisk 23.08 05.09
1982 Protsion 28.08 30.08
1982 Protsion 11.09 14.09
1983 Eldjarn 21.08 08.09
1983 G.O. Sars 21.08 05.09
1983 Michael Sars 21.08 05.09
1983 Persey III 22.08 05.09
1983 Poisk 24.08 03.09
1983 Alaid 20.08 26.08
1984 Eldjarn 12.08 05.09
1984 G.O. Sars 19.08 03.09
1984 Håkon Mosby 19.08 05.09
1984 Persey III 20.08 30.08
1984 Poisk 26.08 29.08
1984 Alaid 20.08 27.08
1984 Kokshaysk 27.08 02.09
1985 Eldjarn 19.08 04.09
1985 G.O. Sars 19.08 03.09
1985 Håkon Mosby 20.08 02.09
1985 Michael Sars 17.08 19.08
1985 Kokshaysk 23.08 02.09
1985 Vilnyus 25.08 01.09
1986 Eldjarn 20.08 04.09
1986 G.O. Sars 11.08 04.09
1986 Håkon Mosby 20.08 03.09
1986 Kokshaysk 21.08 01.09
1986 Vilnyus 20.08 02.09
1987 Eldjarn 17.08 03.09
1987 G.O. Sars 17.08 03.09
1987 Håkon Mosby 20.08 03.09
1987 Artemida 18.08 28.08
1987 Vilnyus 20.08 01.09
1988 Eldjarn 22.08 06.09
1988 G.O. Sars 22.08 07.09
1988 Håkon Mosby 20.08 03.09
1988 Artemida 21.08 02.09
1988 Professor Marty 26.08 04.09
1989 Eldjarn 22.08 11.09
1989 G.O. Sars 21.08 11.09
1989 Michael Sars 22.08 11.09
1989 Professor Marty 20.08 08.09
1989 PINRO 20.08 09.09
1990 Eldjarn 21.08 05.09
1990 G.O. Sars 21.08 05.09
1990 Michael Sars 16.08 05.09
1990 Professor Marty 16.08 04.09
1990 PINRO 20.08 04.09
1991 Johan Hjort 08.08 09.09
1991 G.O. Sars 19.08 09.09
1991 Michael Sars 15.08 09.09
1991 Professor Marty 15.08 06.09
1991 Fridtjof Nansen 18.08 06.09
1992 Johan Hjort 17.08 03.09
1992 G.O. Sars 18.08 07.09
1992 Michael Sars 13.08 07.09
1992 Professor Marty 17.08 28.08
1992 Fridtjof Nansen 24.08 05.09
1992 Akhill 13.08 15.08
1992 Akhill 05.09 06.09
1993 Johan Hjort 16.08 08.09
1993 G.O. Sars 17.08 07.09
1993 Professor Marty 22.08 08.09
1993 PINRO 23.08 06.09
1994 Michael Sars 16.08 20.08
1994 Johan Hjort 17.08 06.09
1994 G.O. Sars 20.08 07.09
1994 Professor Marty 02.09 08.09
1994 Atlantida 24.08 08.09
1994 Fridtjof Nansen 27.08 08.09
1995 Michael Sars 22.08 09.09
1995 Johan Hjort 25.08 10.09
1995 G.O. Sars 16.08 10.09
1995 Professor Marty 05.09 11.09
1995 Fridtjof Nansen 26.08 11.09
1996 Michael Sars 22.08 10.09
1996 Johan Hjort 24.08 10.09
1996 G.O. Sars 17.08 10.09
1996 Atlantida 15.08 10.09
1996 Persey III 24.08 10.09
1997 Johan Hjort 20.08 08.09
1997 G.O. Sars 19.08 08.09
1997 Atlantida 21.08 06.09
1997 Persey III 15.08 06.09
1998 Fridtjof Nansen 19.08 05.09
1998 Atlantida 08.08 03.09
1998 G.O. Sars 26.08 07.09
1998 Johan Hjort 25.08 08.09
1998 M. Sars 25.08 04.09
1999 Atlantniro 15.08 02.09
1999 G.O. Sars 27.08 06.09
1999 Johan Hjort 22.08 07.09
1999 Persey 4 22.08 03.09
2000 Atlantniro 22.08 01.09
2000 Fridtjof Nansen 19.08 03.09
2000 G.O. Sars 20.08 03.09
2000 Johan Hjort 18.08 07.09
2001 G.O. Sars 16.06 08.09
2001 Johan Hjort 20.08 08.09
2001 Atlantniro 10.08 03.09
2001 Fridtjof Nansen 12.08 03.09
2002 G.O. Sars 16.06 08.09
2002 Johan Hjort 24.08 08.09
2002 Atlantniro 10.08 08.09
2002 Fridtjof Nansen 29.08 08.09
2003 Johan Hjort 05.08 02.10
2003 G.O. Sars 27.07 01.09
2003 Jan Mayen 01.09 16.09
2003 Tsivilsk 07.09 02.10
2003 Smolensk 25.08 02.10
2004 Jan Mayen 04.08 01.10
2004 Johan Hjort 01.08 04.10
2004 Smolensk 06.08 02.10
2004 Fridtjof Nansen 07.08 02.10
2005 G.O. Sars 06.08 30.09
2005 Johan Hjort 01.08 08.09
2005 Jan Mayen 04.08 04.09
2005 Smolensk 09.08 26.09
2005 Fridtjof Nansen 17.08 26.09
2006 G.O. Sars 18.08 28.09
2006 Johan Hjort 14.08 20.09
2006 Jan Mayen 08.08 17.08
2006 Jan Mayen 11.09 29.09
2006 Smolensk 16.08 29.09
2006 Fridtjof Nansen 11.08 05.10
2007 G.O. Sars 14.08 30.09
2007 Johan Hjort 01.08 31.08
2007 Johan Hjort 14.09 26.09
2007 Jan Mayen 10.09 27.09
2007 Smolensk 07.08 28.09
2007 Vilnyus 06.08 23.09
2008 G.O. Sars 19.08 30.09
2008 Johan Hjort 01.09 16.09
2008 Jan Mayen 08.09 24.09
2008 Vilnus 08.08 26.09
2008 Atlantic star 01.08 10.08
2009 G.O. Sars 20.08 05.09
2009 Johan Hjort 23.08 03.09
2009 Jan Mayen 10.09 27.09
2009 Vilnus 07.08 29.09
2010 G.O. Sars 24.08 11.09
2010 Johan Hjort 29.08 22.09
2010 Helmar Hanssen 26.08 12.09
2010 Vilnus 14.08 21.09
2011 Chriastine E. 27.08 17.09
2011 Johan Hjort 31.08 05.10
2011 Helmar Hanssen 09.08 24.08
2011 Vilnus 11.08 02.10
2012 G.O. Sars 18.08 12.09
2012 Johan Hjort 16.08 30.09
2012 Helmar Hanssen 06.08 05.09
2012 Vilnus 08.08 29.09
2013 G.O. Sars 23.08 19.09
2013 Johan Hjort 04.08 01.10
2013 Helmar Hanssen 19.08 01.09
2013 Vilnus 09.08 01.11
2014 G.O. Sars 23.08 19.09
2014 Johan Hjort 14.08 01.10
2014 Helmar Hanssen 19.08 01.09
2014 Vilnus 09.08 03.10
2015 G.O. Sars 11.09 09.10
2015 Johan Hjort 13.08 04.10
2015 Helmar Hanssen 17.08 07.09
2015 Vilnus 19.08 09.10
2016 Eros 17.08 20.09
2016 Johan Hjort 19.08 30.09
2016 Helmar Hanssen 24.09 05.10
2016 Fridtjof Nansen 09.08 30.09
2017 G.O.Sars 24.08 28.09
2017 Johan Hjort 21.08 04.10
2017 Helmar Hanssen 21.08 07.09
2017 Vilnyus 24.08 17.10
2017 G.O.Sars 24.08 28.09
2017 Johan Hjort 21.08 04.10
2017 Helmar Hanssen 21.08 07.09
2017 Vilnyus 24.08 17.10
2018 G.O.Sars 07.09 27.09
2018 Johan Hjort 21.08 29.09
2018 Helmar Hanssen 14.09 29.09
2018 Vilnyus 24.08 29.09
2019 G.O.Sars 14.08 09.09
2019 Johan Hjort 21.08 29.09
2019 Helmar Hanssen 22.09 02.10
2019 Vilnyus 16.08 29.09
2020 G.O.Sars 12.08 05.09
2020 Johan Hjort 21.08 28.09
2020 Kronprins Haakon 15.09 08.10
2020 Vilnyus 29.09 11.11
2021 G.O.Sars 21.08 09.10
2021 Johan Hjort 19.08 25.09
2021 Helmar Hanssen 13.09 30.09
2021 Vilnyus 12.08 25.09
2022 G.O.Sars 16.08 09.09
2022 Johan Hjort 19.08 03.10
2023 G.O.Sars 20.08 14.09
2023 Johan Hjort 25.08 30.09
2023 Kronprins Haakon 16.09 30.9
2023 Vilnyus 13.08 24.09
Table 1. Overview of participating vessels and dates for the annual 0-group surveys in the Barents Sea, 1965-2023. Note that the north-eastern-most part of the Barents Sea (polygons Franz-Josef Land and St. Anna Trough, see Fig. 1) have never been covered. For area covered each year, see maps in section 7.

