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Frode Oppedal

Frode Oppedal m hjelm4
Telefon: 97166781
Avdeling: Dyrevelferd

Frode Oppedal is a professor scientist working on fish welfare and how aquaculture farm conditions and management should be based on biological premises. Main research field focuses on salmon, cleanerfish and salmon lice in sea cage environments, behavioural responses, physiology, thresholds for coping and welfare in commercial, natural fluctuating and artificial settings. 

Frode Oppedal er forsker som jobber med fiskevelferd og hvordan oppdrettsmiljøet bør baseres på biologiske premisser. Hovedfokuset er studier på laks, rensefisk og lakselus i merdmiljøet, deres atferdsresponser, fysiologi, terskler for mestring og velferd i kommersielle, naturlige fluktuerende og kunstige omgivelser.


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Characterisation of the underwater soundscape at Norwegian salmon farms

Luke T. Barrett, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 602

Jump nets passively isolate lice-infected salmon and enable targeted treatment using cleaner fish

Amy Loebmann, Lena Geitung, Luke T. Barrett, Frode Oppedal, Tim Dempster
Aquaculture 596

Collection rates of detached mobile sea lice according to net mesh and body size: A benchtop model

Luke T. Barrett, Frode Oppedal, Minnie Harvey, Christiane Eichner, Florian Sambraus, Sussie Trine Dalvin
Aquacultural Engineering 110

Collection rates of detached mobile sea lice according to net mesh and body size: a benchtop model

Luke T. Barrett, Frode Oppedal, Minnie Harvey, Christiane Eichner, Florian Sambraus, Sussie Trine Dalvin
Aquacultural Engineering

Salmon lice detached during aquaculture practices survive and can reinfest other hosts

Sussie Trine Dalvin, Frode Oppedal, Minnie Harvey, Luke T. Barrett
Aquaculture 598

The Behavioral and Neurobiological Response to Sound Stress in Salmon

Frode Oppedal, Luke T. Barrett, Thomas Fraser, Tone Vågseth, Guosong Zhang, Oliver Gilberg Andersen, Léa Jacson, Marie-Aida Dieng, Marco Vindas
Brain, Behavior and Evolution

Post-smolt Atlantic salmon can regulate buoyancy in submerged sea-cages by gulping air bubbles

Luke T. Barrett, Lars-Thomas Unneland Larsen, Samantha Bui, Tone Vågseth, Erlend Eide, Timothy Dempster, Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal
Aquacultural Engineering 107

A passive fish sampling method is representative for size but selective for parasite load

Amy Loebmann, Luke T. Barrett, Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture 593

Post-smolt Atlantic salmon can regulate buoyancy in submerged sea-cages by gulping air bubbles

Luke T. Barrett, Lars-Thomas Unneland Larsen, Samantha Bui, Tone Vågseth, Erlend Eide, Timothy Dempster, Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal
Aquacultural Engineering 107

The Behavioral and Neurobiological Response to Sound Stress in Salmon

Frode Oppedal, Luke T. Barrett, Thomas Fraser, Tone Vågseth, Guosong Zhang, Oliver Gilberg Andersen, Lea Jacson, Marie-Aida Dieng, Marco Vindas
Brain, Behavior and Evolution

Tolerance to fluctuating currents in farmed Atlantic salmon: a novel method to simulate offshore wave effects in the laboratory

Ronja Rogerdatter Athammer, Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 16 p. 103-114

Efficiency of salmon production in submerged cages with air domes matches standard surface cages when environments are similar

F. Warren-Myers, Ole Folkedal, Tone Vågseth, Lars Helge Stien, Jan Olav Fosse, Timothy David Dempster, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 586

Fasting and its implications for fish welfare in Atlantic salmon aquaculture

Malthe Hvas, Jelena Kolarevic, Christopher Noble, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien
Reviews in Aquaculture

Atlantic salmon in chronic turbulence: Effects on growth, behaviour, welfare, and stress

Emma Barbier, Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas
Aquaculture 582

Fluid–Structure Interactions of Net Cages—Full-Scale Pushing Tests in the Field

Sihan Gao, Frode Oppedal, Jan Olav Fosse, Stig Atle Tuene, Lars Christian Gansel
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 146

Fluid-structure interactions of net cages - full-scale pushing tests in the field

Sihan Gao, Frode Oppedal, Jan Olav Fosse, Stig Atle Tuene, Lars Christian Gansel
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering

Comparison of non-medicinal delousing strategies for parasite (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) removal efficacy and welfare impact on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) hosts

Cameron Thompson, Angelico Madaro, Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Øyvind Øverli, Wayne J. Korzan, Samantha Bui
Aquaculture International

Adaptive photoperiod interpretation modulates phenological timing in Atlantic salmon

Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Frode Oppedal, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen
Scientific Reports 13

Environmentally responsive parasite prevention halves salmon louse burden in commercial marine cages

Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Benedicte Simensen, Henrik Trengereid, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 563

Novel tag-based method for measuring tailbeat frequency and variations in amplitude in fish

F. Warren-Myers, Eirik Svendsen, Martin Føre, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas
Animal Biotelemetry 11

Supersizing salmon farms in the coastal zone: A global analysis of changes in farm technology and location from 2005 to 2020

P. McIntosh, L.T. Barrett, F. Warren-Myers, A. Coates, G. Macaulay, A. Szetey, Nicholas Andrew Robinson, C. White, F. Samsing, Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Klebert Pascal, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture 553 p. 1-17

Declining size-at-harvest in Norwegian salmon aquaculture: Lice, disease, and the role of stunboats

LukeT. Barrett, Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Trond Kristiansen, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien
Aquaculture 559

Deployment of hydroacoustic feeding control in salmon sea-cages; biological and technical considerations

Ole Folkedal, Gavin Macaulay, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Gunvar Mikkelsen, Joakim Myrland, Bendik Sørensen Søvegjarto, Tom Olav Klepaker, Anders Fernø, Timothy David Dempster, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien
Aquaculture 561

Full compensatory growth before harvest and no impact on fish welfare in Atlantic salmon after an 8-week fasting period

Malthe Hvas, Jonatan Nilsson, Tone Vågseth, Velimir Nola, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Ole Folkedal
Aquaculture 546

Wild Atlantic salmon enter aquaculture sea-cages: A case study

Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Samantha Bui, Tom Johnny Hansen, Frode Oppedal, Gunnar O Bakke, Lea Marie Hellenbrecht, Sofie Knutar, Abdullah Sami Madhun
Conservation Science and Practice (CSP) 3 p. 1-7

Salmon lice nauplii and copepodids display different vertical migration patterns in response to light

Aylah Szetey, Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13 p. 121-131

Acclimation with lice-infested salmon improves cleaner fish delousing performance

Katherine Gentry, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Reidun Marie Bjelland, Velimir Nola, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13 p. 41-49

Wild Atlantic salmon enter aquaculture sea-cages: A case study

Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Samantha Bui, Tom Johnny Hansen, Frode Oppedal, Gunnar O Bakke, Lea Hellenbrecht, Sofie Knutar, Abdullah Sami Madhun
Conservation Science and Practice (CSP) 3 p. 1-7

What is The Limit of Sustained Swimming in Atlantic Salmon Post smolts?

