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Monica Sanden

Telefon: 97011654
Avdeling: Fremmed- og smittestoff


Contaminants and biohazard


My main scientific production has been within the area of fish nutrition and risk evaluation of genetically modified feed ingredients in feed and food. The last years my scientific direction has expanded to also include lipid metabolism, toxicology and surveillance of organic pollutants in seafood and fish feed.

During the first years, the focus was related to potential feed and health risks of two GM events (Bt-maize and RR-soybean). At my research stay at the University of Greenwich, UK, we established a methodology related to the traceability of dietary GM specific DNA sequences in Atlantic salmon. The focus of my research stay at the Institute for Marine Biosciences, Canada, was to apply microarray-based technology on Atlantic salmon tissues exposed to Bt-maize. The last years, my investigations have included the effects of combined replacement of fishmeal and fish oil on fish performance, fish health and stress with focus on effects on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, including the shift from marine undesirables to plant undesirables.






Currently - head of Research group Contaminants and Biohazards, Institute of Marine Research in Norway. The main research focus in the group is seafood safety including monitoring of wildfish species along the Norwegian coast.


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Assessment of application for the authorisation of soy leghemoglobin produced from genetically modified Komagataella phaffii for food use in the European Union under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-162)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin VKM Bulletin p. 1-14

Assessment of soy leghemoglobin produced from genetically modified Komagataella phaffii under EU Regulation 1829/2003/EC on genetically modified food and feed (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-162)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin VKM Bulletin p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize DP51291 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (Application GMFF-2021-0071/EFSA-Q-2023- 00051 (179))

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin VKM Bulletin p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize DP910521 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (GMFF-2021-2473(#174))

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin VKM Bulletin 2024: 21 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize MON 95275 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2022-173 (GMFF-2022-5890))

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Ville Erling Sipinen, Volha Shapaval, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin VKM Bulletin 2024: 22 p. 1-15

Maximizing the potential of sustainable aquatic food systems for global food security: key opportunities and challenges.

Astrid Elise Hasselberg, Livar Frøyland, Tanja Kögel, Maria Wik Markhus, Javier Plata, Terje van der Meeren, Elin Sørhus, Monica Sanden, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Rita Hannisdal, Erik Joel Steinar Olsen
Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 2

Determination of Nanoparticles and Elements in Blue Mussels (Mytilus edulis) along the Norwegian Coastline

Are Sæle Bruvold, Stig Valdersnes, André Marcel Bienfait, Monica Sanden, Katrin Loeschner
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 72 p. 25481-25489

Comments to the EFSA public hearing of genetically modified maize DP202216 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-159)

Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Kristian Prydz, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin 2024: 06 p. 1-14

Assessment of application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-163 for authorisation of the genetically modified maize DP23211 under EU Regulation 1829/2003/EC on genetically modified food and feed

Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin 2024:07 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize DP915635 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2020-172)

Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin 2024: 08 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified cotton COT102 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-DE-2017-141)

Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin 2024: 08 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize 94804 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application GMFF-2022-10651/EFSA-Q-2023- 00106 (182))

Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Tage Thorstensen, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Ville Erling Sipinen
VKM Bulletin p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize DP202216 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-159)

Ville Erling Sipinen, Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 2024: 06

Comments to the EFSA public hearing of genetically modified maize DP202216 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-159)

Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin 2024: 06 p. 1-14

Assessment of application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-163 for authorisation of the genetically modified maize DP23211 under EU Regulation 1829/2003/EC on genetically modified food and feed

Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin 2024:07 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize DP915635 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2020-172)

Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin 2024: 08 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified cotton COT102 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-DE-2017-141)

Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Bulletin 2024: 08 p. 1-14

Modelling seasonal and geographical n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid contents in marine fish from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean

Quang Tri Ho, Lisbeth Dahl, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Atabak Mahjour Azad, Michael Bank, Florian Berg, Martin Wiech, Sylvia Frantzen, Monica Sanden, Henning Wehde, Livar Frøyland, Amund Måge, Lise Madsen
Environmental Research 252

Proteomics analyses of herbicide-tolerant genetically modified, conventionally, and organically farmed soybean seeds

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Thomas Bøhn, Monica Sanden, Ikram Belghit, Javier Pineda Pampliega, M. Palmblad, H. Broll, A. Braeuning, Josef Rasinger
Food Control 151

Multi-tissue proteogenomic analysis for mechanistic toxicology studies in non-model species

M.S. Lin, Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland, L. Dellafiora, Robin Ørnsrud, Monica Sanden, Marc HG Berntssen, J.L.C.M. Dorne, V. Bafna, Josef Rasinger
Environment International 182

Assessment of genetically modified maize Bt11 x MIR162 x MIR604 x MON 89034 x 5307 x GA21 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-DE-2018-149)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 2023:21 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified oilseed rape Ms8, Rf3 and Ms8xRf3 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (renewal application EFSAGMO-RX-024)

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 16 p. 1-15

Proteomics analyses of herbicide-tolerant genetically modified, conventionally, and organically farmed soybean seeds

Madhushri Shrikant Varunjikar, Thomas Bøhn, Monica Sanden, Ikram Belghit, J. Pineda-Pampliega, M. Palmblad, H. Broll, A. Braeuning, Josef Rasinger
Food Control 151

Challenges in the implementation of food safety and quality assurance systems in small-scale fisheries

Esther Garridogamarro, Cecilie Smith Svanevik, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Monica Sanden, Enrica D'Agostino, Marian Kjellevold, Lauren Pincus, Johannes Pucher
Food quality and safety 7

Assessment of genetically modified maize GA21 x T25 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2016-137)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 14 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize MON 87419 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2017-140)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 15 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize MON 87429 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-161)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Ville Erling Sipinen, Volha Shapaval, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 3 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize DP41143 x MON890343 x MON 874113 x DAS40278-9 and sub-combinations for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA GMO-NL-2020-171)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Ville Erling Sipinen, Volha Shapaval, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 01 p. 1-16

Assessment of genetically modified cotton 281‐24‐236 × 3006‐210‐23 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMORX-019)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Ville Erling Sipinen, Volha Shapaval, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 02 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize MIR162 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (renewal application EFSA-GMO-RX-025)

Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 04 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × MIR162 × NK603 × DAS‐ 40278‐9 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2018‐151)

Monica Sanden, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 05 p. 1-15

Assessment of genetically modified soybean MON 87701 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (renewal application EFSA-GMO-RX-021)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 9 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified soybean MON 87701 × MON 89788 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (renewal application EFSAGMO-RX-022)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 10 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified soybean 40‐3‐2 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (renewal application EFSA-GMO-RX-023)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 11 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize MON 95379 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2020‐170)

Monica Sanden, Eirill Ager-Wick, Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kristian Prydz, Volha Shapaval, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen
VKM Report 12 p. 1-14