The survey has generally been run from south to north in the Barents Sea; that is, the research vessels have started in south and worked their way northwards. This is a broad pattern and there are many exceptions in specific years. Maps with cruise lines and station positions for the different research vessels are included in annual cruise reports that are available electronically (Table 2). The cruise lines are generally placed either in S-N or W-E directions, although zig-zag or more irregular patterns have also sometimes been used to obtain a good coverage of the survey area within the limits of time and ship availability.

A change in survey lines was made in the mid-1990s. From 1980 and up to 1994 (and also in 1997), the S-N survey lines followed longitudes and the E-W lines followed latitudes. From 1995 onwards (except 1997), the survey lines were placed equidistant (35 nm apart). The grid was oriented true North along the 30o E longitude, while it deviated in NW direction in the western Barents Sea, and in NE direction in the eastern Barents Sea. A consequence of this was an opening of the sampling grid in the northern end, compared to when the lines followed longitudes.

The surveyed area has expanded northward in concert with reduction of sea ice in the Barents Sea. This can be seen from the maps with station locations in Part 7. A summary of the northern boundary of the survey area in three sectors is illustrated in Fig. 7.

In the Svalbard (Spitsbergen Archipelago) sector, the survey area has extended up along the west side of Spitsbergen to around 80-81oN. Up to 2004, the survey extended north to 80-80.5oN, while from 2006 it extended north to 81oN or beyond (Fig. 7). The northwestern corner of Spitsbergen lies just south of 80oN. With the northward extension from 2006, there was also an eastward extension to cover the waters north of Svalbard (Spitsbergen Archipelago) , east to 20-35oE. In three of the years, the waters west of Spitsbergen was either not sampled (2016) or only partially sampled (north to 78 o N; 1999 and 2005).

In a sector through the central Barents Sea, east of Svalbard (Spitsbergen Archipelago) and east to about 38oE, the sampling extended north to 76-77 oN in the years up to 2002 (except for two years, 1989 and 1991), while from 2004 the survey area extended north to 78 oN or beyond (Fig. 7). The northward shift reflects a change to less sea ice and more open water in the northern Barents Sea, while the large variability in recent year reflects variable ice conditions. A similar northward extension is seen for the area east of 38o E, but with considerable variation among years reflecting variable sea ice conditions as well as vessel availability (Fig. 7).

The northern boundary of the survey area in three sectors: Svalbard (Spitsbergen Archipelago) sector, area between 20 and 38°E and area between 38-55°E.
Figure 7. The northern boundary of the survey area in three sectors: Svalbard (Spitsbergen Archipelago) sector, area between 20 and 38°E and area between 38-55°E.

The survey is semi-synoptic since it takes about 3-4 weeks, or in some cases longer, to complete the survey of 0-group distribution. The 0-group survey typically started in mid-August (10-20 August) and ended in early September (5-15 September). This was the case during the 1980s and 90s when the 0-group investigations were done as a separate cruise, or as the first part of a combined multispecies cruise. This pattern with a main part of sampling in the second half of August and the first part of September has continued after 2004 when the 0-group survey became part of the ecosystem survey, although there has been an extension of sampling later in September as the survey has extended northward (described in the following).

Survey year Author Year Title ICES IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series Pages
1965 Anon. 1965 Preliminary Report of the joint Soviet-Norwegian investigations in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters September 1965 CM 1965/No. 161    
1966 Anon. 1966 Preliminary Report of the joint international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August/Sept 1966 CM 1966/H:23   17
1967 Anon. 1967 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August/September 1967 C.M. 1967/H:31   18
1968 Anon. 1968 Preliminary Report of the 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1968 C.M. 1968/H:25   12
1969 Anon. 1969 Preliminary Report of the 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1969 C.M. 1969/F:34   14
1970 Anon. 1970 Preliminary Report of joint Soviet-Norwegian 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1970 C.M. 1970/H:34   13
1971 Anon. 1971 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1971 C.M. 1971/H:32   14
1972 Anon. 1972 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1972 C. M.1973/H:15   16
1973 Anon. 1973 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1973 C.M. 1973/H:25   28
1974 Anon. 1974 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1974 C.M. 1974/H:33   23
1975 Anon. 1975 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1975 C.M. 1975/H:48   23
1976 Anon. 1976 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1976 C.M. 1976/H:43   26
1977 Anon. 1977 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1977 C.M. 1977/H:45   26
1978 Anon. 1978 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1978 CM 1978/H:33   26
1979 Anon. 1979 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1979 CM 1979/H:65   26
1980 Anon. 1980 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1980 CM 1980/G:53   26
1981 Anon. 1981 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1981 CM 1981/G:78   28
1982 Anon. 1982 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1982 CM 1982/G:44   28
1983 Anon. 1983 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1983 CM 1983/G:35   28
1984 Anon. 1984 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1984 C.M. 1984/H:36   28
1985 Anon. 1985 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1985 C.M. 1985/G:75   28
1986 Anon. 1986 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1986 C.M. 1986/G:78   28
1987 Anon. 1987 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1987 C.M. 1987/G:38   32
1988 Anon. 1988 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1988 C.M. 1988/G:45   38
1989 Anon. 1989 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1989 C.M. 1989/G:40   40
1990 Anon. 1990 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1990 C.M. 1990/G:46   36
1991 Anon. 1991 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1991 C.M. 1991/G:50   34
1992 Anon. 1992 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1992 C.M. 1992/G:82   33
1993 Anon. 1994 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1993 C.M. 1994/G:3   38
1994 Anon. 1995 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1994 C.M. 1995/G:xx   36
1995 Anon. 1996 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1995 C.M. 1996/G:xx   36
1996 Anon. 1996 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1996 C.M. 1996/G:31   38
1997 Anon. 1997 Preliminary Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1997     25
1998 Anon. 2001 Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1998   No. 2/2001 26
1999 Anon. 2001 Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 1999   No. 3/2001 27
2000 Anon. 2001 Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 2000   No. 4/2001 26
2001 Anon. 2001 Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 2001   No. 8/2001 26
2002 Anon. 2002 Report of the international 0-group fish survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-September 2002   No. З/2002 28
2003 Anon. 2003 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea, August – October 2003.   No. 2/2003 55
2004 Anon. 2004 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea, August – October 2004, Volume 1   No. 3/2004 71
2005 Anon. 2005 Survey report from the Joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea August-October 2005, Volume 1   No. 3/2005 99
2006 Anon. 2006 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea August-October 2006 (vol.1).   No. 2/2006 97
2007 Anon. 2007 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea August-October 2007 (vol.1).   No. 4/2007 97
2008 Anon. 2009 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea August-October 2008 volume 1.   No. 1/2009 103
2009 Anon. 2009 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea August-October 2009 (adopted vol.)   No. 2/2010 118
2010 Anon. 2010 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea August-September 2010.   No. 4/2010 108
2011 Anon. 2011 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea August-October 2011   No. 3/2011 118
2012 Eriksen 2012 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea August-October 2012   No. 2/2012 139
2013 Prokhorova 2013 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters, August-October 2013   No. 4/2013 131
2014 Eriksen 2015 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters, August-October 2014   No. 1/2015 153
2015 Prozorkevich and Sunnanå 2016 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters, August-October 2015   No. 1/2016 77
2016 Prozorkevich and Sunnanå 2017 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters, August-October 2016   No. 2/2017 101
2017 Prozorkevich et al. 2018 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters, August-October 2017   No. 2/2018 97
2018 van der Meeren and Prozorkevich 2019 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters, August-October 2018   No. 2/2019 85
2019 Prozorkevich and van der Meeren 2020 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/ Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters August-October 2019.   No. 1/2020 93
2020 van der Meeren and Prozorkevich 2021 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters, August-November 2020   No. 1/2021 123
2021 Prozorkevich and van der Meeren 2022 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters, August-September 2021   No. 2/2022 111
2022 van der Meeren and Prozorkevich 2023 Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian Ecosystem Survey in the Barents Sea and the adjacent waters August-December 2022   No. 2023-10  
2023 Prozorkevich and van der Meeren 2024 Survey report (Part 1) from the joint Norwegian/Russian Ecosystem Survey in the Barents Sea and the adjacent waters August-October 2023   No. 2024-2  
Table 2. Reports from Joint Norwegian-Russian (IMR-PINRO) 0-group cruises in the Barents Sea, 1965-20 23 . The annual survey reports for 1965-1996 are available as ICES Council Meeting Reports, while the annual survey reports for 1998-2023 are available in the IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series from the IMR web page ( Rapporter Havforskningsinstituttet (hi.no).

