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HI 049543 (1)

Centre for research-based innovation launched with major herring survey


The CRIMAC centre wants the echo sounder itself to be able to distinguish between herring, mackerel, shrimps and gas emissions. Now scientists have completed their first expedition to learn the “dialect” of herring.


Mystery has been solved: the Moon prevents glass eels from dying in the Arctic


A new study shows how young eels find their way from their birthplace in the Sargasso Sea to Norwegian fjords and river mouths. 

Nise fanget i fiskegarn

On average, 2,871 harbour porpoises die each year in Norwegian gillnets


Harbour porpoises that get entangled in gillnets die slowly. But there may be a simple solution.

HI 041154

REDUS has improved fisheries stock assessment


Researchers have reviewed almost everything: from surveys, trawling methods and sampling, to calculations and management strategies. They have come up with new methods and tools. In five years, the REDUS project has made the fish stock advice of the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) more reliable.

HI 040265

Processed fish from Ghana is rich in nutrients


At fish markets in Ghana, fish is sold either smoked, salted or sun-dried. A new study has now shown that this fish is rich in many important micronutrients, which came as a surprise to researchers.

Lettbåt i Kongsfjorden ved Ny Ålesund

Less sea ice means more human activity in the north


With warmer seas and less sea ice around Svalbard, fishing boats and expedition cruise ships move northwards and extend their operational season and areal coverage. The implications of the increase in human activity for the vulnerable ecosystem in this region can be severe.

woman eating seafood

Have studied omega-3 levels in pregnant women


In a new study, researchers have for the first time measured omega-3 levels in pregnant women from all over Norway. They found that pregnant women who took dietary supplements had the highest omega-3 levels in their bodies.


African fish are rich in many important nutrients


Sardines, anchovies, horse mackerel and axillary seabream are popular along the African coast. A new study shows that these species contain lots of important minerals and vitamins, particularly if the fish are eaten whole.


“Kaja” may hold the world spawning record for an Atlantic salmon


DNA test reveals female salmon has spawned an incredible five times in the River Etneelva.

HI 000978

Will the herring enter the fjords in northern Norway this winter?


Herring is whimsical. One year it can appear in large numbers near the coast in winter, return to the same area several winters in a row, and then suddenly disappear.

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Just a little oil impair survival of haddock larvae


New study shows even very low concentrations of crude oil impair haddock larvae’s ability to swim. Negative impact was found at a third of what was previously believed to impact the larvae.

torskekollasj b

What a century of otoliths tells us about the life and growth of cod


The small stones from the fish’s head provide new information about cod have been affected by fishing, population dynamics and climate change. 

Sigmund Grønnevik i reolene i otolittarkivet

Sigmund is organising millions of fish data loggers


The otolith is the fish equivalent of a black box. One warehouse in Bergen contains several million otoliths dating from 1906 to the present day.

HI 046040

New lab experiments show anti-sea lice agent deltamethrin is highly toxic to lobster larvae


When researchers simulated anti-sea lice treatments, the plume of chemicals that can be dangerous to the larvae typically spread out 5 to 15 kilometres as it diluted.

tralhal 2014

Survey: Fisheries and aquaculture perceived as Norway's most sustainable industry


When asked about which industry is the most sustainable, 29 percent of Norwegians answer fishing and fish farming. Only half as many answer oil and gas.

photo of an uncrewed kayak on the fjord

This remotely piloted kayak can observe sprat close to the surface


The kayak can find fish in the blind spot of larger research ships.

Startskudd for LoVe havobservarium

LoVe ocean observatory fully operational


New technology makes it possible to follow life at depths of up to 1,500 metres live over the Internet.

LoVe IG  DSC 2544

Deep insight into the oceans off Vesterålen


Creates new opportunities for both the fishing and technology industries. 


Norwegian rod-and-reel fishery for Atlantic bluefin tuna is underway


24 selected small boats are scanning the Norwegian coast for the world's largest tuna. The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) obtains unique information from this “citizen science” project.

HI 045589

Artificial intelligence is becoming important to marine research


“Facial recognition” of fish is one way that artificial intelligence is already used in marine research. But there are many other possible applications.

HI 036716

Clean energy can't come at the expense of the ocean – and it doesn't have to


As clean energy expands, demand for metals and rare earth elements is growing along with it. Developing the wind turbines, solar panels and batteries that will power our low-carbon future requires cobalt, nickel, zinc, copper, silver, gold, lithium and more.

ruglbunn maerl bed erling svensen 2

Studying the environmental impacts on a little known habitat


It is found all over the world, and it is abundant along the Norwegian coast, but you’ve probably never heard of it. Now researchers are studying how aquaculture affects maerl beds in northern Norway.

HI 032348

The mackerel cruise can be followed online


Six vessels will cover ten times Norway's area in search of the mackerel. This year you can follow them live on the map.

Hummerklo PS

Protected areas for lobsters increase claw size


Lobsters in protected areas have bigger claws than lobsters in areas where they are fished, according to a new study. 

screencapture worldview earthdata nasa gov 2020 06 02 12 13 26

Why the fjords turn green


Hardangerfjorden has developed a clear green tint, prominent enought to be observed from space. The reason is microscopic.

HI 037045

Eels only reach puberty at the age of 19


New analysis of old samples shows that eels in Norway get twice as old as previously thought. 

Pop up merket laksestøing   Audun Rikardsen   UiT

Wild salmon’s wild journey in the ocean


Last spring Atlantic salmon were tagged with satellite tags in Southern Norway. Now they have phoned home. 

HI 047446

The “refrigerator effect” of the Barents Sea is weakening


The water entering the Barents Sea is not as cooled down as it used to. This has a large effect of the climate in the area and may lead to fish and other marine life migrating. 


Researchers have trained artificial intelligence in identifying schools of sandeel


If our man Ronald gets 10 out of 10, his new “trainee” gets 9.