A dose-response study with omega-3 rich canola oil as a novel source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in feed for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in seawater; effects on performance, tissue fatty acid composition, and fillet quality

Bente Synnøve Ruyter, Marta Bou, Gerd Marit Berge, Turid Mørkøre, Nini Sissener, Monica Sanden, Esmail Lutfi Royo, Odd Helge Romarheim, Aleksei Krasnov, Tone-Kari K Østbye
Aquaculture 561 p. 1-13

Full production cycle performance of gene-edited, sterile Atlantic salmon - growth, smoltification, welfare indicators and fillet composition

Lene Kleppe, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Eva Andersson, Tom Johnny Hansen, Monica Sanden, Aina Bruvik, Kai Ove Skaftnesmo, Tomasz Furmanek, Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Diego Crespo, Simon Flavell, Audun Østby Pedersen, Petra Vogelsang, Anja Torsvik, Karen Anita Kvestad, Sara Olausson, Birgitta Norberg, Rüdiger W. Schulz, J. Bogerd, N. Santi, Rolf Brudvik Edvardsen, Anna Wargelius
Aquaculture 560

Assessment of genetically modified maize NK603 × T25 × DAS‐40278‐9 and sub-combinations, for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2019‐164) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified oilseed rape 73496, for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2012‐109) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified cotton GHB811 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-ES-2018-154) - Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022 p. 1-15

Assessment of genetically modified maize 1507 x MIR162 x MON810 x NK603 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2015-127) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:11 p. 1-15

Assessment of genetically modified maize MON 88017 x MON 810 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-RX017) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:12 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize MON 87427 × MON 87460 × MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 87411 × 59122 and sub-combinations, for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2017‐139) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:13 p. 1-15

Assessment of genetically modified maize Bt11 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (renewal application EFSA-GMO-RX-016) - Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:14 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize DP4114 x MON810 x MIR604 x NK603 and sub-combinations, for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2018-150) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:19 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified Soybean MON 87705 × MON 87708 × MON 89788 and sub-combinations, for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-NL-2015-126) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:21 p. 1-17

Assessment of genetically modified oilseed rape GT73 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-002) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:22 p. 1-15

Assessment of application EFSA-GMO-NL-2020-169 for authorisation to place on the market MON 94100 oilseed rape in the European Union, according to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 on genetically modified food and feed - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:26 p. 1-14

Assessment of renewal application for genetically modified Soybean A5547-127 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-RX-020) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:27 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified soybean GMB151, for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2018-153) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:07 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified cotton GHB614 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (renewal application EFSA-GMO-RX-018) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:08 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified maize MON 88017 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-RX-014) - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:23 p. 1-14

Assessment of genetically modified soybean SYHT0H2 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (application EFSA-GMO-DE-2012-111) -Scientific Opinion of the Panel on genetically modified organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Nur Duale, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Tage Thorstensen, Rose Vikse
VKM Report 2022:20 p. 1-15

Genome editing in food and feed production – implications for risk assessment. Scientific Opinion of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Tage Thorstensen, Muath K Alsheikh, Dean Basic, Rolf Brudvik Edvardsen, Knut Tomas Dalen, Nur Duale, Ole Martin Eklo, Åshild Gunilla Ergon, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kjetil Hindar, Leiv Sigve Håvarstein, Martin Malmstrøm, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Siri Lie Olsen, Eli Knispel Rueness, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Kristine von Krogh, Dag Inge Våge, Anna Wargelius, Per Hans Micael Wendell, Siamak Pour Yazdankhah, Jan Alexander, Ellen Merete Bruzell, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Vigdis Vandvik, Angelika Agdestein, Edel O. Elvevoll, Dag Olav Hessen, Merete Hofshagen, Trine Husøy, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Åshild Krogdahl, Asbjørn Magne Nilsen, Trond Rafoss, Olaug Taran Skjerdal, Inger-Lise Karin Steffensen, Tor Arne Strand, Gaute Velle, Yngvild Wasteson
VKM Report 2021

Sensitivity of Atlantic salmon to the pesticide pirimiphos-methyl, present in plant-based feeds

Marc HG Berntssen, Grethe Rosenlund, Borja Garlito, Heidi Amlund, Nini Sissener, Annette Bernhard, Monica Sanden
Aquaculture 531

Genome editing in food and feed production – implications for risk assessment. Opinion of the Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Tage Thorstensen, Muath Alsheikh, Dean Basic, Rolf Brudvik Edvardsen, Knut Tomas Dalen, Carlos Gonçalo das Neves, Nur Duale, Ole Martin Eklo, Åshild Gunilla Ergon, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kjetil Hindar, Sigve Håvarstein, Martin Malmstrøm, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Siri Lie Olsen, Eli Knispel Rueness, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Kristine von Krogh, Dag Inge Våge, Anna Sofie Troedsson Wargelius, Per Hans Micael Wendell, Siamak Pour Yazdankhah, Jan Alexander, Ellen Merete Bruzell, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Vigdis Vandvik, Angelika Agdestein, Edel O. Elvevoll, Dag Olav Hessen, Merete Hofshagen, Trine Husøy, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Åshild Krogdahl, Asbjørn Magne Nilsen, Trond Rafoss, Olaug Taran Skjerdal, Inger-Lise Karin Steffensen, Tor Arne Strand, Gaute Velle, Yngvild Wasteson
VKM Report 2021:18 p. 1-291

Genome editing in food and feed production – implications for risk assessment

Johanna Eva Bodin, Tage Thorstensen, Muath K Alsheikh, Dean Basic, Rolf Brudvik Edvardsen, Knut Tomas Dalen, Carlos Gonçalo das Neves, Nur Duale, Ole Martin Eklo, Åshild Gunilla Ergon, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Kjetil Hindar, Leiv Sigve Håvarstein, Martin Malmstrøm, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Siri Lie Olsen, Eli Knispel Rueness, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Kristine von Krogh, Dag Inge Våge, Anna Wargelius, Micael Wendell, Siamak Pour Yazdankhah, Jan Alexander, Ellen Merete Bruzell, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Vigdis Vandvik, Angelika Agdestein, Edel O. Elvevoll, Dag Olav Hessen, Merete Hofshagen, Trine Husøy, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Åshild Krogdahl, Asbjørn Magne Nilsen, Trond Rafoss, Taran Skjerdal, Inger-Lise Karin Steffensen, Tor Arne Strand, Gaute Velle, Yngvild Wasteson
VKM Report

Co-occurrence of contaminants in marine fish from the North East Atlantic Ocean: Implications for human risk assessment

Quang Tri Ho, Michael Bank, Atabak Mahjour Azad, Bente Merete Nilsen, Sylvia Frantzen, Stepan Boitsov, Amund Måge, Tanja Kögel, Monica Sanden, Livar Frøyland, Rita Hannisdal, Helge Torbjørn Hove, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Ole Jakob Nøstbakken, Lise Madsen
Environment International 157:106858 p. 1-13