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13 p. 189-198

Sentinels in Salmon Aquaculture: Heart Rates Across Seasons and During Crowding Events

Fletcher Warren-Myers, Malthe Hvas, Tone Vågseth, Tim Dempster, Frode Oppedal
Frontiers in Physiology

Submerged cage aquaculture of marine fish: a review of the biological challenges and opportunities

Michael Sievers, Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Fletcher Warren-Myers, Frode Oppedal, Georgia Macauley, Ole Folkedal, Tim Dempster
Reviews in Aquaculture

Full production cycle, commercial scale culture of salmon in submerged sea-cages with air domes reduces lice infestation, but creates production and welfare challenges

Fletcher Warren-Myers, Tone Vågseth, Ole Folkedal, Lars Helge Stien, Jan Olav Fosse, Tim Dempster, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 548

Operculum PIT tagging: a viable alternative to avoid human consumption in processed salmon

Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Georgia Macaulay, Malin Stalheim, Frode Oppedal
Animal Biotelemetry 9

The effect of fasting period on swimming performance, blood parameters and stress recovery in Atlantic salmon post molts

Malthe Hvas, Jonatan Nilsson, Tone Vågseth, Velimir Nola, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Ole Folkedal
Aquaculture 546

The effect of fasting period on swimming performance, blood parameters and stress recovery in Atlantic salmon post smolts

Malthe Hvas, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 255

Farmed salmonids drive the abundance, ecology and evolution of parasitic salmon lice in Norway

Tim Dempster, Kathy Overton, Samantha Bui, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Ørjan Karlsen, Andrew Coates, B. L. Phillips, Luke T. Barrett
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13 p. 237-248

The potential for cleaner fish-driven evolution in the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis: Genetic or environmental control of pigmentation?

Lars Are Hamre, Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Frode Oppedal, Frank Nilsen, Kevin Alan Glover
Ecology and Evolution 11 p. 1-14

Tapeworm (Eubothrium sp.) infestation in sea caged Atlantic salmon decreased by lice barrier snorkels during a commercial-scale study

Lena Geitung, Daniel William Wright, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Egil Erlingsson Karlsbakk
Aquaculture 541 p. 1-7

Tag use to monitor fish behaviour in aquaculture: a review of benefits, problems and solutions

Georgia Macaulay, Fletcher Warren-Myers, Luke T. Barrett, Frode Oppedal, Martin Føre, Tim Dempster
Reviews in Aquaculture 13 p. 1565-1582

Evolution of salmon lice in response to management strategies: a review

Andrew Coates, Ben Phillips, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Nicholas Andrew Robinson, Tim Dempster
Reviews in Aquaculture 13 p. 1397-1422

Finding the needle in the haystack: Comparison of methods for salmon louse enumeration in plankton samples

Samantha Bui, Sussie Dalvin, Tone Vågseth, Frode Oppedal, Frode Fossøy, Hege Brandsegg, Ása Jacobsen, Gunnvør á Nordi, Mark Fordyce, Helena Kling Michelsen, Bengt Finstad, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen
Aquaculture Research 52 p. 3591-3604

Sea lice removal by cleaner fish in salmon aquaculture: a review of the evidence base

Kathy Overton, Luke Barrett, Frode Oppedal, Tore S Kristiansen, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 12 p. 31-44

Skeletal deformities in wild and farmed cleaner fish species used in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar aquaculture

Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Angelico Madaro, Malthe Hvas, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Thomas Fraser
Journal of Fish Biology p. 1-10

Heart rates of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar during a critical swim speed test and subsequent recovery

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal
Journal of Fish Biology

Effect of cleaner fish on sea lice in Norwegian salmon aquaculture: a national scale data analysis

Luke T. Barrett, Kathy Overton, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Tim Dempster
International Journal of Parasitology 50 p. 787-796

Fish welfare in offshore salmon aquaculture

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal
Reviews in Aquaculture

Heart rate bio-loggers as welfare indicators in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 529

The effect of temperature on ability of Lepeophtheirus salmonis to infect and persist on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Sussie Dalvin, Lars Are Hamre, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Tone Vågseth, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Samantha Bui
Journal of Fish Diseases 43 p. 1519-1529

Challenges and benefits of applying fish behaviour to improve production and welfare in industrial aquaculture

Georgia Macaulay, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Tim Dempster
Reviews in Aquaculture

The effect of temperature on ability of Lepeophtheirus salmonis to infect and persist on Atlantic salmon

Sussie Dalvin, Lars Are Hamre, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Tone Vågseth, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Samantha Bui
Journal of Fish Diseases 43 p. 1519-1529

Buoyancy matters: Establishing the maximum neutral buoyancy depth of Atlantic salmon

Gavin John Macaulay, Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture 519 p. 1-8

Salmon lice survive the straight shooter: A commercial scale sea cage trial of laser delousing

Samantha Bui, Lena Geitung, Frode Oppedal, Luke T. Barrett
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 181 p. 1-6

Cleaner fish growth, welfare and survival in Atlantic salmon sea cages during an autumn-winter production

Lena Geitung, Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Tone Vågseth, Angelico Madaro
Aquaculture 528 p. 1-10

The metabolic rate response to feed withdrawal in Atlantic salmon post-smolts

Malthe Hvas, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 529

Prevention not cure: a review of methods to avoid sea lice infestations in salmon aquaculture

Luke T. Barrett, Frode Oppedal, Nicholas Andrew Robinson, Tim Dempster
Reviews in Aquaculture p. 1-17

Salmon lice survive the straight shooter: efficiency of optical delousing using lasers in a commercial net pen

Samantha Bui, Lena Geitung, Frode Oppedal, Luke T. Barrett
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 181

Parasites under pressure: salmon lice have the capacity to adapt to depth-based preventions in aquaculture

Andrew Coates, Ben Phillips, Frode Oppedal, Samantha Bui, Kathy Overton, Tim Dempster
International Journal of Parasitology 50 p. 865-872

Optimal estimation of lice release from aquaculture based on ambient temperatures

Ingrid A. Johnsen, Lars Helge Stien, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Lars Asplin, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 12 p. 179-191

Atlantic salmon cope in submerged cages when given access to an air dome that enables fish to maintain neutral buoyancy

Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Lars Helge Stien, Tone Vågseth, Jan Olav Fosse, Tim Dempster, Fletcher Warren-Myers
Aquaculture 525 p. 1-7

Where art thou louse? A snapshot of attachment location preferences in salmon lice on Atlantic salmon hosts in sea cages

Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Velimir Nola, Luke T. Barrett
Journal of Fish Diseases 43 p. 697-706

Acclimating salmon as juveniles prepares them for a farmed life in sea-cages

Georgia Macaulay, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Tim Dempster
Aquaculture 523 p. 735227

Ultraviolet-C light suppresses reproduction of sea lice but has adverse effects on host salmon.