7 - Spatial distribution of 0-group fish in 1980-2023

Distribution of 0-group capelin in 2016.
Figure 8. Distribution of 0-group capelin in 2016.

In this section, maps of spatial distribution of 0-group density of six species are shown, based on log transformed abundance per station (colored). The species are: Atlantic capelin Mallotus villosus , Atlantic cod Gadus morhua , haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus , Atlantic herring Clupea harengus , polar cod Boreogadus saida , and redfish (Sebastes spp.).

Species abundance at stations have been estimated, based on species catches at station, by standard methods (Eriksen et al. 2009), taking into account the opening of trawl, vessels speed, towing distance, and number of depths layers covered (see section 2.3). The abundances have been corrected for size-dependent catch efficiency for all species except redfish Sebastes spp. (section 4). Abundances are given as areal density of 0-group, expressed as number of individuals per square nautical miles.

Abundance is shown by color, where light yellow indicates highest value, and dark blue lowest value. The scale is log10, with steps of one log10 unit, corresponding to factor 10. It ranges from >100 million individuals per (nautical miles)2 to <100 individuals per (nautical miles)2 . Stations are shown by red dots.

0-group capelin are generally widespread in the Barents Sea (except 1985-86 and 1992-1995) and occurrence area has varied from 116 to 1130 thousand km2. Distribution of 0-group herring was widest in 1983, 1992, 2016 and in 2022-2023, and it seems that larger occupation area was not related to occurrence of strong year classes. 0-group cod are generally widely distributed and abundant year classes seem to be observed on larger area. Haddock were widespread in 2004, 2008, 2017 and 2023, and varied from 62 to 630 thousand km2. Redfish and polar cod 0-group distributions are generally more restricted than for cod, capelin, haddock, and herring. The widest distribution was observed in 1982-83 (515 thousand km2, redfish) and 1999 and 2005 (560 thousand km2 , polar cod).

7.1 - Capelin

Overview capelin 1980-1987
Figur 9. Distribution of 0-group capelin between 1980-1987.
Overview capelin 1988-1995
Figur 10. Distribution of 0-group capelin between 1988-1995.
Overview capelin 1996-2003
Figur 11. Distribution of 0-group capelin between 1996-2003.
Overview capelin 2004-2011
Figur 12. Distribution of 0-group capelin between 2004-2011.
Overview capelin 2012-2019
​​​Figur 13. Distribution of 0-group capelin between 2012-2019.
Overview capelin 2020-2023
Figur 14. Distribution of 0-group capelin between 2020-2023.

7.2 - Cod

Overview cod 1980-1987
Figur 15. Distribution of 0-group cod between 1980-1987.
Overview cod
Figur 16. Distribution of 0-group cod between 1988-1995.
Overview cod
Figur 17. Distribution of 0-group cod between 1996-2003.
Overview cod
Figur 18. Distribution of 0-group cod between 2004-2011.
Overview cod
Figur 19. Distribution of 0-group cod between 2012-2019.
Overview cod
Figur 20. Distribution of 0-group cod between 2020-2023.

7.3 - Haddock

Overview haddock
Figur 21. Distribution of 0-group haddock between 1980-1987.
Overview haddock
Figur 22. Distribution of 0-group haddock between 1988-1995.
Overview haddock
Figur 23. Distribution of 0-group haddock between 1996-2003.
Overview haddock
Figur 24. Distribution of 0-group haddock between 2004-2011.
Overview haddock
Figur 25. Distribution of 0-group haddock between 2012-2019.
Overview haddock
Figur 26. Distribution of 0-group haddock between 2020-2023.

7.4 - Herring 

Overview herring
Figur 27. Distribution of 0-group herring between 1980-1987.
Overview herring
Figur 28.  Distribution of 0-group herring between 1988-1995.
Overview herring
Figur 29. Distribution of 0-group herring between 1996-2003.
Overview herring
Figur 30. Distribution of 0-group herring between 2004-2011.
Overview herring
Figur 31. Distribution of 0-group herring between 2012-2019.
Overview herring
Figur 32. Distribution of 0-group herring between 2020-2023.

7.5 - Polar cod

Overview polar cod
Figur 33. Distribution of 0-group polar cod between 1980-1987.
Overview polar cod
Figur 34. Distribution of 0-group polar cod between 1988-1995.
Overview polar cod
Figur 35. Distribution og 0-group polar cod between 1996-2003.
Overview polar cod
Figur 36. Distribution of 0-group polar cod between 2004-2011.
Overview polar cod
Figur 37. Distribution of 0-group polar cod between 2012-2019.
Overview polar cod
Figur 38. Distribution of 0-group polar cod between 2020-2023.

7.6 - Redfish

Overview redfish
Figur 39. Distribution of 0-group redfish between 1980-1987.
Overview redfish
Figur 40. Distribution of 0-group redfish between 1988-1995.
Overview redfish
Figur 41. Distribution of 0-group redfish between 1996-2003.
Overview redfish
Figur 42. Distribution of 0-group redfish between 2004-2011.
Overview redfish
Figur 43. Distribution of 0-group redfish between 2012-2017.

8 - Abundance and biomass indices

Abundance and biomass estimates were calculated by different software during the last for decades: SAS (for the 23 strata, see Fig. 3, 1980-2017), MatLab (for the new 15 TIBIA/WGIBAR- polygons (see Fig. 1, 1980- 2018, WGIBAR 2018) and R (for the 15 WGIBAR- polygons (2003-2023).