Global plastic pollution observation system to aid policy

Michael Bank, Peter W. Swarzenski, Carlos M. Duarte, Matthias C. Rillig, Albert A. Koelmans, Marc Metian, Stephanie Wright, Jennifer F. Provenche, Monica Sanden, Adrian Jordaan, Martin Wagner, Martin Thiel, Yong Sik Ok
Environmental Science and Technology 55 p. 7770-7775

Legacy and emerging per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) in sediment and edible fish from the Eastern Red Sea

Aasim M Ali, Monica Sanden, Christopher Higgins, Sarah Hale, Walied Alarif, Sultan Al-Lihaibi, Erik Magnus Ræder, Håkon Austad Langberg, Roland Kallenborn
Environmental Pollution 280

Draft Genome Sequence of Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas protegens Strain 11HC2, Isolated from Marine Plastic Collected from the West Coast of Norway

Vera Radisic, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Monica Sanden, Michael Bank, Nachiket Marathe
Microbiology Resource Announcements (MRA)

Undesirables in Mesopelagic Species and Implications for Food and Feed Safety—Insights from Norwegian Fjords

Martin Wiech, Marta Sofia Silva, Sonnich Meier, Jojo Tibon, Marc HG Berntssen, Arne Duinker, Monica Sanden
Foods 9 p. 1162

Dietary 18:2n-6 affects EPA (20:5n-3) and ARA (20:4n-6) content in cell membranes and eicosanoid production in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Nini Sissener, Pedro Araujo, Øystein Sæle, Gjert Hovland Rosenlund, Ingunn Stubhaug, Monica Sanden
Aquaculture 522

Mesopelagic Species and Their Poential Contribution to Food and Feed Security - A Case Study from Norway

Anita Røyneberg Alvheim, Marian Kjellevold, Espen Strand, Monica Sanden, Martin Wiech
Foods 9

Micro- and nanoplastic toxicity on aquatic life: Determining factors

Tanja Kögel, Ørjan Bjorøy, Benuarda Toto, André Marcel Bienfait, Monica Sanden
Science of the Total Environment 709 p. 1-16

Chlorpyrifos-induced dysfunction of lipid metabolism is not restored by supplementation of polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and ARA in Atlantic salmon liver cells

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, S. K. Hammer, Monica Sanden, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland
Toxicology in Vitro 61 p. 1-13

LC-MS/MS method for the determination of organophosphorus pesticides and their metabolites in salmon and zebrafish fed with plant-based feed ingredients.

Borja Garlito, Maria Ibáñez, Tania Portolés, Roque Serrano, Heidi Amlund, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Monica Sanden, Marc Berntssen, Félix Javier Hernández
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry p. 7281-7291

n-3 canola oil effectively replaces fish oil as a new safe dietary source of DHA in feed for juvenile Atlantic salmon

Bente Ruyter, Nini Sissener, Tone-Kari K Østbye, Cedric Simon, Aleksei Krasnov, Marta Bou, Monica Sanden, Peter D. Nichols, Esmail Lutfi Royo, Gerd Marit Berge
British Journal of Nutrition 122 p. 1329-1345

Effects of agricultural pesticides in aquafeeds on wild fish feeding on leftover pellets near fish farms

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Anett Kristin Larsen, Marc Berntssen, Anders Goksøyr, Odd Andre Karlsen, Fekadu Yadetie, Monica Sanden, Torstein Kristensen
Frontiers in Genetics 10:794 p. 1-18

Tracing Mercury Pollution along the Norwegian Coast via Elemental, Speciation, and Isotopic Analysis of Liver and Muscle Tissue of Deep-Water Marine Fish (Brosme brosme)

Ana Rua-Ibarz, Eduardo Bolea-Fernandez, Amund Måge, Sylvia Frantzen, Monica Sanden, Frank Vanhaecke
Environmental Science and Technology 53 p. 1776-1785

Transcriptional effects of dietary chlorpyrifos‑methyl exposure in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) brain and liver

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Marc Berntssen, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland, Monica Sanden
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D:Genomics and Proteomics 29 p. 43-54

Erucic acid (22:1n-9) in fish feed, farmed, and wild fish and seafood products

Nini Sissener, Robin Ørnsrud, Monica Sanden, Livar Frøyland, Sofie C. Remø, Anne-Katrine Lundebye
Nutrients 10 p. 1-12

Dietary pesticide chlorpyrifos-methyl affects arachidonic acid metabolism including phospholipid remodeling in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Monica Sanden, Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland, Josef Daniel Rasinger, Grethe Rosenlund, B Garlito, Maria Ibanez, Marc Berntssen
Aquaculture 484 p. 1-12

Factors influencing risk assessments of brominated flame-retardants; evidence based on seafood from the North East Atlantic Ocean

Ole Jakob Nøstbakken, Arne Duinker, Josef Daniel Rasinger, Bente Merete Nilsen, Monica Sanden, Sylvia Frantzen, Helge Torbjørn Hove, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Marc Berntssen, Rita Hannisdal, Lise Madsen, Amund Måge
Environment International 119 p. 544-557

High dietary 18:2n-6/18:3n-3 ratio does not inhibit elongation and desaturation of 18:3n-3 to EPA and DHA in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Nini Sissener, Monica Sanden, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Rune Waagbø, Ingunn Stubhaug, G. Rosenlund
Aquaculture Nutrition 23 p. 899-909

Minor lipid metabolic perturbations in the liver of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) caused by suboptimal dietary content of nutrients from fish oil

Monica Sanden, Nina Sylvia Liland, Øystein Sæle, Grethe Rosenlund, Shishi Du, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Ingunn Stubhaug, Bente Ruyter, Nini Sissener
42 p. 1463-1480

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) require increased dietary levels of B-vitamins when fed diets with high inclusion of plant based ingredients

Gro Ingunn Hemre, Erik-Jan Lock, Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Kristin Hamre, Marit Espe, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Joana Silva, Ann-Cecilie Hansen, Rune Waagbø, JS Johansen, Monica Sanden, Nini Sissener
PeerJ 2016

Modelling scenarios on feed-to-fillet transfer of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in future feeds to farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Marc Berntssen, Monica Sanden, Helge Torbjørn Hove, Øyvind Lie
Chemosphere 163 p. 413-421

Compositional differences in soybeans on the market: glyphosate accumulates in Roundup Ready GM soybeans

Thomas Bøhn, Marek Cuhra, Terje Traavik, Monica Sanden, John Fagan, Raul Primicerio
Food Chemistry 153 p. 207-215

Impacts of TCDD and MeHg on DNA methylation in zebrafish (Danio rerio) across two generations