Luke T. Barrett, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Tora Bardal, Rolf Erik Olsen, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture 520

Efficiency and welfare impact of long-term simultaneous in situ management strategies for salmon louse reduction in commercial sea cages

Samantha Bui, Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Helge Stien, Henrik Trengereid, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 520

Impact of thermoclines on the vertical distribution of salmon lice larvae

Thomas Crosbie, Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal, Sussie Dalvin, Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll, Timothy Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 12 p. 1-10

Sea lice prevention strategies affect cleaner fish delousing efficacy in commercial Atlantic salmon sea-cages

Katherine Gentry, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 12 p. 67-80

Fish Welfare Based Classification Method of Ocean Current Speeds at Aquaculture Sites

Kristbjörg Edda Jónsdóttir, Malthe Hvas, Jo Arve Alfredsen, Martin Føre, Morten Alver, Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 249-261

Snorkel Technology to Reduce Sea Lice Infestations: Efficacy Depends on Salinity at the Farm Site, but Snorkels Have Minimal Effects on Salmon Production and Welfare

Frode Oppedal, Samantha Bui, Kathy Overton, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 445-457

Development of the Salmon Louse Lepeophtheirus Salmonis Parasitic Stages in Temperatures Ranging from 3 to 24°C

Lars Are Hamre, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Sussie Dalvin
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 429-443

Effects of Step Salinity Gradients on Salmon Lice Larvae Behaviour and Dispersal

Thomas Crosbie, Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Fransisca Samsing, Timothy Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 181-190

Differential effects of internal tagging depending on depth treatment in Atlantic salmon: a cautionary tale for aquatic animal tag use.

Daniel William Wright, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Frode Oppedal
Current Zoology 65 p. 665-673

Physiological responses of farmed Atlantic salmon and two cohabitant species of cleaner fish to progressive hypoxia

Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 512

Snorkel sea-cage technology decreases salmon louse infestation by 75% in a full-cycle commercial test

Lena Geitung, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Egil Karlsbakk, Velimir Nola, Daniel William Wright
International Journal of Parasitology 49 p. 843-846

The effectiveness of hyposaline treatments against host-attached salmon lice

Michael Sievers, Frode Oppedal, Ellen Ditria, Daniel William Wright
Scientific Reports 9

Effects of step salinity gradients on salmon lice larvae behaviour and dispersal

Thomas Crosbie, Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Fransisca Samsing, Timothy Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 181-190

Snorkel technology to reduce sea lice infestations: efficacy depends on salinity at the farm site, but snorkels have minimal effects on salmon production and welfare

Frode Oppedal, Samantha Bui, Kathy Overton, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 445-457

Development of the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis parasitic stages in temperatures ranging from 3 to 24°C

Lars Are Hamre, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Sussie Dalvin
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 429-443

Sterilization of salmon lice eggs with UVC light: towards a new preventative technique for aquaculture

Luke T. Barrett, Cassandra Pert, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Tim Dempster
Pest Management Science 76 p. 901-906

Jumping to treat sea lice: Harnessing salmon behaviour to enable surface-based chemotherapeutant application

Timothy David Dempster, Samantha Bui, Kathy Overton, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 512

Influence of experimental set-up and methodology for measurements of metabolic rates and critical swimming speed in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal
Journal of Fish Biology 95 p. 893-902

Physiological performance of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) at different temperatures and its implication for cleaner fish usage in salmon aquaculture

Jeffrey William Yuen, Tim Dempster, Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas
Biological control (Print) 135 p. 117-123

Fish welfare based classification method of ocean current speeds at aquaculture sites

Kristbjörg Edda Jónsdóttir, Malthe Hvas, Jo Arve Alfredsen, Martin Føre, Morten Alver, Hans Vanhauwaert Bjelland, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 249-261

Metabolic and functional impacts of hypoxia vary with size in Atlantic salmon

Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Barbara F. Nowak, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 231 p. 30-38

Thermal delousing with cold water: Effects on salmon lice removal and salmon welfare

Kathy Overton, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Lene Moltumyr, Daniel William Wright, Tim Dempster
Aquaculture 505 p. 41-46

Welfare, behaviour and feasibility of farming Atlantic salmon in submerged cages with weekly surface access to refill their swim bladders.

Alex Glaropolous, Lars Helge Stien, Ole Folkedal, Timothy David Dempster, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 502 p. 332-337

Growth and welfare of submerged Atlantic salmon under continuous lighting

Michael Sievers, Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Timothy David Dempster, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tore S Kristiansen, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 p. 501-510

Growth and welfare of submerged Atlantic salmon under continuous lightning

Michael Sievers, Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Timothy David Dempster, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tore S Kristiansen, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 p. 501-510

Salmon lice treatments and salmon mortality in Norwegian aquaculture: a review

Kathy Overton, Tim Dempster, Frode Oppedal, Tore S Kristiansen, Kristine Gismervik, Lars Helge Stien
Reviews in Aquaculture p. 1-20

Oxygen Uptake and Osmotic Balance of Atlantic Salmon in Relation to Exercise and Salinity Acclimation

Malthe Hvas, Tom Ole Nilsen, Frode Oppedal
Frontiers in Marine Science 5 p. 1-11

Metabolic rates, swimming capabilities, thermal niche and stress response of the lumpfish, cyclopterus lumpus

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Albert Imsland, Frode Oppedal
Biology Open 7:bio036079 p. 1-9

Cage size affects dissolved oxygen distribution in salmon aquaculture

Tina Oldham, Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 p. 149-156

Repeated sublethal freshwater exposures reduce the amoebic gill disease parasite, Neoparamoeba perurans, on Atlantic salmon

Daniel William Wright, Barbara Nowak, Frode Oppedal, Phil Crosbie, Lars Helge Stien, Tim Dempster
Journal of Fish Diseases 41 p. 1403-1410

Surface environment modification in Atlantic salmon sea-cages: Effects on amoebic gill disease, salmon lice, growth and welfare

Daniel William Wright, Lena Geitung, Egil Karlsbakk, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Tina Oldham, Velimir Nola, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 p. 255-265

Skirts on salmon production cages reduced salmon lice infestations without affecting fish welfare

Lars Helge Stien, Mattias Bendiksen Lind, Frode Oppedal, Daniel William Wright, Tore Seternes
Aquaculture 490 p. 281-287

Drag Forces and deformation of aquaculture cages – full-scale towing tests in the field

Lars Christian Gansel, Frode Oppedal, Jens Birkevold, Stig Atle Tuene
Aquacultural Engineering 81 p. 46-56

Dissolved oxygen variability in a commercial sea-cage exposes farmed Atlantic salmon to growth limiting conditions

David Solstorm, Tina Oldham, Frida Solstorm, Klebert Pascal, Lars Helge Stien, Tone Vågseth, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 486 p. 122-129

Behaviour in Atlantic salmon confers protection against an ectoparasite.

Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Fransisca Samsing, Timothy David Dempster
Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology (JEZ) 304 p. 73-80

Behaviour in Atlantic salmon confers protection against an ectoparasite

Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Francisca Samsing, Timothy David Dempster
Journal of Zoology 304 p. 73-80

Lowering treatment temperature reduces salmon mortality: a new way to treat with hydrogen peroxide in aquaculture.

Kathy Overton, Fransisca Samsing, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster
Pest Management Science 74 p. 535-540

The gill parasite Paramoeba perurans compromises aerobic scope, swimming capacity and ion balance in Atlantic salmon.

Malthe Hvas, Egil Karlsbakk, Stig Mæhle, Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal
Conservation Physiology 5 p. 1-12

Salmon lice evasion, susceptibility, retention, and development differ amongst host salmonid species.

Samantha Bui, Elina Halttunen, Agnes Marie Mohn, Tone Vågseth, Frode Oppedal
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 p. 1071-1079

Behaviour in the toolbox to outsmart parasites and improve fish welfare in aquaculture

Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Michael Sievers, Timothy David Dempster
Reviews in Aquaculture 11 p. 168-186

The use and effects of hydrogen peroxide on salmon lice and post-smolt Atlantic salmon.