8.1 - Indices calculated in SAS

Table 3. 0-group abundance indices (in millions) with 95% confidence limits, not corrected for capture efficiency. These indices have been reported to ICES WG groups (AFWG, WGWIDE and WGIBAR).
Year Capelin Cod  Haddock Herring Redfish
Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit
1980 197278 131674 262883 72 38 105 59 38 81 4 1 8 277873 0 701273
1981 123870 71852 175888 48 33 64 15 7 22 3 0 8 153279 0 363283
1982 168128 35275 300982 651 466 835 649 486 812 202 0 506 106140 63753 148528
1983 100042 56325 143759 3924 1749 6099 1356 904 1809 40557 19526 61589 172392 33352 311432
1984 68051 43308 92794 5284 2889 7679 1295 937 1653 6313 1930 10697 83182 36137 130227
1985 21267 1638 40896 15484 7603 23365 695 397 992 7237 646 13827 412777 40510 785044
1986 11409 98 22721 2054 1509 2599 592 367 817 7 0 15 91621 0 184194
1987 1209 435 1983 167 86 249 126 76 176 2 0 5 23747 12740 34755
1988 19624 3821 35427 507 296 718 387 157 618 8686 3325 14048 107027 23378 190675
1989 251485 201110 301861 717 404 1030 173 117 228 4196 1396 6996 16092 7589 24595
1990 36475 24372 48578 6612 3573 9651 1148 847 1450 9508 0 23943 94790 52658 136922
1991 57390 24772 90007 10874 7860 13888 3857 2907 4807 81175 43230 119121 41499 0 83751
1992 970 105 1835 44583 24730 64437 1617 1150 2083 37183 21675 52690 13782 0 36494
1993 330 125 534 38015 15944 60086 1502 911 2092 61508 2885 120131 5458 0 13543
1994 5386 0 10915 21677 11980 31375 1695 825 2566 14884 0 31270 52258 0 121547
1995 862 0 1812 74930 38459 111401 472 269 675 1308 434 2182 11816 3386 20246
1996 44268 22447 66089 66047 42607 89488 1049 782 1316 57169 28040 86299 28 8 47
1997 54802 22682 86922 67061 49487 84634 600 420 780 45808 21160 70455 132 0 272
1998 33841 21406 46277 7050 4209 9890 5964 3800 8128 79492 44207 114778 755 23 1487
1999 85306 45266 125346 1289 135 2442 1137 368 1906 15931 1632 30229 46 14 79
2000 39813 1069 78556 26177 14287 38068 2907 1851 3962 49614 3246 95982 7530 0 16826
2001 33646 0 85901 908 152 1663 1706 1113 2299 844 177 1511 6 1 10
2002 19426 10648 28205 19157 11015 27300 1843 1276 2410 23354 12144 34564 130 20 241
2003 94902 41128 148676 17304 10225 24383 7910 3757 12063 28579 15504 41653 216 0 495
2004 16901 2619 31183 19408 14119 24696 19372 12727 26016 136053 97442 174664 862 0 1779
2005 42354 12517 72192 21789 14947 28631 33637 24645 42630 26531 1288 51774 12676 511 24841
2006 168059 103577 232540 7801 3605 11996 11209 7413 15005 68531 22418 114644 20403 9439 31367
2007 161594 87683 235504 9896 5993 13799 2873 1820 3925 22319 4517 40122 156548 46433 266663
2008 288799 178860 398738 52975 31839 74111 2742 830 4655 15915 4477 27353 9962 0 20827
2009 189747 113135 266360 54579 37311 71846 13040 7988 18093 18916 8249 29582 49939 23435 76443
2010 91730 57545 125914 40635 20307 60962 7268 4530 10006 20367 4099 36636 66392 3114 129669
2011 175836 3876 347796 119736 66423 173048 7441 5251 9631 13674 7737 19610 7026 0 17885
2012 310519 225728 395311 105176 37917 172435 1814 762 2866 26480 299 316769 58535 0 128715
2013 94673 28224 161122 90108 62788 117428 7235 4721 9749 70972 8393 133550 928 310 1547
2014 48933 5599 92267 102977 72975 132980 4185 2217 6153 16674 5671 27677 77658 35010 120306
2015 147961 87971 207951 8744 3008 14479 6005 2816 9194 11207 0 25819 101653 40258 163048
2016 274050 157185 390915 16872 9942 23801 4029 1952 6107 32956 15793 50119 12941 1713 24168
2017 72486 36535 108438 69371 46841 91901 9205 6081 12329 32112 11180 53045 43561 0 97558
Mean 93511     30280     4442     28586     60307    
Median 62721     17088     1760     19641     22075     



Table 4. 0-group abundance indices (in millions) with 95% confidence limits, not corrected for capture efficiency. These indices have been reported to ICES WG groups (AFWG, WGWIDE and WGIBAR).
Year Saithe Gr halibut Long rough dab Polar cod (east) Polar cod (west)
Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit
1980 3 0 6 111 35 187 1273 883 1664 28958 9784 48132 9650 0 20622
1981 0 0 0 74 46 101 556 300 813 595 226 963 5150 1956 8345
1982 143 0 371 39 11 68 1013 698 1328 1435 144 2725 1187 0 3298
1983 239 83 394 41 22 59 420 264 577 1246 0 2501 9693 0 20851
1984 1339 407 2271 31 18 45 60 43 77 127 0 303 3182 737 5628
1985 12 1 23 48 29 67 265 110 420 19220 4989 33451 809 0 1628
1986 1 0 2 112 60 164 6846 4941 8752 12938 2355 23521 2130 180 4081
1987 1 0 1 35 23 47 804 411 1197 7694 0 17552 74 31 117
1988 17 4 30 8 3 13 205 113 297 383 9 757 4634 0 9889
1989 1 0 3 1 0 3 180 100 260 199 0 423 18056 2182 33931
1990 11 2 20 1 0 2 55 26 84 399 129 669 31939 0 70847
1991 4 2 6 1 0 2 90 49 131 88292 39856 136727 38709 0 110568
1992 159 86 233 9 0 17 121 25 218 7539 0 15873 9978 1591 18365
1993 366 0 913 4 2 7 56 25 87 41207 0 96068 8254 1359 15148
1994 2 0 5 39 0 93 1696 1083 2309 267997 151917 384078 5455 0 12032
1995 148 68 229 15 5 24 229 39 419 1 0 2 25 1 49
1996 131 57 204 6 3 9 41 2 79 70134 43196 97072 4902 0 12235
1997 78 37 120 5 3 7 97 44 150 33580 18788 48371 7593 623 14563
1998 86 39 133 8 3 12 27 13 42 11223 6849 15597 10311 0 23358
1999 136 68 204 14 8 21 105 1 210 129980 82936 177023 2848 407 5288
2000 206 111 301 43 17 69 233 120 346 116121 67589 164652 22740 14924 30556
2001 20 0 46 51 20 83 162 78 246 3697 658 6736 13490 0 28796
2002 553 108 998 51 0 112 731 342 1121 96954 57530 136378 27753 4184 51322
2003 65 0 146 13 0 34 78 45 110 11211 6100 16323 1627 0 3643
2004 1400 865 1936 72 29 115 36 20 52 37156 19040 55271 341 101 581
2005 55 37 74 10 4 15 200 109 291 6545 3202 9888 3231 1283 5178
2006 139 56 221 11 2 21 707 434 979 26016 9997 42036 2112 465 3760
2007 53 6 100 1 0 2 262 46 479 25883 8494 43273 2533 0 5135
2008 45 22 69 6 0 13 956 410 1502 6649 845 12453 91 0 183
2009 22 0 46 7 4 10 115 51 179 23570 9661 37479 21433 5642 37223
2010 402 126 678 14 8 20 128 18 238 31338 13644 49032 1306 0 3580
2011 27 0 59 20 11 29 58 23 93 37431 15083 59780 627 26 1228
2012 69 2 135 30 16 43 173 0 416 4173 48 8298 17281 0 49258
2013 3 1 5 21 13 28 5 0 14 1634 0 4167 148 28 268
2014 1 0 2 10 3 16 309 89 528 2779 737 4820 746 79 1414
2015 47 0 101 27 2 52 575 361 789 128 18 237 6074 2001 10146
2016 3 0 7 6 1 12 601 0 1267 258 0 624 1180 128 2231
2017 127 2 252 8 1 14 72 27 117 43 0 106 1009 0 2795
Mean 161     26     514     30388     7850    
Median 54     14     190     9453     3932     