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Timothy Williams, Hai-Shan Tung, Leda Mirbahai, Monica Sanden, Kaja Helvik Skjærven, Ståle Ellingsen
165 p. 17-27

Effects of plant-based diets on glucose and amino acid metabolism, leptin, ghrelin and GH-IGF system regulation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Nini Sissener, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Marit Espe, Monica Sanden, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Ernst Morten Hevrøy
Aquaculture Nutrition 19 p. 399-412

Cross-generational feeding of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis)-maize to zebrafish (Danio rerio) showed no adverse effects on the parental or offspring generations

Monica Sanden, Robin Ørnsrud, Nini Sissener, Susanne Jørgensen, Jinni Gu, Anne Marie Bakke, Gro Ingunn Hemre
British Journal of Nutrition 110 p. 2222-2233

Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model for investigating dietary toxic effects of deoxynivalenol contamination in aquaculture feeds

Monica Sanden, Susanne Jørgensen, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Robin Ørnsrud, Nini Sissener
Food and Chemical Toxicology 50 p. 4441-4448

Genetically modified plants as fish feed ingredients

Nini Hedberg Sissener, Monica Sanden, Åshild Krogdahl, Anne Marie Bakke, Lene Elisabeth Johannessen, Gro Ingunn Hemre
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68 p. 563-574

Are apparent negative effects of feeding GM MON810 maize to Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, caused by confounding factors?

Nini Sissener, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Santosh P. Lall, Anita Sagstad, Kjell Petersen, J Williams, Jens Rohloff, Monica Sanden
British Journal of Nutrition 106 p. 42-56

Hepatic oxidative stress in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) transferred from a diet based on marine feed ingredients to a diet based on plant ingredients

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Monica Sanden, Rune Waagbø
Aquaculture Nutrition 17 p. E424-E436

Uptake and clearance of dietary DNA in the intestine of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed conventional or genetically modified soybeans

Monica Sanden, Lene Elisabeth Johannessen, Knut Berdal, Nini Sissener, Gro Ingunn Hemre
Aquaculture Nutrition 17 p. E750-E759

Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) as a Net Producer of Long-Chain Marine ω-3 Fatty Acids

Monica Sanden, Ingunn Stubhaug, Marc Berntssen, Øyvind Lie, Bente Elisabeth Torstensen
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59 p. 12697-12706

Proteomic Profiling of Liver from Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Fed Genetically Modified Soy Compared to the Near-Isogenic non-GM Line

Nini Hedberg Sissener, Samuel AM Martin, Phil Cash, Ernst Morten Hevrøy, MONICA SANDEN, Gro Ingunn Hemre
Marine Biotechnology 12 p. 273-281

A long term trial with Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed genetically modified soy; focusing general health and performance before, during and after the parr–smolt transformation

Nini Hedberg Sissener, MONICA SANDEN, AM Bakke, Åshild Krogdahl, Gro Ingunn Hemre
Aquaculture 294 p. 108-117

A long term trial with Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed genetically modified soy; focusing general health and performance before, during and after the parr¿smolt transformation

N.H. Sissener, MONICA SANDEN, Anne Marie Bakke, Åshild Krogdahl, Gro Ingunn Hemre
Aquaculture 294 p. 198-117

An assessment of organ and intestinal histomorphology and cellular stress response in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed genetically modified Roundup Ready® soy

Nini Hedberg Sissener, Anne Marie Bakke, Jinni Gu, Michael H Penn, E Eie, Åshild Krogdahl, MONICA SANDEN, Gro Ingunn Hemre
Aquaculture 298 p. 101-110

Novel production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) protein based on combined replacement of fish meal and fish oil with plant meal and vegetable oil blends

Bente Elisabeth Torstensen, Marit Espe, Monica Sanden, Ingunn Stubhaug, Rune Waagbø, Gro Ingunn Hemre, r fontanilles, U. Nordgarden, Ernst Morten Hevrøy, Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Marc Berntssen
Aquaculture 285 p. 193-200

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr fed genetically modified soybeans and maize: Histological, digestive, metabolic, and immunological investigations

Anne Marie Bakke-McKellep, Monica Sanden, Antonio Danieli, Raffaele Acierno, Gro-Ingunn Hemre, Michaele Maffia, Åshild Krogdahl
Research in Veterinary Science 84 p. 395-408

Organs development, gene expression and health of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed genetically modified soybeans compared to the near-isogenic non-modified parental line

Anita Sagstad, Monica Sanden, Åshild Krogdahl, Anne Marie Bakke-McKellep, Marianne Kristin Frøystad, Gro Ingunn Hemre
Aquaculture Nutrition 14 p. 556-572

Intracellular localization of dietary and naked DNA in intestinal tissue of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. using in situ hybridization

Monica Sanden, Marc Berntssen, Gro Ingunn Hemre
European Food Research and Technology 225 p. 533-543

Spatial transcription of CYP1A in fish liver

P.A. Olsvik, K.K. Lie, Øystein Sæle, M. Sanden
BMC Physiology 7 p. 12-12

Nutritional, physiological, and histological responses in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. fed diets with genetically modified maize

Anita Sagstad, Anne Marie Bakke-McKellep, Antonio Danieli, Raffaele Acierno, Michaele Maffia, Gro-Ingunn Hemre, Marianne K. Frøystad, Åshild Krogdahl, Monica Sanden
Aquaculture Nutrition 13 p. 186-199

Histological, digestive, metabolic, hormonal and some immune factor responses in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., fed genetically modified soybeans

Anne-Marie Bakke-McKellep, Erling Olaf Koppang, Gjermund Gunnes, Monica Sanden, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Thor Landsverk, Åshild Krogdahl
Journal of Fish Diseases 30 p. 65-79

Evaluation of stress- and immune-response biomarkers in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., fed different levels of genetically modified maize (Bt maize), compared with its near-isogenic parental line and a commercial suprex maize

Anita Sagstad, Monica Sanden, Øyvind Haugland, Gro-Ingunn Hemre, Pål Olsvik
Journal of Fish Diseases 30 p. 201-212

Growth performance and organ development in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. parr fed genetically modified (GM) soybean and maize

M Sanden, Åshild Krogdahl, Anne-Marie Bakke-McKellep, Randall K. Buddington, Gro Ingunn Hemre
Aquaculture Nutrition 12 p. 1-14

Growth, feed utilization and health of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. fed genetically modified compared to non-modified commercial hybrid soybeans

Gro Ingunn Hemre, M Sanden, Anne-Marie Bakke-McKellep, A Sagstad, Åshild Krogdahl
Aquaculture Nutrition 11

An examination of the intestinal tract of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr fed different varieties of soy and maize

MONICA SANDEN, MARC BERNTSSEN, Åshild Krogdahl, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Anne-Marie Bakke-McKellep
Journal of Fish Diseases 28 p. 317-320

Annet tidsskriftbidrag


Store muligheter i havet

Lise Madsen, Monica Sanden, Robin Ørnsrud, Erik Jan Robert Lock

Supermat frå Havet.