Kathy Overton, Francisca Samsing, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Sussie Dalvin, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture 486 p. 246-252

Free-living Neoparamoeba perurans depth distribution is mostly uniform in salmon cages, but reshaped by stratification and potentially extreme fish crowding

Daniel William Wright, Barbara Nowak, Frode Oppedal, Andrew Bridle, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 9 p. 269-279

Oxygen gradients affect behaviour of caged Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Tina Oldham, Timothy David Dempster, Jan Olav Fosse, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 9 p. 145-153

Susceptibility, behaviour, and retention of the parasitic salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) differ with Atlantic salmon population origin

Samantha Bui, Sussie Dalvin, Timothy David Dempster, Ole Fredrik Skulstad, Rolf Edvardsen, Anna Wargelius, Frode Oppedal
Journal of Fish Diseases 41 p. 431-442

Network analysis reveals strong seasonality in the dispersal of a marine parasite and identifies areas for coordinated management

Fransisca Samsing, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Timothy David Dempster, Frode Oppedal, Eric A. Treml
Landscape Ecology

`Snorkel? lice barrier technology reduced two co- occurring parasites, the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) and the amoebic gill disease causing agent (Neoparamoeba perurans), in commercial salmon sea-cages

Daniel William Wright, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Tone Vågseth, Velemir Nola, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Frode Oppedal
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 140 p. 97-105

Sea lice infestation levels decrease with deeper ‘snorkel’ barriers in Atlantic salmon sea-cages

Frode Oppedal, Francisca Samsing, Timothy David Dempster, Daniel William Wright, Samantha Bui, Lars Helge Stien
Pest Management Science 73 p. 1935-1943

The effect of thermal acclimation on aerobic scope and critical swimming speed in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Albert Imsland, Frode Oppedal
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 p. 2757-2764

Sustained swimming capacity of Atlantic salmon

Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 9 p. 361-369

Assessing swimming capacity and schooling behaviour in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar with experimental push-cages

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, David Solstorm, Tone Vågseth, Jan Olav Fosse, Lars Christian Gansel, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 473 p. 423-429

Effects of light source and intensity on sexual maturation, growth and swimming behaviour of Atlantic salmon in sea cages

Tom Johnny Hansen, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Ole Folkedal, Tone Vågseth, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions p. 193-204

Sea lice infestation level alters salmon swimming depth in sea-cages

Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8 p. 429-435

The vertebral column and exercise in Atlantic salmon — Regional effects

Frida Solstorm, David Solstorm, Frode Oppedal, Per Gunnar Fjelldal
Aquaculture 461 p. 9-16

Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) development times, body size and reproductive outputs follow universal models of temperature dependence

Francisca Samsing, Frode Oppedal, Sussie Dalvin, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Tone Vågseth, Timothy David Dempster
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73 p. 1841-1851

Predicting the effectiveness of depth-based technologies to prevent salmon lice infection using a dispersal model

Francisca Samsing, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Jon Albretsen, Lars Asplin, Timothy David Dempster
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 129 p. 48-57

The oxygen threshold for maximal feed intake of Atlantic salmon post-smolts is highly temperature-dependent

Mette Remen, Michael Sievers, Thomas Torgersen, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 464 p. 582-592

'Snorkel' sea lice barrier technology reduces sea lice loads on harvest-sized Atlantic salmon with minimal welfare impacts

Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Samantha Bui, Alexis Glaropoulos, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Daniel W. Wright, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 458 p. 29-37

Effect of ectoparasite infestation density and life-history stages on the swimming performance of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Samantha Bui, Timothy David Dempster, Mette Remen, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8 p. 387-395

Not too slow, not too fast: water currents affect group structure, aggression and welfare in postsmolt Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Frida Solstorm, David Solstorm, Frode Oppedal, Rolf Erik Olsen, Lars Helge Stien, Anders Fernø
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8 p. 339-347

Critical swimming speed in groups of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Mette Remen, Frida Solstorm, Samantha Bui, Klebert Pascal, Tone Vågseth, David Solstorm, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8 p. 659-664

Early-stage sea lice recruits on Atlantic salmon are freshwater sensitive

Daniel W. Wright, Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster
Journal of Fish Diseases 39 p. 1179-1186

Depth distribution of the amoebic gill disease agent, Neoparamoeba perurans, in salmon sea-cages

Daniel W. Wright, Barbara Nowak, Frode Oppedal, Andrew Bridle, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 7 p. 67-74

Fast water currents reduce production performance of post-smolt Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Frida Solstorm, David Solstorm, Frode Oppedal, Anders Fernø, Thomas Fraser, Rolf Erik Olsen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 7 p. 125-134

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar instantaneously follow vertical light movements in sea cages

Daniel William Wright, Alexis Glaropoulos, David Solstorm, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 7 p. 61-65

Gone with the flow: Current velocities mediate parasitic infestation of an aquatic host

Francisca Samsing, David Solstorm, Frode Oppedal, Frida Solstorm, Timothy David Dempster
International Journal of Parasitology 45 p. 559-565

Effect of temperature on the metabolism, behaviour and oxygen requirements of Sparus aurata

Mette Remen, Marit A. J. Nederlof, Ole Folkedal, Grethe Beate Thorsheim, Ariadna Sitjà-Bobadilla, Jaume Pérez-Sánchez, Frode Oppedal, Rolf Erik Olsen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 7 p. 115-123

Effect of water oxygen level on performance of diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon post-smolts reared at high temperature

Tom Johnny Hansen, Rolf Erik Olsen, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Thomas Torgersen, Olav Breck, Mette Remen, Tone Vågseth, Per Gunnar Fjelldal
Aquaculture 435 p. 354-360

Fast water currents reduce production performance of post-smolt Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Frida Solstorm, David Solstorm, Frode Oppedal, Anders Fernø, Thomas William Kenneth Fraser, Rolf Erik Olsen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 7 p. 125-134

High host densities dilute sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis loads on individual Atlantic salmon, but do not reduce lice infection success

Francisca Samsing, Frode Oppedal, David Johansson, Samantha Bui, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 6 p. 81-89

Flow fields inside stocked fish cages and the near environment

Lars Gansel, Siri Rackebrandt, Frode Oppedal, Thomas McClimans
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 136

Low intensity light of different colours modifies Atlantic salmon depth use

Lars Helge Stien, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Morten E. Malm, Harald Sveier, Thomas Torgersen, Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal
Aquacultural Engineering 62 p. 42-48

Production performance of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) postsmolts in cyclic hypoxia, and following compensatory growth

Mette Remen, Turid Synnøve Aas, Tone Vågseth, Thomas Torgersen, Rolf Erik Olsen, Albert Imsland, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Research 45 p. 1355-1366

Aplasia of the septum transversum has no effect on plasma biochemistry following an acute hypoxic event in Atlantic salmon

Tom Fraser, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Frode Oppedal, Rolf Erik Olsen, Tone Vågseth, Mette Remen
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 111 p. 87-92

The interaction between water currents and salmon swimming behaviour in sea cages

David Johansson, Frida Maria Laursen, Anders Fernø, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Klebert Pascal, Lars Helge Stien, Tone Vågseth, Frode Oppedal

Behaviour of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., in cages - impact of early life rearing conditions and management

Nikos Papandroulakis, Konstandia Lika, Tore S Kristiansen, Frode Oppedal, Pascal Divanach, Michael Pavlidis
Aquaculture Research 45 p. 1545-1558