Table 5. 0-group abundance indices (in millions) with 95% confidence limits, corrected for capture efficiency. These indices have been reported to ICES WG groups (AFWG, WGWIDE and WGIBAR).
Year Capelin Cod  Haddock Herring Saithe Polar cod (east) Polar cod (west) Polar cod Tot
Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index Confidence limit Abundance index
1980 740289 495187 985391 276 131 421 265 169 361 77 12 142 21 0 47 203226 69898 336554 82871 0 176632 286097
1981 477260 273493 681026 289 201 377 75 34 117 37 0 86 0 0 0 4882 1842 7922 46155 17810 74500 51037
1982 599596 145299 1053893 3480 2540 4421 2927 2200 3655 2519 0 5992 296 0 699 1443 154 2731 10565 0 29314 12008
1983 340200 191122 489278 19299 9538 29061 6217 3978 8456 195446 69415 321477 562 211 912 1246 0 2501 87272 0 190005 88518
1984 275233 161408 389057 24326 14489 34164 5512 3981 7043 27354 3425 51284 2577 725 4430 871 0 2118 26316 6097 46534 27187
1985 63771 5893 121648 66630 32914 100346 2457 1520 3393 20081 3933 36228 30 7 53 143257 39633 246881 6670 0 13613 149927
1986 41814 642 82986 10509 7719 13299 2579 1621 3537 93 27 160 4 0 9 102869 16336 189403 18644 125 37164 121513
1987 4032 1458 6607 1035 504 1565 708 432 984 49 0 111 4 0 10 64171 0 144389 631 265 996 64802
1988 65127 12101 118153 2570 1519 3622 1661 630 2693 60782 20877 100687 32 11 52 2588 59 5117 41133 0 89068 43721
1989 862394 690983 1033806 2775 1624 3925 650 448 852 17956 8252 27661 10 0 23 1391 0 2934 164058 15439 312678 165449
1990 115636 77306 153966 23593 13426 33759 3122 2318 3926 15172 0 36389 29 4 55 2862 879 4846 246819 0 545410 249681
1991 169455 74078 264832 40631 29843 51419 13713 10530 16897 267644 107990 427299 9 4 14 823828 366924 1280732 281434 0 799822 1105262
1992 2337 250 4423 166276 92113 240438 4739 3217 6262 83909 48399 119419 326 156 495 49757 0 104634 80747 12984 148509 130504
1993 952 289 1616 133046 58312 207779 3785 2335 5236 291468 1429 581506 1033 0 2512 297397 0 690030 70019 12321 127716 367416
1994 13898 70 27725 70761 39933 101589 4470 2354 6586 103891 0 212765 7 1 12 2139223 1230225 3048220 49237 0 109432 2188460
1995 2869 0 6032 233885 114258 353512 1203 686 1720 11018 4409 17627 415 196 634 6 0 14 195 0 390 201
1996 136674 69801 203546 280916 188630 373203 2632 1999 3265 549608 256160 843055 430 180 679 588020 368361 807678 46671 0 116324 634691
1997 189372 80734 298011 294607 218967 370247 1983 1391 2575 463243 176669 749817 341 162 521 297828 164107 431550 62084 6037 118131 359912
1998 113390 70516 156263 24951 15827 34076 14116 9524 18707 476065 277542 674589 182 91 272 96874 59118 134630 95609 0 220926 192483
1999 287760 143243 432278 4150 944 7355 2740 1018 4463 35932 13017 58848 275 139 411 1154149 728616 1579682 24015 3768 44262 1178164
2000 140837 6551 275123 108093 58416 157770 10906 6837 14975 469626 22507 916746 851 446 1256 916625 530966 1302284 190661 133249 248072 1107286
2001 90181 0 217345 4150 798 7502 4649 3189 6109 10008 2021 17996 47 0 106 29087 5648 52526 119023 0 252146 148110
2002 67130 36971 97288 76146 42253 110040 4381 2998 5764 151514 58954 244073 2112 134 4090 829216 496352 1162079 215572 36403 394741 1044788
2003 340877 146178 535575 81977 47715 116240 30792 15352 46232 177676 52699 302653 286 0 631 82315 42707 121923 12998 0 30565 95313
2004 53950 11999 95900 65969 47743 84195 39303 26359 52246 773891 544964 1002819 4779 2810 6749 290686 147492 433879 2892 989 4796 293578
2005 148466 51669 245263 72137 50662 93611 91606 67869 115343 125927 20407 231447 176 115 237 44663 22890 66436 25970 9987 41953 70633
2006 515770 325776 705764 25061 11469 38653 28505 18754 38256 294649 102788 486511 280 116 443 182713 73645 291781 15965 3414 28517 198678
2007 480069 272313 687825 42628 26652 58605 8401 5587 11214 144002 25099 262905 286 3 568 191111 57403 324819 22803 0 46521 213914
2008 995101 627202 1362999 234144 131081 337208 9864 1144 18585 201046 68778 333313 142 68 216 42657 5936 79378 619 25 1212 43276
2009 673027 423386 922668 185457 123375 247540 33339 19707 46970 104233 31009 177458 62 0 132 168990 70509 267471 154687 37022 272351 323677
2010 318569 201973 435166 135355 68199 202511 23669 14503 32834 117087 32045 202129 1066 362 1769 267430 111697 423162 12045 0 33370 279474
2011 594248 58009 1130487 448005 251499 644511 19114 14209 24018 83051 48024 118078 96 0 225 249269 100355 398183 4924 218 9629 254193
2012 988600 728754 1248445 410757 170242 651273 5281 2626 7936 177189 35046 2111493 229 5 453 25026 1132 48920 125306 0 357381 150332
2013 316020 127310 504731 385430 269640 501219 16665 11161 22169 289391 67718 511064 11 4 18 11382 0 29002 1011 262 1760 12393
2014 163630 31980 295280 464124 323330 604919 11765 6160 17371 136305 42164 230447 4 0 9 17349 5184 29515 5298 500 10096 22647
2015 457481 274631 640331 37474 17244 57704 15089 6204 23973 82749 0 190673 406 0 930 795 107 1484 49584 15385 83784 50380
2016 778784 479130 1078438 53796 30970 76622 5504 2791 8216 79439 38415 120464 10 0 21 1544 0 3718 9288 459 18117 10832
2017 213787 112459 315115 233275 150239 316310 19484 12902 26067 153763 34713 272813 379 18 740 64390 48 256 6580 0 18044 70971
LTM 314184     114452     11740     163247     471     252074     65130     317204  


8.2 - Indices calculated in MatLab

Table 6. TIBIA indices (spatial abundance indices, for description see the ICES WGIBAR report 2018). See Fig. 1 for geographical location of the polygons.
Cod South West Bear Island Trench Thor Iversen Bank Hopen Deep Svalbard South Svalbard North South East Pechora Southeastern Basin Central Bank Great Bank Franz-Victoria Trough North East
1980 14 105 17 9 23 77 308 2 1 5 6 0 10
1981 60 76 21 4 40 36 58 9 2 3 6 0 9
1982 681 821 831 84 79 158 280 78 118 140 77 0 286
1983 3834 9218 2158 2378 1963 607 419 261 837 1732 765 0 512
1984 2831 10005 620 277 3207 3450 153 407 241 217 459 0 1888
1985 8493 18649 17373 2496 1768 4114 870 3293 1656 3265 763 0 1702
1986 1924 915 2458 992 350 828 3255 731 458 698 135 377 336
1987 651 142 62 4 17 30 78 11 4 5 18 0 45
1988 1695 193 84 57 35 23 203 28 31 72 52 0 142
1989 220 132 106 289 88 24 884 226 859 135 17 21 177
1990 11078 7475 2794 537 331 172 1681 141 174 416 220 968 564
1991 4695 11160 5986 2011 9673 2687 437 529 3562 2047 346 631 558
1992 8054 89406 22281 15198 27081 9933 1243 8158 3896 5905 2017 5568 4243
1993 8305 52603 6285 27191 12251 23728 1145 1017 670 2707 2138 0 4051
1994 35784 25071 25861 592 1638 1312 5783 1294 1741 1551 1326 0 2724
1995 39488 127900 41212 32416 13179 6412 4924 8697 2971 15622 10903 0 7529
1996 109606 79362 67857 19478 3007 1135 36476 5406 7629 6828 9611 0 3835
1997 109864 90949 72791 33075 2304 1194 40852 3210 8427 20233 6739 0 10934
1998 8241 9301 3688 2357 1580 375 3358 212 353 157 302 0 351
1999 3386 799 712 298 419 135 94 25 44 71 69 0 73
2000 50934 50590 15260 719 3150 1511 4827 3318 4164 999 1625 0 1932
2001 100 436 148 978 566 3285 25 15 30 25 139 0 95
2002 4144 4638 16823 4247 2240 3641 7749 13484 20847 15820 1765 0 2260
2003 21667 35319 15673 2070 3316 3853 173 331 445 1752 1287 0 1507
2004 4068 13373 33009 9136 3233 411 1520 2453 7767 6521 566 2526 857
2005 11557 31115 18420 6372 3130 1095 238 292 381 7543 246 210 692
2006 2257 17266 2165 1088 3105 670 80 245 112 109 57 95 371
2007 23416 18297 4271 638 927 170 392 243 134 560 133 195 432
2008 100687 81327 39620 15985 2162 387 13314 1267 5033 10458 1894 2229 3116
2009 62546 48804 33402 12376 10941 3214 4518 1790 11189 16441 1144 1552 2327
2010 55299 38258 48624 2931 693 236 5952 6106 2243 5514 440 687 2325
2011 60634 80339 56483 49804 79384 80504 6668 1276 1068 25466 3089 1866 5089
2012 113561 53296 187437 10932 8784 2381 40446 16052 33580 10790 1330 1308 6598
2013 14183 24469 86007 47430 124718 11069 4150 5500 22959 66783 31063 4039 13993
2014 107234 99179 200391 57055 21080 3377 2089 2347 4358 89155 5270 11998 11240
2015 11742 3756 9561 7827 1116 1176 2677 5026 1395 10733 429 216 639
2016 1355 235 11134 395 409 1244 725 7694 40237 6791 341 526 10660