Marian Kjellevold, Monica Sanden

Det blå-grøne skiftet – Biomening. Fiskeribladet Fiskaren.

Sanden, Monica

Reply to letter to the editor

Thomas Bøhn, Marek Cuhra, Terje Traavik, Monica Sanden, John Fagan, Raul Primicerio
Food Chemistry 172 p. 924-927

Faglige foredrag


Fate and effects of perfluoroalkyl substances and their and alternatives in the marine environments

Aasim M. Ali, Camilla Kirkeli, Magnus Lindhard, Stig Valdersnes, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Stepan Boitsov, Monica Sanden, Bente Merete Nilsen, Are Sæle Bruvold, Julia Endresen Storesund, Nachiket Prakash Marathe, Sylvia Frantzen, Roland Kallenborn, Christopher P. Higgins, Leiv Kristen Sydnes

Hvordan gjøres risikovurderinger av GMO i Norge og EU? VKM

Sanden, Monica

Climate Change And Impact On Critical Contaminants In Seafood Ongoing Projects And Future Research Needs.

Monica Sanden, Stig Valdersnes, Ali M Aasim, Amund Måge, Tanja Kögel, Annette Bernhard, Bente Merete Nilsen, Sonnich Meier, Stepan Boitsov, Sylvia Frantzen

Safe and healthy aquatic food and climate change – National and Global implications

Sanden, Monica

Sustainable seafood and seafood safety

Sanden, Monica

Surveillance of Norwegian Seafood, microplastic method development

Sanden, Monica

Hvor farlig er egentlig mikroplast?

Monica Sanden, Tanja Kögel

Effects of micro- and nanoplastics on physiology of biota: A review

Tanja Kögel, Ørjan Bjorøy, Michael Bank, Monica Sanden

Micro- and nanoplastic quantification and effect studies don’t match

Tanja Kögel, Ørjan Bjorøy, André Marcel Bienfait, Benuarda Toto, Monica Sanden

The importance of the smaller size-classes - implications for food safety and risk assessment

Tanja Kögel, Ørjan Bjorøy, Benuarda Toto, Monica Sanden

Effects of agricultural pesticides in aquafeeds on wild fish feeding on leftover pellets near fish farms. Conference talk

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Anett Kristin Larsen, Marc Berntssen, Anders Goksøyr, Odd Andre Karlsen, Fekadu Yadetie, Monica Sanden, Torstein Kristensen

Agricultural pesticides in aquafeeds might harm wild fish feeding on leftover pellets near fish farms.

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Anett Kristin Larsen, Marc Berntssen, Anders Goksøyr, Odd Andre Karlsen, Monica Sanden, Torstein Kristensen

Er mikroplast farlig?

Sanden, Monica

Omega-3 Canola Oil effectively replaces fish oil as a dietary source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in feed for Atlantic salmon in freshwater and seawater

Bente Ruyter, Nini Sissener, Tone-Kari K Østbye, Marta Bou, Monica Sanden, Aleksei Krasnov, Turid Mørkøre, Cedric Simon, Gerd Marit Berge

Veit vi nok om miljøgifter i sjømat?

Sanden, Monica

Kroppen for voksne: Trygg fisk? Med Trond-Viggo Torgersen og Monica Sanden.

Sanden, Monica

Surveillance of microplastics (MPs) in seafood. Ongoing activity and future perspectives. Poster Presentation

Monica Sanden, Tanja Kögel, Michael Bank, Ørjan Bjorøy, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Helge Torbjørn Hove, Eystein Oveland, Stig Valdersnes

Microplastics in Seafood – An Overview of Surveillance and Analytical Activities at the Institute of Marine Research

Ørjan Bjorøy, Eystein Oveland, Stig Valdersnes, Helge Torbjørn Hove, Michael Bank, André Marcel Bienfait, Monica Sanden

Hjelpestoff påvirker akkumuleringen av sprøytemidler i sebrafisk - prosjekt 254807

Monica Sanden, Heidi Amlund, Josef Daniel Rasinger, Kai Kristoffer Lie, B Garlito, Maria Martinez, Felix Hernandez, Marc Berntssen

The Norwegian monitoring program for fish feed -Metals and minerals in feed and feed ingredients

Veronika Sele, Monica Sanden, Marc Berntssen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Marit Espe, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Heidi Amlund, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Rune Waagbø, Robin Ørnsrud

Modifisert rapsolje som omega-3 kilde i fôr til laks

Bente Ruyter, Ninni Sissener, Tone-Kari K Østbye, Aleksei Krasnov, Monica Sanden, Marta Bou, Cedric Simon, Gerd Marit Berge

A short story on feed additives in Norwegian fish feed and farmed fish.

Monica Sanden, Nini Sissener, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Rune Waagbø, Robin Ørnsrud

Levels of undesirable substances in marine feed ingredients, commercial Norwegian fish feed and farmed Atlantic salmon in the last 13-15 years.

Monica Sanden, Gro-Ingunn Hemre, Ole Jakob Nøstbakken, Amund Måge, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Heidi Amlund, Robin Ørnsrud, Marit Espe



Fate and effects of perfluoroalkyl substances and their precursors and alternatives in Norwegian marine environment and seafood species (FEARLESS)

Aasim Musa Mohamed Ali, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland, Julia Endresen Storesund, Stig Valdersnes, Stepan Boitsov, Monica Sanden, Roland Kallenborn, Christopher P. Higgins, Leiv Kristen Sydnes

Fate and effects of perfluoroalkyl substances and their precursors and alternatives in Norwegian marine environments and seafood species (FEARLESS)

Aasim Musa Mohamed Ali, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland, Julia Endresen Storesund, Stig Valdersnes, Stepan Boitsov, Monica Sanden, Roland Kallenborn, Leiv Kristen Sydnes

Selected contaminants in commercially produced fish feed and feed ingredients in Norway from 2006 to 2020

Veronika Sele, Rita Hannisdal, Monica Sanden, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Marc HG Berntssen, Robin Ørnsrud

Long-term performance of gene edited, sterile Atlantic salmon - growth, smoltification, welfare indicators and fillet composition.