Manipulation of farmed Atlantic salmon swimming behaviour through the adjustment of lighting and feeding regimes as a tool for salmon lice control

Benedikt Frenzl, Lars Helge Stien, David J. Cockerill, Frode Oppedal, Randolph H. Richards, Andrew P. Shinn, James Emmanuel Bron, Hervé Migaud
Aquaculture 424-425 p. 183-188

PIT tagged individual Atlantic salmon registrered at static depth positions in a sea cage: Vertical size stratification and implications for fish sampling

Jonatan Nilsson, Ole Folkedal, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal
Aquacultural Engineering 55 p. 32-36

Towards cod without spawning: artificial continuous light in submerged sea-cages maintains growth and delays sexual maturation for farmed Atlantic cod Gadus morhua

Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Timothy David Dempster, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Ørjan Karlsen, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Tore S Kristiansen
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 3 p. 245-255

Hypoxia tolerance thresholds for post-smolt Atlantic salmon: Dependency of temperature and hypoxia acclimation

Mette Remen, Frode Oppedal, Albert Imsland, Rolf Erik Olsen, Thomas Torgersen
Aquaculture 416 p. 41-47

Group behavioural responses of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) to light, infrasound and sound stimuli

Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Damien Sonny, Timothy David Dempster

Modelling of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) behaviour in sea-cages: Using artificial light to control swimming depth

Martin Føre, Timothy David Dempster, Jo Arve Alfredsen, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 388 p. 137-146

Hydrodynamic interactions on net panel and aquaculture fish cages: A review

Klebert Pascal, Pål Lader, Lars Gansel, Frode Oppedal
Ocean Engineering 58 p. 260-274

Modifying Atlantic salmon behaviour with light or feed stimuli may improve parasite control techniques

Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Timothy David Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 3 p. 125-133

Salmon Welfare Index Model (SWIM 1.0): a semantic model for overall welfare assessment of caged Atlantic salmon: review of the selected welfare indicators and model presentation

Lars Helge Stien, Marc Bracke, Ole Folkedal, Jonatan Nilsson, Frode Oppedal, Thomas Torgersen, Silje Kittilsen, Paul Johan Midtlyng, Marco Antonio Vindas Alvarado, Øyvind Øverli, Tore S Kristiansen
Reviews in Aquaculture 5 p. 33-57

Vertical distribution and sexual maturation in cage-farming of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) exposed to natural or continuous light

Ole Fredrik Skulstad, Ørjan Karlsen, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Tore S Kristiansen, Geir Lasse Taranger, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture Research 44 p. 903-917

Sea caged Atlantic salmon display size-dependent swimming depth

Ole Folkedal, Lars Helge Stien, Jonatan Nilsson, Thomas Torgersen, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Frode Oppedal
Aquatic Living Resources 25 p. 143-149

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in a submerged sea-cage adapt rapidly to re-fill their swim bladders in an underwater air filled dome

Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Tore S Kristiansen, Frode Oppedal, Samantha Bui, Timothy David Dempster
Aquacultural Engineering 51 p. 1-6

Effects of cyclic environmental hypoxia on physiology and feed intake of post-smolt Atlantic salmon: Initial responses and acclimation

Mette Remen, Frode Oppedal, Thomas Torgersen, Albert Imsland, Rolf Erik Olsen
Aquaculture 326-329 p. 148-155

Individual variation in swimming depth and growth in Atlantic salmon 2 (Salmo salar L.) subjected to submergence in sea-cages

Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Timothy David Dempster, Frode Oppedal, Tore S Kristiansen
Aquaculture 334 p. 142-151

Food anticipatory behaviour as an indicator of stress response and recovery in Atlantic salmon post-smolt after exposure to acute temperature fluctuation

Ole Folkedal, Lars Helge Stien, Thomas Torgersen, Frode Oppedal, Rolf Erik Olsen, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Victoria Anne Braithwaite, Tore S Kristiansen
Physiology and Behavior 105 p. 350-356

Duration of effects of acute environmental changes on food anticipatory behaviour, feed intake, oxygen consumption, and cortisol release in Atlantic salmon parr

Ole Folkedal, Thomas Torgersen, Rolf Erik Olsen, Anders Fernø, Jonatan Nilsson, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Tore S Kristiansen
Physiology and Behavior 105 p. 283-291

Physiological response and mortality caused by scale loss in Atlantic herring

Rolf Erik Olsen, Frode Oppedal, Maria Mikaela Tenningen, Aud Vold
Fisheries Research 129-130 p. 21-27

Skirt around a salmon sea cage to reduce infestation of salmon lice resulted in low oxygen levels

Lars Helge Stien, Jonatan Nilsson, Ernst Morten Hevrøy, Frode Oppedal, Tore S Kristiansen, Andreas Myskja Lien, Ole Folkedal
Aquacultural Engineering 51 p. 21-25

Environmental drivers of Atlantic salmon behaviour in sea-cages: A review

Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster, Lars Helge Stien
Aquaculture 311 p. 1-18

Fluctuating sea-cage environments modify the effects of stocking densities on production and welfare parameters of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Frode Oppedal, Tone Vågseth, Timothy David Dempster, Jon-Erik Juell, David Johansson
Aquaculture 315 p. 361-368

Technical note: Modifying Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) behaviour to facilitate innovation of parasitic sea lice control techniques

Timothy David Dempster, Tore S Kristiansen, Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Frode Oppedal
Journal of Animal Science 89 p. 4281-4285

Habituation rate and capacity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr to sudden transitions from darkness to light

Ole Folkedal, Thomas Torgersen, Jonatan Nilsson, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 307 p. 170-172

From fright to anticipation: using aversive light stimuli to investigate reward conditioning in large groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Silje Bratland, Lars Helge Stien, Victoria Anne Braithwaite, Jon-Erik Juell, Ole Folkedal, Jonatan Nilsson, Frode Oppedal, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Tore S Kristiansen
Aquaculture International 18 p. 991-1001

Swimming depth and thermal history of individual Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in production cages under different ambient temperature conditions

David Johansson, Kari Ruohonen, Jon-Erik Juell, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 290 p. 296-303

Long-term culture of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in submerged cages during winter affects behaviour, growth and condition

Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Timothy David Dempster, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Frode Oppedal, Tore S Kristiansen
Aquaculture 296 p. 373-381

Submergence of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in commercial scale sea-cages: A potential short-term solution to poor surface conditions

Timothy David Dempster, Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Ole Folkedal, Jon-Erik Juell, Frode Oppedal
Aquaculture 288 p. 254-263

Digestive efficiency, free amino acid pools and quality of growth performance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) affected by light regimes and vaccine types

Krisna Rungruangsak-Torrissen, Jan Sunde, Arne Erik Berg, Ulla Nordgarden, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Frode Oppedal
Fish Physiology & Biochemistry 35 p. 255-272

The influence of the pycnocline and cage resistance on current flow, oxygen flux and swimming behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in production cages

D Johansson, Jon-Erik Juell, Frode Oppedal, Jan Erik Stiansen, K Ruohonen
Aquaculture 265

A video analysis procedure for assessing vertical fish distribution in aquaculture tanks

Lars H. Stien, Silje Bratland, Ivar Austvoll, Frode Oppedal, Tore S. Kristiansen
Aquacultural Engineering 37 p. 115-124

The influence of the pycnocline and cage resistance on current flow, oxygen flux and swimming behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in production cages