Table 7. TIBIA indices (spatial abundance indices, for description see the ICES WGIBAR report 2018). See Fig. 1 for geographical location of the polygons.
Haddock South West Bear Island Trench Thor Iversen Bank Hopen Deep Svalbard South Svalbard North South East Pechora Southeastern Basin Central Bank Great Bank Franz-Victoria Trough North East
1980 38 118 14 2 58 51 1072 3 1 3 5 0 10
1981 8 35 1 715 10 17 1078 1 1036 1101 1 0 2
1982 327 1182 513 86 111 253 22 56 31 88 68 0 268
1983 1873 2247 537 368 553 236 102 53 37 31 215 0 153
1984 1625 1462 131 66 997 710 12 47 34 38 114 0 390
1985 904 448 598 30 18 166 44 22 11 40 25 0 67
1986 868 512 383 282 48 15 350 54 99 56 33 134 86
1987 353 182 73 9 14 6 9 8 3 8 15 0 35
1988 1052 339 31 11 16 13 13 19 15 12 33 0 90
1989 138 233 104 76 23 27 20 3 5 47 3 7 5
1990 821 1114 446 100 214 80 100 12 12 175 27 97 77
1991 2222 4126 381 89 3886 1501 54 45 10 42 83 166 200
1992 933 2036 1854 260 262 121 98 61 78 240 53 140 113
1993 435 1885 188 970 344 123 5 12 7 177 74 0 111
1994 2609 1115 981 51 141 52 183 42 31 74 65 0 168
1995 242 555 235 266 69 94 4 33 10 83 69 0 40
1996 1416 227 149 19 36 16 130 29 27 12 60 0 31
1997 1183 484 271 139 168 27 120 22 7 85 99 0 86
1998 6910 5457 1602 1969 1527 692 220 82 22 169 152 0 179
1999 1434 732 1041 175 91 147 72 13 26 218 56 0 48
2000 5270 5635 919 105 393 586 216 68 82 101 157 0 194
2001 904 2339 541 238 463 386 20 10 19 54 67 0 76
2002 605 1626 516 414 745 2324 16 19 10 207 133 0 86
2003 7663 15314 2229 479 1089 4835 46 61 28 441 433 0 491
2004 22112 15476 3325 2387 1828 187 2015 217 217 1349 294 1210 457
2005 27758 31640 14462 10324 4741 704 359 311 366 6014 209 276 698
2006 3194 15846 5466 1649 2193 1448 42 271 145 2917 133 521 438
2007 4467 2866 779 386 78 79 59 42 66 324 24 54 86
2008 5858 4253 531 272 92 92 93 31 22 142 31 86 124
2009 16348 10001 4044 1310 804 215 434 167 734 1215 116 245 379
2010 10937 12642 1286 140 104 203 33 90 18 45 55 115 391
2011 4643 6451 1127 1076 2939 2531 38 56 12 416 49 74 217
2012 662 2580 1648 334 191 82 95 41 54 148 16 20 55
2013 4061 3407 1381 892 4613 1713 125 38 49 296 189 177 277
2014 1595 8233 704 143 1349 147 20 44 9 60 57 291 202
2015 2145 5922 3850 5585 584 238 110 66 121 3310 231 80 150
2016 2109 1548 1221 664 234 126 208 77 18 159 41 82 109
2017 8552 6048 1509 758 1841 669 608 270 148 241 102 119 790


Table 8. TIBIA indices (spatial abundance indices, for description see the ICES WGIBAR report 2018). See Fig. 1 for geographical location of the polygons.
Herring South West Bear Island Trench Thor Iversen Bank Hopen Deep Svalbard South Svalbard North South East Pechora Southeastern Basin Central Bank Great Bank Franz-Victoria Trough North East
1980 18 15 35 2 3 2 1 1596 1 3 2 0 3
1981 1151 2 490 0 13 13 0 2596 419 447 1 0 2009
1982 406 104 110 20 17 17 128 66 48 38 81 0 330
1983 81526 87079 22081 771 7840 5925 3989 1717 1135 1133 2489 0 4212
1984 12914 2402 349 42 307 75 13756 1160 461 84 387 0 1333
1985 7324 2300 116 38 385 196 20 351 346 32 216 0 432
1986 33 21 11 3 3 0 8 2 0 3 1 3 3
1987 48 3 515 1 1314 885 443 954 1211 627 1 0 2
1988 37876 15593 3902 145 2189 3749 1399 745 409 553 1080 0 3578
1989 4937 662 1332 125 2409 1531 5718 349 1130 96 71 196 142
1990 13379 1646 368 57 201 63 1332 196 213 54 128 574 367
1991 62320 123652 21113 2187 13193 19045 1447 841 3696 8229 1191 3103 3372
1992 35154 17679 22565 2311 4092 5047 6661 7300 1035 1484 1300 3355 1890
1993 40044 20483 47686 9024 25873 62637 1380 1183 1885 7553 5655 0 9242
1994 86872 48930 36841 1204 2083 588 1822 1112 584 1343 1683 0 3693
1995 3010 3380 2242 39 2005 736 307 229 1044 152 203 0 256
1996 373641 143713 62166 4324 13345 3385 20896 5092 2992 3106 11385 0 6253
1997 274891 134164 34564 24021 52196 2930 22821 5065 1159 11658 24899 0 20226
1998 117297 182691 166423 103930 12641 3333 36894 4519 14277 17689 7885 0 7581
1999 27826 2592 3995 159 3689 1858 3671 882 3441 176 785 0 728
2000 201135 308221 24741 5107 8166 1934 1015 2148 1447 2108 7296 0 8517
2001 1387 1033 4233 1676 1497 1139 1022 35 216 3941 971 0 311
2002 10266 6416 13498 8486 848 67397 27990 35085 10364 6668 4004 0 3211
2003 43422 89450 11789 10012 2742 4585 1493 396 517 2268 3172 0 3194
2004 591985 93707 99155 31259 5919 2498 24668 3491 8575 49049 4530 18476 7462
2005 2719 30373 83041 5670 565 212 17214 1587 2368 23288 473 393 1055
2006 159046 27844 9887 5862 1640 411 63346 4410 3440 6781 736 1268 4301
2007 109637 58283 6862 303 1201 218 407 731 186 617 757 694 1439
2008 111704 40955 73806 2601 1972 241 22669 932 2257 13705 664 1980 2776
2009 45142 29609 13432 867 3424 5298 5614 818 1277 1566 276 775 1208
2010 39173 11617 68658 3704 417 205 5975 3116 8890 21038 577 616 2236
2011 12779 15358 40843 1715 14451 1954 2897 434 2034 5758 234 320 890
2012 9421 51674 96660 3162 887 1152 4495 569 2503 4391 433 445 1397
2013 98059 107419 90108 19283 19963 1059 3941 881 2367 10482 1427 1067 4949
2014 47341 49054 22133 1079 20780 789 425 678 2820 2841 709 3686 2547
2015 1612 6480 1521 4820 5584 64878 1769 347 83 1656 803 1357 674
2016 3557 3508 21370 31989 2029 1328 15129 5647 19492 14496 792 1536 2591
2017 32094 25604 74644 7661 3392 4243 39586 2619 7120 22677 1065 842 10760