Lene Kleppe, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Eva Andersson, Tom Johnny Hansen, Monica Sanden, Aina Bruvik, Kai Ove Skaftnesmo, Tomasz Furmanek, Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Diego Crespo, Simon Flavell, Audun Ø. Pedersen, Petra Vogelsang, Anne Torsvik, Sara Olausson, Birgitta Norberg, Rüdiger W. Schulz, Jan Bogerd, Nina Santi, Rolf Brudvik Edvardsen, Anna Wargelius

Screening for nanoparticles in marine organisms

Are Sæle Bruvold, Stig Valdersnes, Katrin Loeschner, Janja Vidmar, André Marcel Bienfait, Monica Sanden

Nanoparticle Separation via Crossflow Filtration

André Bienfait, Tanja Kögel, Ørjan Bjorøy, Monica Sanden

Monitoring of contaminants in mesopelagic species from Norwegian waters - Mesopelagic fish from Norwegian Sea and Sognefjorden

Martin Wiech, Arne Duinker, Monica Sanden

Towards a future screening method for nanoparticles in seafood –For surveillance and risk assessment of food safety

Stig Valdersnes, Katrin Löschner, Berit Solli, Tanja Kögel, Monica Sanden, Veronika Sele

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Undersøkelser av hydrokarboner og organiske miljøgifter i sedimenter fra Mareano-området i 2023

Stepan Boitsov, Aasim M. Ali, Monica Sanden
Rapport fra havforskningen

Nasjonalt tilsynsprogram for produksjon av skjell og andre bløtdyr – prøver analysert i 2023 for kjemiske forurensende stoffer og mikroorganismer

Arne Duinker, Julia Endresen Storesund, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Monica Sanden
Rapport fra havforskningen

Kvikksølv i sjømat ved U-864 - Resultater fra overvåkning i 2022 og 2023

Sylvia Frantzen, Amund Måge, Monica Sanden
Rapport fra havforskningen

Fremmedstoffer i villfisk 2023 - Bestemmelse av uorganisk arsen, metylkvikksølv og PFAS i utvalgte sjømatprøver

Sylvia Frantzen, Stig Valdersnes, Martin Wiech, Monica Sanden
Rapport fra havforskningen

Undersøkelser av hydrokarboner og organiske miljøgifter i sedimenter fra MAREANO-området i 2022

Stepan Boitsov, Monica Sanden
Rapport fra havforskningen 2023

Nasjonalt tilsynsprogram for produksjon av skjell og andre bløtdyr – prøver analysert i 2022 for kjemiske forurensende stoffer og mikroorganismer

Arne Duinker, Julia Endresen Storesund, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Monica Sanden
Rapport fra havforskningen

Kvikksølv i sjømat ved U-864 - Resultater fra overvåkning i 2021

Sylvia Frantzen, Amund Måge, Monica Sanden

MILJØGIFTER I FISK OG FISKEVARER 2021 - Organiske miljøgifter, tungmetaller, 3-MCPD og glysidylestere i marine oljer til humant konsum

Bente Merete Nilsen, Martin Wiech, Monica Sanden

Nasjonalt tilsynsprogram for produksjon av skjell og andre bløtdyr – prøver analysert i 2021 for kjemiske forurensende stoffer og mikroorganismer

Arne Duinker, Julia Endresen Storesund, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Monica Sanden

Undersøkelser av hydrokarboner og organiske miljøgifter i sedimenter fra MAREANO-området i 2021

Stepan Boitsov, Guri Nesje, Monica Sanden

Undersøkelser av hydrokarboner og organiske miljøgifter i sedimenter fra MAREANO-området i 2020

Stepan Boitsov, Monica Sanden

Miljøgifter i fisk og fiskevarer 2020 - Organiske miljøgifter, tungmetaller, 3-MCPD og glysidylestere i marine oljer til humant konsum

Bente Merete Nilsen, Martin Wiech, Monica Sanden

Kvikksølv i sjømat ved U-864 - Resultat fra overvåkning i 2020

Sylvia Frantzen, Amund Måge, Monica Sanden

Protocol for risk assessment of “other substances”. The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Jan Alexander, Johanna Eva Bodin, Ida Henriette Caspersen, Nur Duale, Åshild Krogdahl, Gro Haarklou Mathisen, Monica Sanden, Camilla Svendsen, Robin Ørnsrud

Undersøkelser av hydrokarboner og organiske miljøgifter i sedimenter fra MAREANO-området i 2019

Stepan Boitsov, Monica Sanden

Nasjonalt tilsynsprogram for produksjon av skjell og andre bløtdyr - prøver analysert i 2019 for kjemiske forurensende stoffer og mikroorganismer

Arne Duinker, Julia Endresen Storesund, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Monica Sanden

Kvikksølv i sjømat ved U-864 - Resultater fra overvåkning i 2019

Sylvia Frantzen, Amund Måge, Monica Sanden

Miljøgifter i atlantisk kveite fra kyst- og havområder i Norskehavet-2019 - Oppfølging av kartleggingsundersøkelsen for atlantisk kveite i 2013-2016

Bente Merete Nilsen, Stepan Boitsov, Sylvia Frantzen, Erik Berg, Monica Sanden

Miljøgifter i fisk og fiskevarer 2019 - Organiske miljøgifter, tungmetaller, 3-MCPD og glysidylestere i marine oljer til humant konsum

Bente Merete Nilsen, Martin Wiech, Monica Sanden

Fremmedstoffer i rødspette, breiflabb og lyr - Sluttrapport for kartleggingsprogrammet «Fremmedstoffer i villfisk med vekt på kystnære farvann» 2016-2018

Sylvia Frantzen, Bente Merete Nilsen, Monica Sanden

Fremmedstoffer i snabeluer (Sebastes mentella) og vanlig uer (Sebastes norvegicus) - Sluttrapport for kartleggingsprogrammet «Miljøgifter i fisk og fiskevarer» 2016-2018

Bente Merete Nilsen, Sylvia Frantzen, Monica Sanden

Miljøgifter i fisk og fiskevarer 2018 : Organiske miljøgifter, tungmetaller, 3-MCPD og glysidylestere i marine oljer til humant konsum

Bente Merete Nilsen, Monica Sanden

Kvikksølv i sjømat ved U-864 : Resultater fra overvåkning i 2018

Sylvia Frantzen, Amund Måge, Monica Sanden

Marint råstoff til produksjon av olje for humant konsum : Dioksiner og PCB i marine arter som mulig råstoff for produksjon av marine oljer til humant konsum

Monica Sanden, Bente Merete Nilsen, Sylvia Frantzen, Helge Torbjørn Hove

Nasjonalt tilsynsprogram for produksjon av skjell og andre bløtdyr - prøver analysert i 2018 for kjemiske forurensende stoffer og mikroorganismer

Arne Duinker, Julia Endresen Storesund, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Monica Sanden

Undersøkelse av miljøgifter i atlantisk kveite fra kysten av Trøndelag og Nordland : Sammenligning med resultater fra kartleggingsundersøkelsen for atlantisk kveite i 2013-2016

Bente Merete Nilsen, Sylvia Frantzen, Monica Sanden

Program for overvåking av fiskefôr - Årsrapport for prøver innsamlet i 2018

Veronika Sele, Monica Sanden, Marc Berntssen, Julia Endresen Storesund, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Marit Espe, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Rune Waagbø, Robin Ørnsrud