David Johansson, Frode Oppedal, Jon-Erik Juell, Jan Erik Stiansen, Kari Ruohonen
Aquaculture 265 p. 271-287

Thermo- and photoregulatory swimming behaviour of caged Atlantic salmon: Implications for photoperiod management and fish welfare

Frode Oppedal, Jon-Erik Juell, David Johansson
Aquaculture 265 p. 70-81

Effect of environmental factors on swimming depth preferences of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and temporal and spatial variations in oxygen levels in sea cages at a fjord site

D Johansson, K Ruohonen, A Kiessling, Frode Oppedal, Jan Erik Stiansen, M Kelly, JE Juell
Aquaculture 254

Effect of environmental factors on swimming depth preferences of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and temporal and spatial variations in oxygen levels in sea cages at a fjord site

David Johansson, Kari Ruohonen, Anders Kiessling, Frode Oppedal, Jan-Erik Stiansen, Mark Kelly, Jon-Erik Juell
Aquaculture 254 p. 594-605

Photoperiod in seawater influence seasonal growth and chemical composition in autumn sea-transferred Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) given two vaccines

Frode Oppedal, Rolf Erik Olsen, Tom Johnny Hansen, Arne Erik Berg, Geir Lasse Taranger
Aquaculture 254 p. 396-410

Hydroacoustic monitoring of fish in sea cages: target strength (TS) measurements on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Frank Reier Knudsen, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Frode Oppedal, Ørjan Karlsen, Egil Ona
Fisheries Research 69 p. 205-209

Growth performance and sexual maturation in diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in seawater tanks exposed to continuous light or simulated natural photoperiod

Frode Oppedal, Geir Lasse Taranger, Tom Johnny Hansen
Aquaculture 215 p. 145-162

Submerged light increases swimming depth and reduces fish density of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in production cages

Jon-Erik Juell, Frode Oppedal, Karin Kroon Boxaspen, Geir Lasse Taranger
Aquaculture Research 34 p. 469-477

Seasonally changing metabolism in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) I – Growth and feed conversion ratio

Ulla Nordgarden, Frode Oppedal, Geir Lasse Taranger, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Tom Johnny Hansen
Aquaculture Nutrition 9 p. 287-293

The effect of artificial light treatment and depth on the infestation of the sea louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) culture

E.M. Hevrøy, K. Boxaspen, F. Oppedal, G.L. Taranger, J.C. Holm
Aquaculture 220 p. 1-14

Artificial light and season affect vertical distribution and swimming behaviour of post-smolt Atlantic salmon in sea cages

Frode Oppedal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Geir Lasse Taranger
Journal of Fish Biology 58 p. 1570-1584

Growth, osmoregulation and sexual maturation of underyearling Atlantic salmon smolt (Salmo salar L.) exposed to different intensities of continuous light in sea cages

Frode Oppedal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Jon-Erik Juell, Geir Lasse Taranger
Aquaculture Research 30 p. 491-499

Light intensity affects growth and sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) postsmolts in sea cages

F. Oppedal, G.L. Taranger, Jon-Erik Juell, E. Fosseidengen, T. Hansen
Aquatic Living Resources 10 p. 351-357

Light intensity affects growth and sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) postsmolts in sea cages

Frode Oppedal, Geir Lasse Taranger, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Jon-Erik Juell, Tom Johnny Hansen
Aquatic Living Resources 10 p. 351-357

Annet tidsskriftbidrag


Corrigendum to `The use and effects of hydrogen peroxide on salmon lice and post-smolt Atlantic salmon'[Aquaculture 486 (2018) 246?252](S0044848617315545)(10.1016/j.aquaculture.2017.12.041)

Kathy Overton, Francisca Samsing, Frode Oppedal, Sussie Dalvin, Lars Helge Stien, Tim Dempster
Aquaculture 491 p. 400

Snorkel kan bekjempe lakselusproblem

Oppedal, Frode
Intervju Dagens Næringsliv

Faglige foredrag


Light, shading and submergence as methods to control farmed cod sexual maturation

Maud Alix, Lena Geitung, Timothy David Dempster, Line Vatne Martinsen, Margareth Møgster Drønen, Velimir Nola, Lena Birgitta Norberg, Frode Oppedal

Lys, skyggelegging og nedsenkning for å utsette kjønnsmodning hos oppdrettstorsk

Maud Alix, Timothy David Dempster, Velimir Nola, Adele Dahlgren, Minnie Harvey, Lena Birgitta Norberg, Frode Oppedal

Light, shading and submergence as methods to control farmed cod sexual maturation

Maud Alix, Lena Geitung, Tim Dempster, Line Vatne Martinsen, Margareth Møgster Drønen, Velimir Nola, Lena Birgitta Norberg, Frode Oppedal

Biologiske utfordringer i Havbruk til Havs – status i pågående forskning

Oppedal, Frode

Faste. Ikke vær redd for å faste laksen din! - men vær redd hvis laksen frivillig faster...

Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Malthe Hvas

Erfaringer med FoU-tillatelser og FHF prosjekter

Ole Folkedal, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal

AutoSOP – Utvikling av referansestandard for automatisk lusetelling

Ole Folkedal, Ingar Stian Nerbø, Velimir Nola, Luke Barrett, Frode Oppedal, Samantha Bui

Dybdebasert forebygging mot lus – effektivitet og velferd ved bruk av skjørt, snorkel og nedsenkning satt i perspektiv mot dagens avlusing

Oppedal, Frode

Salmon lice preventative technology - fact finding studies from small to large scale

Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Samantha Bui, Luke T. Barrett

Presence of salmon impact behaviour and survival of cleaner fish in sea-cages

Nina Sandlund, Johanne Kleppe, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Lena Geitung

Biological premises for salmon offshore farming

Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal

The adaptability of Atlantic salmon Salmon salar to novel turbulent environments

Emma Barbier, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Fiskevelferds-forskning på sjøanleggene

Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal

Forskningsfronten: Lakselusens biologi og effekter av skjerming og ny merdteknologi.

Oppedal, Frode

Monitoring salmon with broad band echo sounders – investigate acoustic parameters as indicators for welfare

Tonje Nesse Forland, Maren F. Rong, Frode Oppedal, Rune Øyerhamn, Geir Pedersen

Interactions between the salmon and their sea cage rearing environment

Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal

Fiskens mestringsevne for eksponerte forhold

Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Nedsenkning av laks med luftkuppel fra forsøk til kommersiell drift

Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Fletcher Warren-Myers, Tim Dempster, Lars Helge Stien

Hva nå? Eksponert oppdrett fra et biologisk standpunkt

Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas

Fordeler og ulemper med nedsenket lakseoppdrett

Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal


Ole Folkedal, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal

Monitoring salmon with broad band echo sounders – investigate acoustic parameters as indicators for welfare

Maren F. Rong, Frode Oppedal, Geir Pedersen, Nils Olav Handegard, Tonje Nesse Forland

Miljø, lus og velferd i ny merdteknologi

Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Samantha Bui, Luke Barrett, Tina Marie Wier Oldham

Physical prevention of sealice

Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Samantha Bui, Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Luke Barrett

Fish welfare in new aquaculture contexts – challenges for and contributions from marine technology

Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal

Dyp drift - teknologi på biologiens premisser

Trude Olafsen, Frode Oppedal

Dyp drift - forebyggende løsning mot lus

Trude Olafsen, Frode Oppedal

Dyp drift

Arnstein Hosaas, Frode Oppedal

Erfaringer fra nedsenkbare løsninger

Tronn-Ove øren, Frode Oppedal

Laksens tålegrenser for havbruk til havs

Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal

Hvor mye vannstrøm tåler laks og rensefisk

Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas

Fish welfare implications of prolonged fasting periods in Atlantic salmon

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien

Fish welfare in exposed farming

Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Sulting av laks – en positiv historie

Lars Helge Stien, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Vekst er mer enn kilo og gram

Ole Folkedal, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Jonatan Nilsson

Merdmiljø og rensefisk – forskningsresultater og analyser

Frode Oppedal, Luke Barrett, Kathy Overton, Tim Dempster, Malthe Hvas, Jeffrey William Yuen, Lena Geitung, Daniel William Wright, Lars Helge Stien, Ole Folkedal

Kan fiskevelferd sikres langt til havs?