Table 9. TIBIA indices (spatial abundance indices, for description see the ICES WGIBAR report 2018). See Fig. 1 for geographical location of the polygons.
Capelin South West Bear Island Trench Thor Iversen Bank Hopen Deep Svalbard South Svalbard North South East Pechora Southeastern Basin Central Bank Great Bank Franz-Victoria Trough North East
1980 364057 19370 129488 13978 3758 2857 101385 14751 41147 17258 18113   33470
1981 131645 140672 107016 53307 8333 3296 38752 6861 15247 7021 13815   9798
1982 132237 104173 108715 4864 90832 84577 17285 14751 12054 9951 13296   62035
1983 83436 35909 39443 6132 57022 119756 10863 24418 9222 5519 21425   7880
1984 24047 56188 40605 49989 20949 29477 584 3343 4400 41343 0   24060
1985 1379 8474 24383 4722 13902 2295 467 2663 30189 18497 1904   3205
1986 465 39 696 59 105 94 32401 17473 4451 136 420 1180 1148
1987 164 20 67 4 12 12 1813 1689 369 20 60   148
1988 27671 704 20842 647 210 147 3848 2139 17246 1417 1523   2779
1989 126506 163575 141517 93926 25478 10234 140295 20742 124670 61079 20491 15242 14456
1990 5868 4218 29128 38217 9220 344 1882 6835 6455 22492 1989 0 2948
1991 2565 31482 21068 55350 6162 14659 1850 39458 30821 16634 6865 1276 6258
1992 4 2 13 3 10 4 88 4801 184 30 20 52 107
1993 7 5 23 183 162 3 22 209 617 88 297   467
1994 186 35 220 12 74 58 2279 14807 1590 49 227   517
1995 58 14 537 11 16 11 66 6509 3122 1201 78   5124
1996 8944 18713 12424 54779 7436 580 2109 27808 10671 25741 678   2412
1997 9479 77357 76240 34157 25159 1291 1236 21153 4541 21493 0   9961
1998 1541 2551 19546 21383 6923 781 18067 12252 25675 25269 10206   2496
1999 7448 26474 27599 94005 15695 1256 1442 45430 23226 93421 81672   10394
2000 2104 38763 10218 44904 47327 8013 327 4521 1073 15692 11981   3556
2001 1111 4549 6367 1181 8089 315 3675 103599 2583 4888 885   1918
2002 219 45 2267 753 278 509 3986 22367 42700 1590 1105   23779
2003 12980 80026 7903 84031 181125 155421 343 1797 1783 12401 5320   7190
2004 560 8618 664 2772 9806 213 6172 4091 1322 27994 1660 0 3351
2005 505 1592 41975 32251 1166 268 635 3346 19786 114292 3783 653 9150
2006 6009 86042 134696 127174 71731 62415 5899 21063 39835 194431 38931 5556 25538
2007 4182 5599 78865 76100 5944 432 13247 7522 94184 213841 202201 17158 30967
2008 80336 156283 165986 234694 129445 998 126790 28499 161568 87937 43054 19621 16258
2009 18867 9497 136231 7702 1109 668 90446 230294 196396 142990 5122 5626 19561
2010 22033 8776 51375 80889 5073 347 13991 59533 85162 50067 4046 2393 32136
2011 23430 101645 7853 66186 327507 2426 114432 47185 35867 14342 11168 3769 11343
2012 128379 109680 112339 154320 80582 1574 32590 67242 110011 204616 51967 4194 83382
2013 14984 33424 40398 17442 3185 527 57468 9943 30800 18902 13835 96970 60037
2014 4424 2256 10236 12352 4691 342 21403 11851 14246 111662 31741 17991 24530
2015 95523 57795 55254 67510 7843 832 20493 9549 22958 174445 20572 2764 37988
2016 13236 55564 101165 170358 200812 44444 18323 55396 20403 176653 53015 23308 46963
2017 9625 12616 996 43687 47318 2181 12779 4024 5814 3717 90039 6629 33622


Table 10. TIBIA indices (spatial abundance indices, for description see the ICES WGIBAR report 2018). See Fig. 1 for geographical location of the polygons.
Polar cod South West Bear Island Trench Thor Iversen Bank Hopen Deep Svalbard South Svalbard North South East Pechora Southeastern Basin Central Bank Great Bank Franz-Victoria Trough North East
1980 1059 691 2010 359 25200 70776 3182 402493 66633 1786 2916 0 31617
1981 160 313 187 2218 53535 4795 44 1791 466 232 2945 0 16132
1982 11 22 13 22 1130 19923 21 4364 128 83 309 0 1932
1983 93 186 13 113 4360 81925 45 3289 201 256 1651 0 2398
1984 214 572 75 449 32973 10106 34 1563 283 162 603 0 2865
1985 296 163 904 211 15640 1854 956 219598 15787 2666 3292 0 27873
1986 161 710 202 689 38668 9807 537 92519 35368 262 6189 55686 234492
1987 36 13 55 22 596 648 260 227020 707 262 850 0 2962
1988 105 955 56 650 29169 12734 17 6811 214 353 8296 0 6126
1989 539 4464 285 11148 139423 30072 43 2426 135 878 4200 17784 1460
1990 569 763 129 3339 168245 119581 76 3527 84 341 5928 81795 15758
1991 1222 4304 1298 20097 291732 4333 2736 679190 26712 3042 65316 229395 70623
1992 663 5033 174 638 30695 45903 252 76429 1266 548 1609 7402 12074
1993 849 478 739 444 36069 88545 934 487154 25248 1409 7511 0 312687
1994 1807 847 638 237 12575 2608 941 1427208 140936 716 8405 0 831542
1995 1 1 0 2 41 365 4 24 1 3 32 0 44
1996 1999 2979 733 3946 140281 7550 1621 409651 185865 1705 15803 0 541952
1997 976 2004 196 1086 163485 12405 2225 402750 9831 1388 7601 0 97562
1998 765 1708 158 612 87848 43166 192 80580 13851 591 7636 0 84570
1999 1889 555 1174 1497 23754 53460 1542 1114824 106162 2929 22481 0 244323
2000 1410 4899 660 5510 281318 13505 1083 446544 73195 2136 15733 0 654006
2001 233 525 57 270 24232 171716 122 29364 348 142 2787 0 7025
2002 1060 1664 742 1676 108699 188194 1416 540371 46915 1178 10147 0 197939
2003 152 51 2483 221 2590 39582 218 35127 21740 7428 2566 0 125724
2004 649 104 328 200 3751 2669 490 322929 20269 284 2438 16014 87158
2005 59 263 46 238 15306 4727 38 25272 550 593 5260 4834 41523
2006 395 70 92 403 1791 1317 274 230604 4760 578 37889 10892 50832
2007 222 88 76 31 7250 12064 299 230416 774 195 1363 1268 129501
2008 47 6 39 10 353 285 63 38481 742 89 187 454 40875
2009 472 127 178 158 4056 119499 152 132900 11445 207 1258 4792 128138
2010 311 61 390 307 7788 376 258 220614 22075 469 1341 1763 153662
2011 290 112 758 276 6980 245 310 134038 8363 2045 2136 1746 250135
2012 192 466 74 161 3699 50191 73 9844 4557 139 592 1945 34284
2013 46 16 18 7 23 54 32 14379 295 10 63 950 587
2014 37 180 29 1387 3893 69 30 17948 1147 57 996 2130 4899
2015 77 559 38 173 16399 9887 24 577 52 74 2186 23051 855
2016 212 1276 48 729 8826 11370 228 203 266 45 383 1290 3206
2017 12 33 9 121 4458 253 6 382 26 16 273 1230 174