Nye omega-3-kilder i fôr til laks

Bente Ruyter, Katerina Kousoulaki, Aleksei Krasnov, Nini Sissener, Cedric Simon, Turid Mørkøre, Marta Bou, Tone-Kari K Østbye, Grete Bæverfjord, Monica Sanden, Odd Helge Romarheim, Mats Carlehög, Trine Ytrestøyl, Esmail Lutfi Royo, Gerd Marit Berge

Kvikksølv og organiske miljøgifter i Atlantisk kveite – Ny innsikt fra stabile isotoper av nitrogen og karbon

Bente Merete Nilsen, Michael Bank, Monica Sanden

Kvikksølvinnhold i sjømat ved vraket av U-864 vest av Fedje - Resultater fra fast overvåkning i 2017

Sylvia Frantzen, Monica Sanden, Amund Måge

Nasjonalt tilsynsprogram for produksjon av skjell og andre bløtdyr – prøver analysert i 2017 for kjemiske forurensende stoffer og mikroorganismer

Arne Duinker, Irja Sunde Roiha, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Monica Sanden

Kartlegging av fremmedstoffer i mesopelagiske arter fra norske farvann - Mesopelagisk fisk fra Norskehavet og Sognefjorden

Martin Wiech, Arne Duinker, Monica Sanden

Miljøgifter i fisk og fiskevarer 2017 – Dioksiner og dioksinlignende PCB, ikke-dioksinlignende PCB, polybromerte flammehemmere og tungmetaller i marine oljer til humant konsum

Bente Merete Nilsen, Monica Sanden


Helge Torbjørn Hove, Irja Sunde Roiha, Monica Sanden, Martin Wiech, Bjørn Tore Lunestad

Program for overvåking av fiskefôr

Veronika Sele, Monica Sanden, Marc Berntssen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Marit Espe, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Heidi Amlund, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Rune Waagbø, Robin Ørnsrud

Kartlegging av antibiotikaresistente bakteriar i marine skjel

Cecilie Smith Svanevik, Didrik Hjertaker Grevskott, Lena Skår Bernssen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Monica Sanden

Kadmiumanalyser i produkter av taskekrabbe kjøpt inn i 2016

Sylvia Frantzen, Arne Duinker, Monica Sanden, Amund Måge

Nasjonalt tilsynsprogram for produksjon av skjell og andre bløtdyr – prøver analysert i 2016: Kjemiske forurensende stoffer og mikroorganismer

Arne Duinker, Irja Sunde Roiha, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Monica Sanden

PAH i røykte kjøtt- og fiskeprodukter. En rapport for Mattilsynet med prøver tatt i 2016 og 2017

Sylvia Frantzen, Monica Sanden, Amund Måge

Risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize 1507 for cultivation, import, processing, food and feed uses under Directive 2001/18/EC (C/ES/01/01, C/NL/00/10) and Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/NL/2004/02, EFSA/GMO/RX/1507). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Richard Meadow, Nana Yaa Ohene Asare, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Olavi Junttila, Lawrence R. Kirkendall, Inger Elisabeth Måren, Siamak Pour Yazdankhah, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize Bt11 for cultivation, import, processing, food and feed uses under Directive 2001/18/EC and Regulation (EC). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Richard Meadow, Nana Yaa Ohene Asare, Knut Tomas Dalen, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Olavi Junttila, Lawrence R. Kirkendall, Inger Elisabeth Måren, Siamak Pour Yazdankhah, Knut Helkås Dahl, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Risk assessment of genetically modified carnation FLO-40685-2. Scientific opinion on genetically modified carnation FLO-40685-2 from Suntory Holdings Ltd. with modified petal colour for import as cut flowers for ornamental use under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC (Application C/NL/13/02). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Ville Erling Sipinen, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Per Brandtzæg, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Olavi Junttila, Richard Meadow, Inger Elisabeth Måren, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Risk assessment of genetically modified carnation SHD-27531-4. Scientific opinion on genetically modified carnation SHD-27531-4 from Suntory Holdings Ltd. with modified petal colour for import as cut flowers for ornamental use under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC (Application C/NL/13/01). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Ville Erling Sipinen, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Per Brandtzæg, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Olavi Junttila, Richard Meadow, Inger Elisabeth Måren, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Final health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified LLcotton25. Scientific opinion on glufosinate-tolerant, genetically modified LLcotton25 from Bayer CropScience for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (Application EFSA/GMO/NL/2005/13). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Anne Marie Bakke, Olavi Junttila, Arne Mikalsen, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Richard Meadow, Inger Elisabeth Måren, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Final health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified cotton GHB614. Scientific opinion on glyphosate-tolerant, genetically modified cotton GHB614 from Bayer CropScience for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (Application EFSA/GMO/NL/2008/51). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Anne Marie Bakke, Olavi Junttila, Arne Mikalsen, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Richard Meadow, Inger Elisabeth Måren, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Final health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified cotton 281-24-236 x 3006-210-23 (MXB-13). Scientific opinion on insect-resistant and glufosinate-tolerant, genetically modified MXB-13 from Dow AgroSciences for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (Application EFSA/GMO/NL/2005/16). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Anne Marie Bakke, Knut Helkås Dahl, Olavi Junttila, Arne Mikalsen, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Knut Tomas Dalen, Richard Meadow, Inger Elisabeth Måren, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Final health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified carnation Moonvelvet IFD-26407-2. Scientific opinion on genetically modified carnation Moonvelvet IFD-26407-2 from Florigene with modified petal colour for import as cut flowers for ornamental use under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC (Application C/NL/09/02). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Nana Yaa Ohene Asare, Anne Marie Bakke, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Richard Meadow, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Final health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified carnation Moonberry IFD-25958-3. Scientific opinion on genetically modified carnation Moonberry IFD-25958-3 from Florigene with modified petal colour for import as cut flowers for ornamental use under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC (Application C/NL /09/01). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Nana Yaa Ohene Asare, Anne Marie Bakke, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Richard Meadow, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Final health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified carnation Moonaqua 123.8.12. Scientific opinion on genetically modified carnation Moonaqua 123.8.12 from Florigene with modified petal colour for import as cut flowers for ornamental use under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC (Application C/NL/06/01). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Nana Yaa Ohene Asare, Anne Marie Bakke, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Richard Meadow, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Final health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified carnation Moonlite 123.2.38. Scientific opinion on genetically modified carnation Moonlite 123.2.38 from Florigene with modified petal colour for import as cut flowers for ornamental use under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC (Application C/NL/04/02). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Nana Yaa Ohene Asare, Anne Marie Bakke, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Richard Meadow, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Final health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified soybean MON 87701. Scientific opinion on insect resistant, genetically modified soybean MON 87701 from Monsanto for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (Application EFSA/GMO/BE/2010/79). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Nana Yaa Ohene Asare, Anne Marie Bakke, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Olavi Junttila, Richard Meadow, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Final health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified soybean 356043. Scientific opinion on herbicide tolerant, genetically modified soybean 356043 from Pioneer Hi-Bred for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (Application EFSA/GMO/UK/2007/43). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Nana Yaa Ohene Asare, Anne Marie Bakke, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Olavi Junttila, Richard Meadow, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Final health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified soybean MON 89788. Scientific opinion on herbicide tolerant, genetically modified soybean MON 89788 from Monsanto Company for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (Application EFSA/GMO/NL/2006/36). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Anne Marie Bakke, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Arne Mikalsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Olavi Junttila, Richard Meadow, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of herbicide tolerant genetically modified soybean A5547-127 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/NL/2008/52). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Anne Marie Bakke, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Arne Mikalsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Olavi Junttila, Richard Meadow, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of herbicide tolerant genetically modified soybean A2704-12 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/NL/2005/18). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Anne Marie Bakke, Knut Helkås Dahl, Knut Tomas Dalen, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Arne Mikalsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Olavi Junttila, Richard Meadow, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect resistant genetically modified maize 1507 for cultivation, import, processing, food and feed uses under Directive 2001/18/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (C/ES/01/01, C/NL/00/10, EFSA/GMO/NL/2004/02. Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Rose Vikse