Table 11. TIBIA indices (spatial abundance indices, for description see the ICES WGIBAR report 2018). See Fig. 1 for geographical location of the polygons.
Redfish  South West Bear Island Trench Thor Iversen Bank Hopen Deep Svalbard South Svalbard North South East Pechora Southeastern Basin Central Bank Great Bank Franz-Victoria Trough North East
1980 3279 7631 1968 176 19944 139044 116 1657 726 1308 3177 0 6564
1981 5457 11813 304 1528 133417 8471 98 2225 210 611 3069 0 3517
1982 28644 26794 649 282 6883 2537 264 1538 632 461 1869 0 7662
1983 25543 64300 494 659 41303 3545 1676 1410 357 558 2889 0 4073
1984 13706 1708 76 42 2575 1338 45 421 301 186 1018 0 3536
1985 6769 34507 586 589 20750 195800 170 4301 919 711 6329 0 13674
1986 41955 52036 6686 713 4064 6530 342 887 234 857 1342 3210 2918
1987 11053 9935 60 69 407 249 40 258 64 111 467 0 1087
1988 19695 21508 1342 2373 10042 20357 2291 1349 628 1060 2871 0 6878
1989 3118 2360 523 66 722 5402 609 50 51 40 72 221 139
1990 13521 18884 2216 373 25169 23422 63 285 78 120 769 3456 2137
1991 1668 2501 46 165 14412 4119 12 122 11 17 179 545 553
1992 20 75 7 6 394 10542 10 141 15 43 156 403 299
1993 11 19 2 3 88 4438 4 22 9 21 114 0 198
1994 3944 11547 120 80 4261 12948 32 312 47 139 602 0 1446
1995 2441 2433 37 28 1425 598 15 210 28 42 274 0 391
1996 16 6 3 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1997 145 4 2 1 2 5 2 2 0 1 6 0 7
1998 61 731 76 21 35 58 1 4 1 25 9 0 10
1999 17 6 1 1 12 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
2000 3652 5549 391 111 207 2166 36 34 15 73 124 0 132
2001 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2002 0 0 0 0 2 146 0 1 0 0 2 0 3
2003 34 1 1 0 1 182 0 0 0 0 2 0 3
2004 35 720 12 16 34 222 1 4 1 3 6 12 10
2005 647 12430 916 62 468 225 15 34 7 13 10 38 87
2006 1466 7544 735 120 4943 4000 14 182 29 219 51 165 304
2007 51685 103056 10833 10604 1225 3317 124 754 170 3979 536 713 1534
2008 4224 3759 141 81 622 270 9 28 8 46 31 95 125
2009 1905 6981 2005 669 3764 31543 53 291 58 528 231 632 1048
2010 34467 31929 2346 400 776 2276 71 244 64 177 172 322 1128
2011 279 696 16 135 6934 576 3 20 2 11 94 94 78
2012 3271 41675 13845 2954 5010 7904 195 237 371 2058 251 237 693
2013 920 56 120 5 15 25 8 3 8 6 3 4 17
2014 6128 21389 107 229 12071 36182 36 297 22 44 404 1907 1410
2015 7332 9943 409 5334 10212 57542 103 336 43 263 289 514 857
2016 491 1057 385 9595 2901 510 325 132 52 182 152 321 247
2017 290 1532 19 34 4094 57588 77 752 214 14 242 304 2197

8.3 - Abundance indices calculated in SAS (1980-2017) and R (2018-2023)

Table 12. The modern official 0-group abundance indices (corrected for capture efficiency, KEFF) calculated in SAS (1980-2017) and R (since 2018). Abundance is given as total number of individuals in millions. Redfish abundance is given as both uncorrected numbers and numbers corrected with a KEFF of 3.8. These indices have been reported to the ICES WG groups (AFWG, WGWIDE and WGIBAR).
Years Cod Haddock Capelin Polar cod Herring Redfish Redfish_KEFF
1980 276 265 740289 286097 77 277873 1055917
1981 289 75 477260 51037 37 153279 582460
1982 3480 2927 599596 12008 2519 106140 403332
1983 19299 6217 340200 88518 195446 172392 655090
1984 24326 5512 275233 27187 27354 83182 316092
1985 66630 2457 63771 149927 20081 412777 1568553
1986 10509 2579 41814 121513 93 91621 348160
1987 1035 708 4032 64802 49 23747 90239
1988 2570 1661 65127 43721 60782 107027 406703
1989 2775 650 862394 165449 17956 16092 61150
1990 23593 3122 115636 249681 15172 94790 360202
1991 40631 13713 169455 1105262 267644 41499 157696
1992 166276 4739 2337 130504 83909 13782 52372
1993 133046 3785 952 367416 291468 5458 20740
1994 70761 4470 13898 2188460 103891 52258 198580
1995 233885 1203 2869 201 11018 11816 44901
1996 280916 2632 136674 634691 549608 28 106
1997 294607 1983 189372 359912 463243 132 502
1998 24951 14116 113390 192483 476065 755 2869
1999 4150 2740 287760 1178164 35932 46 175
2000 108093 10906 140837 1107286 469626 7530 28614
2001 4150 4649 90181 148110 10008 6 23
2002 76146 4381 67130 1044788 151514 130 494
2003 81977 30792 340877 95313 177676 216 821
2004 65969 39303 53950 293578 773891 862 3274
2005 72137 91606 148466 70633 125927 12676 48168
2006 25061 28505 515770 198678 294649 20403 77531
2007 42628 8401 480069 213914 144002 156548 594884
2008 234144 9864 995101 43276 201046 9962 37857
2009 185457 33339 673027 323677 104233 49939 189768
2010 135355 23669 318569 279474 117087 66392 252289
2011 448005 19114 594248 254193 83051 7026 26698
2012 410757 5281 988600 150332 177189 58535 222432
2013 385430 16665 316020 12393 289391 928 3528
2014 464124 11765 163630 22647 136305 77658 295099
2015 37474 15089 457481 50380 82749 101653 386283
2016 53796 5504 778784 10832 79439 12941 49175
2017 233275 19484 213787 70971 153763 43561 165530
2018 79914 9313 657267 112278 57572 60889 60889
2019 67629 2460 1630176 196153 48254 240553 240553
2020 19740 6314 1811118 429165 11636 799276 799276
2021 206432 25387 364610 135895 205373 85864 85864
2022 71863 20988 152869 352153 2015797 72597 72597
2023 231081 50403 574441 7614233 3624101 101995 101995
LTM 116924 12926 387024 469259 276287 83019 228852

Red font identifies years with lack of coverage of the eastern Barents Sea. 

8.4 - Biomass indices calculated in SAS (1980-2017) and R (2018-2023)

Table 13. The modern official 0-group biomass indices (thousand tonnes) calculated in SAS (1980-2017) and R (since 2018). These indices have been reported to ICES WG groups (AFWG, WGWIDE and WGIBAR).
Year Capelin Cod  Haddock Herring Polar cod Redfish Total biomass
1980 92 0 1 0 124 356 574
1981 61 0 0 0 22 197 281
1982 117 5 14 3 5 136 280
1983 86 54 47 554 38 221 1000
1984 100 60 37 132 12 107 447
1985 24 158 16 69 65 611 943
1986 6 16 12 0 53 122 208
1987 1 1 2 0 28 12 44
1988 16 4 9 105 19 161 315
1989 183 8 4 47 72 21 335
1990 32 84 31 69 108 210 536
1991 68 131 88 820 480 49 1635
1992 2 533 42 340 57 28 1002
1993 0 478 40 686 159 4 1367
1994 9 292 45 172 950 102 1571
1995 1 1053 13 16 0 19 1102
1996 48 795 29 742 276 0 1890
1997 37 656 15 629 156 0 1493
1998 26 88 161 947 84 1 1307
1999 67 18 31 156 511 0 784
2000 25 274 66 659 481 9 1514
2001 56 9 47 11 64 0 187
2002 15 215 53 397 454 0 1132
2003 56 159 188 458 41 0 902
2004 16 245 525 1997 127 1 2911
2005 37 287 859 295 31 22 1530
2006 175 112 309 782 86 33 1498
2007 173 100 74 279 93 362 1081
2008 197 554 72 210 19 8 1060
2009 119 738 346 243 140 168 1755
2010 65 548 174 233 121 213 1355
2011 136 1449 201 156 110 11 2063
2012 304 1193 45 295 65 109 2012
2013 77 895 202 871 5 1 2051
2014 42 987 107 218 10 151 1514
2015 151 99 160 137 22 160 729
2016 358 245 116 275 5 39 1039
2017 87 845 235 359 31 91 1649
2018 164 80 9 58 56 20 387
2019 526 132 22 28 95 69 872
2020 453 20 6 12 215 266 972
2021 577 365 172 95 138 20 1367
2022 38 72 21 2016 176 24 2347
2023 233 440 367 1587 681 31 3339
Mean 115 330 114 390 147 95 1140


9 - References

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