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize Bt11 from Syngenta Seeds for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/RX/Bt11). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize MIR604 x GA21 in the European Union under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/UK/2007/48). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize GA21 from Syngenta Seeds for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/UK/2005/19). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Rose Vikse

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of application (Reference EFSA/GMO/UK/2008/56) for authorization of insect resistant and herbicide tolerant genetically modified maize Bt11 x MIR604 x GA21 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Syngenta Seeds. Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant genetically modified maize MIR604 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/UK/2005/11). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Rose Vikse

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize Bt11 x MIR604 in the European Union under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/UK/2007/50). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize Bt11 x GA21 in the European Union under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/UK/2007/49). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified glufosinate-tolerant oilseed rape MS8, RF3 and MS8 x RF3 for import, processing and feed uses under Directive 2001/18/EC (Notification C/BE/96/01). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Program for overvåkning av fiskefôr - årsrapport 2012

Monica Sanden, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Amund Maage, Bjørn Tore Lunestad, Marit Espe, Rita Hannisdal, Robin Ørnsrud

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize 1507 x NK603 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/UK/2004/05). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Rose Vikse

Helse- og miljørisikovurdering av genmodifisert mais MON 863 til import, prosessering og fôr under EU-direktiv 2001/18 (Notifikasjon C/DE/02/9). Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Rose Vikse, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Ville Erling Sipinen, Olavi Junttila

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize 59122 x 1507 x NK603 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/UK/2005/21). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Rose Vikse

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize 59122 x NK603 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/UK/2005/20). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Rose Vikse

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize 1507 x 59122 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/NL/2005/15). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Rose Vikse

Food and environmental risk assessment of herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize NK603 for food uses, import and processing under Directive 2001/18 /EC (Notification C/ES/00/01). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Ville Erling Sipinen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Rose Vikse

Helse- og miljørisikovurdering av genmodifisert maishybrid MON863 x MON810 til mat, fôr, import og prosessering under forordning 1829/2003/EF (EFSA/GMO/DE/2004/03) og direktiv 2001/18/EF (C/DE/02/92). Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Rose Vikse, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Ville Erling Sipinen, Olavi Junttila

Food/feed and environmental risk assessment of insect resistant genetically modified maize MON810 for cultivation, seed production, import, processing and feed uses under Directive 2001/18/EC (Notification C/F/95/12/02). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Rose Vikse, Ville Erling Sipinen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Food, feed and environmental risk assessment of glufosinatetolerant genetically modified oilseed rape T45 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (Application EFSA/GMO/UK/2005/25). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Rose Vikse, Ville Erling Sipinen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Environmental risk assessment of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize 1507 x 59122 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (EFSA/GMO/NL/2005/15). Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Anne Marthe Jevnaker, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Rose Vikse, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg

Overvåkning forurensede havner og fjorder - undersøkelse av fremmedstoffer i fisk og sjømat fra Ølenfjorden

Monica Sanden, Robin Ørnsrud

Foreløpig helse- og miljørisikovurdering av genmodifisert maishybrid 1507 x 59122 x MON810 x NK603, samt alle sub-kombinasjoner av linje 1507, 59122, MON810 og NK603 (EFSA/GMO/NL/2011/92). Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Aksel Bernhoft, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kåre Nolde Nielsen, Monica Sanden, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Rose Vikse, Audun Helge Nerland

Foreløpig helse- og miljørisikovurdering av genmodifisert soya DAS-68416-4 fra Dow AgroSciences LLC (EFSA/GMO/NL/2011/91). Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet

Aksel Bernhoft, Monica Sanden, Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Olavi Junttila, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Kåre Nolde Nielsen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Audun Helge Nerland

Foreløpig helse- og miljørisikovurdering av genmodifisert soya MON 87708 fra Monsanto Company (EFSA/GMO/NL/2011/93). Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet

Aksel Bernhoft, Monica Sanden, Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Olavi Junttila, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Audun Helge Nerland

Foreløpig helse- og miljørisikovurdering av genmodifisert potet AM04-1020 (cv. Amadea) fra BASF Plant Science (EFSA/GMO/SE/2010/88). Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet

Aksel Bernhoft, Monica Sanden, Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Tron Øystein Gifstad, Askild Lorentz Holck, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Audun Helge Nerland

Foreløpig helse- og miljørisikovurdering av genmodifisert mais DAS-40278-9 fra Dow AgroSciences LLC (EFSA/GMO/NL/2010/89). Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet

Aksel Bernhoft, Monica Sanden, Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Trond Gifstad, Askild Lorentz Holck, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Audun Helge Nerland

Foreløpig helse- og miljørisikovurdering av genmodifisert potet AV43-6-G7 (cv. Modena) fra AVEBE (EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/69). Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet

Aksel Bernhoft, Monica Sanden, Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Rose Vikse, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Olavi Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Audun Helge Nerland

Foreløpig helse- og miljørisikovurdering av genmodifisert maislinje Event 5307 fra Syngenta Crop Protection AG (EFSA/GMO/DE/2011/95). Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet. Innspill til EFSAs GMO Extranet

Audun Helge Nerland, Per Brandtzæg, Merethe Aasmo Finne, Askild Lorentz Holck, Juho Junttila, Heidi Sjursen Konestabo, Richard Meadow, Arne Mikalsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, Monica Sanden, Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Rose Vikse

Pentose phosphate activity in liver of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. - effects of dietary macronutrient variations and photoperiods

Sanden, Monica

Pentose phosphate activity in liver of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. - effects of dietary macronutrient variations and photoperiods

Sanden, Monica



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