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal

Feasibility of reducing lice infestations on farmed salmon using an airdome for swim bladder refilling during continuous submergence.

Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Jan Olav Fosse, Tone Vågseth

Examples of alternative preventative methods on sealice control.

Oppedal, Frode

Forutsigbar utvikling av lakselus ved ulike temperaturer

Lars Are Hamre, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Sussie Dalvin

The use of swim tunnel studies in defining environmental thresholds for Atlantic salmon and cleanerfish in exposed Aquaculture

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal

Lakselus biologi og reproduksjon

Sussie Dalvin, Samantha Bui, Lars Are Hamre, Frode Oppedal

Post infection development of Lepeophtheirus salmonis in temperatures from 3°C to 24°C

Lars Are Hamre, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Rasmus Skern, Sussie Dalvin

Quantification of salmon lice larvae in the plankton

Samantha Bui, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Mark Fordyce, Bengt Finstad, Frode Fassøy, Gunnvør Norði a, Tone Vågseth, Frode Oppedal

Bruk av undervanns luftkuppel for oppdrett av laks i nedsenkte merder

Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Tone Vågseth

Fluidpermeabelt luseskjørt og fiskevelferd i oppdrett av atlantisk laks (Salmo Salar L.) i Nord-Norge

Mattias Bendiksen Lind, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Tore Seternes


Samantha Bui, Henrik Trengereid, Frode Oppedal

Hvilke velferdsindikatorer skal brukes i ulike anleggskonsepter for lakseoppdrett?

Kristoffer Vale Nielsen, Chris Noble, Kristine Gismervik, Cecilie Marie Mejdell, Jonatan Nilsson, Jelena Kolarevic, Lars Helge Stien, Martin Haugmo Iversen, James F. Turnbull, Bjørn-Steinar Sæther, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter Espmark, Kjell Øyvind Midling, David Izquierdo-Gomez, Tore S Kristiansen, Thomas Torgersen, Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas, Daniel William Wright, Kristian Ellingsen

La laksen fôre "seg selv"!

Ole Folkedal, Gunvar Mikkelsen, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Velimir Nola, Jonatan Nilsson, Anders Fernö, Timothy David Dempster, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal

Thresholds for hypoxia and water current in salmon production

Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Frida Solstorm, David Solstorm, Tina Oldham, Ole Folkedal, Lars Helge Stien

The gill parasite Paramoeba perurans compromises aerobic scope and swimming capacity in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Frode Oppedal, Malthe Hvas, Egil Karlsbakk

Velferdsindikatorer for laks og regnbueørret (FISHWELL)

Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Helge Stien, Tore S Kristiansen, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal, Thomas Torgersen, Malthe Hvas, Daniel W Wrigth, Chris Noble, Jelena Kolarevic, Kristine Gismervik, James F. Turnbull

Network Analysis: Network Analysis: A key tool to investigate and manage connectivity of the salmon louse

Fransisca Samsing, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Frode Oppedal, Tim Dempster, Eric A. Treml

Network Analysis A key tool to inves-gate and manage connec-vity of the salmon louse

Fransisca Samsing, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Frode Oppedal, Sussie Dalvin, Tim Dempster, Eric A. Treml

Temperature and Development of Lepeophtheirus salmonis: Implications for management of the parasite

Sussie Dalvin, Samantha Bui, Francisca Samsing, Frode Oppedal, Tone Vågseth, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, T Dempster, Lars Are Hamre

Lakselus og tilpasninger til temperatur

Sussie Dalvin, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Tone Vågseth, Daniel William Wright, Lars Are Hamre, Lars Helge Stien, Francisca Samsing, Timothy David Dempster, Kathy Overton

Atlantic salmon behaviour and susceptibility to sea lice

Samantha Bui, Timothy David Dempster, Frode Oppedal

Premisser for merdteknologi – lytter vi til "brukerens" krav til vannstrøm for god vekst og velferd på eksponerte lokaliteter?

Ole Folkedal, Malthe Hvas, David Solstorm, Frida Solstorm, Mette Remen, Frode Oppedal

Hva er akseptabel vannstrøm for laks i merder?

Frode Oppedal, David Solstorm, Frida Solstorm, Mette Remen

Håndtering av lakselus ved høye og lave temperaturer

Sussie Dalvin, Francisca Samsing, Frode Oppedal, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Tone Vågseth, Tim Dempster

Behaviour of Atlantic salmon in response to sea lice

Samantha Bui, Timothy David Dempster, Frode Oppedal

Snorkelmerder mot påslag av lakselus.

Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster

Snorkelmerd – status.

Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster

Hva er akseptabel vannstrøm for laks i merder?

Oppedal, Frode

Merdmiljø, laks og pittelitt lus.

Oppedal, Frode

Temperaturens betydning for utvikling av lakselus larver.

Frode Oppedal, Sussie Dalvin, Fransisca Samsing, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Tone Vågseth

Dødelighet av ulik tid med ferskvannseksponering på alle stadier av lakselus.

Frode Oppedal, Daniel William Wright, Timothy David Dempster

Hva er akseptabel vannstrøm for laks i merder?

Frode Oppedal, David Solstorm, Frida Solstorm, Mette Remen, Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal

The effectiveness of snorkel sea lice barrier technology increase with depth. Sea Lice control

Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Fransisca Samsing, Daniel William Wright, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal

Predicting the effectiveness of depth-based technologies to prevent salmon lice infection using a dispersal model.

Fransisca Samsing, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Jon Albretsen, Lars Asplin, Timothy David Dempster

Snorkel cages mitigate sea lice infestation.

Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster, Fransisca Samsing, Daniel William Wright, Samantha Bui, Lars Helge Stien

Dyptsvømmende laks får mindre lus. Muligheter for og utfordringer med å holde laksen dypt. Erfaringer med snorkelmerd.

Oppedal, Frode

Snorkel merd reduserer lusepåslag i små og store merder.

Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster, Samantha Bui, Daniel William Wright, Tone Vågseth, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Lars Helge Stien

Tubenot/ snorkelmerd.

Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Frode Oppedal

Kan dype lys og undervannsfôring benyttes for reduksjon av lusepåslag i merder?

Oppedal, Frode

FÔRDOM - Luftkuppel, not-tak og undervannsfôring for oppdrett av laks unna overflatevannet.

Oppedal, Frode

Undervannsmerd - Laksens svømmeblære og oppdrett av laks unna overflaten

Oppedal, Frode

Depth distribution of amoeba within cage and effects of freshwater treatments.

Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster, Lars Helge Stien, Barbara Nowak, Daniel William Wright

Go With the flow: Manipulating flow hydrodynamics to reduce infestation Levels with sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis in farmed Atlantic salmon

fransisca samsing, Frode Oppedal, David Solstorm, Timothy David Dempster

Deformation of a large fish cage in high currents.

Klebert Pascal, Per Christian Endresen, Per Rundtop, Oystein Patursson, Heini Winthereig Rasmussen, David Johansson, Frode Oppedal

Svakt lys holder laksen dypt, sterkt lys gir best vekst.

Frode Oppedal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Ole Folkedal, Morten Malm, Harald Sveier, Thomas Torgersen, Lars Helge Stien

Drag og deformasjon på oppdrettsmerder i sjøen.

Lars Gansel, Frode Oppedal

Vannström: hvordan påverkar den laksoppdrett på sjøen?

David Johansson, Frida Maria Laursen, Anders Fernø, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Klebert Pascal, Lars Helge Stien, Tone Vågseth, Frode Oppedal

Effect of water currents on postsmolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).

Frida Maria Laursen, David Johansson, Frode Oppedal, Anders Fernø, Thomas Fraser, Rolf Erik Olsen

Oksygentoleranse hos postsmolt laks; Effekt av temperatur og akklimering.

Mette Remen, Rolf Erik Olsen, Albert Imsland, Thomas Torgersen, Frode Oppedal

Snorkelmerd gir bærekraftig reduksjon av lusepåslag.

Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster, Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal

Snorkel mot lus.

Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster, Samantha Bui, Daniel William Wright, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Lars Helge Stien

Use of artificial light (LL) to prevent sexual maturation and increase growth in salmon sea cages.

Frode Oppedal, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Thomas Torgersen, Ole Folkedal

Hypoksi i lakseoppdrett - Praktiske konsekvenser.

Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Lars Helge Stien, Thomas Torgersen, David Johansson, Rolf Erik Olsen, Mette Remen

Use of artificial light (LL) to prevent sexual maturation and increase growth in salmon sea cages.

Frode Oppedal, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Thomas Torgersen, Ole Folkedal

Responses of caged salmon to farm environment.

Frode Oppedal, David Johansson, Frida Maria Laursen, Mette Remen, Ole Folkedal, Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Gansel, Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Timothy David Dempster, Lars Helge Stien

Pushing cages allows field investigations under controlled flow conditions.

Frode Oppedal, Lars Gansel

Snorkel Sea cages - host-parasite mismatch reduces sea lice infestation in farmed salmon through snorkel cage designs.

Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster, Samantha Bui, Daniel William Wright, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Lars Helge Stien

Mismatching host and parasite depth

Lars Helge Stien, Tim Dempster, Samantha Bui, Daniel William Wright, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Frode Oppedal

Snorkel project

Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal

Water current; a directive factor for salmon behaviour in sea cages

David Johansson, Frida Maria Laursen, Anders Fernö, Lars Helge Stien, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Frode Oppedal, Tone Vågseth, Klebert Pascal

Effect of water currents on postsmolt Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar

Frida Maria Laursen, David Johansson, Rolf Erik Olsen, Frode Oppedal, Anders Fernö

Reduced lice infestation in salmon held in modified cages: The use of ‘snorkels’ to manipulate swimming depth

Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Øyvind Johan Korsøen, Samantha Bui, Timothy David Dempster

Metabolisme, fôrinntak, fordøyelse og vekst hos laksepostsmolt i syklisk hypoksi.

Mette Remen, Rolf Erik Olsen, Albert Imsland, Frode Oppedal

Får oppdrettslaks nok oksygen i merdene?

Mette Remen, Thomas Torgersen, Rolf Erik Olsen, Albert Imsland, Turid Synnøve Aas, Frode Oppedal

SWIM - Salmon welfare index model

Tore S Kristiansen, Lars Helge Stien, Marc Bracke, Ole Folkedal, Anders Kiessling, Silje Kittilsen, Paul Johan Midtlyng, Jonatan Nilsson, Frode Oppedal, Øyvind Øverli

Overall Welfare Assessment of Atlantic Salmon in Sea Cages - SWIM 1.0

Lars Helge Stien, Marc Bracke, Ole Folkedal, Silje Kittilsen, Paul Johan Midtlyng, Jonatan Nilsson, Frode Oppedal, Thomas Torgersen, Øyvind Øverli, Tore S Kristiansen

Nyheter fra forskningsprosjektet Topilouse

Randi Grøntvedt, Erik Høy, Pascal Klebert, Frode Oppedal, Daniel Delgado Jimenez, Peter Andreas Heuch

Periodisk hypoksi i laksemerder.

Mette Remen, Rolf Erik Olsen, Thomas Torgersen, Frode Oppedal

SWIM - Salmon Welfare Index Model

Lars Helge Stien, Marc Bracke, Anders Kiessling, Silje Kittilsen, Paul Johan Midtlyng, Frode Oppedal, Øyvind Øverli, Tore S Kristiansen

Stressrespons og habituering til fluktuerende hypoksi hos laks i sjøvann.

Mette Remen, Rolf Erik Olsen, Frode Oppedal

Habituation and acclimation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. subjected to fluctuating hypoxia.

Mette Remen, Frode Oppedal, Rolf Erik Olsen

Light intensity affects growth and sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) postsmolts in sea cages

F. Oppedal, G.L. Taranger, Jon-Erik Juell, T. Hansen



Submerged salmon production reduced lice infestation but deep environmental challenges occurred

Oppedal, Frode

Submerged salmon production reduced lice infestation but deep environmental challenges occurred

Frode Oppedal, Fletcher Warren-Myers, Tone Vågseth, Ole Folkedal, Timothy Dempster, Jan Olav Fosse

The gill parasite Paramoeba perurans compromises aerobic scope, swimming capacity and ion balance in Atlantic salmon.

Malthe Hvas, Egil Karlsbakk, Frode Oppedal

Freshwater sensitive attached copepodids.

Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Timothy David Dempster

Development times of sea lice Leperophtheirus salmonis at different temperatures and its influence on dispersal patterns.

Fransisca Samsing, Frode Oppedal, Sussie Dalvin, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Timothy David Dempster, Tone Vågseth

Differences among Atlantic salmon biologies in their susceptibility and behavioural response to infective sealice, Leperophtheirus salmonis, and the retention of lice.

Samantha Bui, Sussie Dalvin, Timothy David Dempster, Ole Fredrik Skulstad, Anna Wargelius, Frode Oppedal

Topical delousing in sea cages – salmon behaviour, water movements and therapeutant mixing

Frode Oppedal, Tone Vågseth, Klebert Pascal, Erik Høy, Lars Helge Stien, Ole Folkedal

Welfaremeter - A system for monitoring of sea cage environment, fish behaviour and assessment of fish welfare

Lars Helge Stien, Tore S Kristiansen, Trygve Gytre, Frode Oppedal, Thomas Torgersen

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Bevegelige lakselus løsner under trenging og kan re-infestere eller samles opp — Sluttrapport FHF #901784 «LuseOppsamlingSjø»

Frode Oppedal, Sussie Trine Dalvin, Luke T. Barrett, Mari Fjalstad Jensen, Velimir Nola, Tone Vågseth, Line Martinsen, Adele Dahlgren, Minnie Harvey, Timothy David Dempster, Christiane Eichner, Lena Geitung
Rapport fra havforskningen

Støy som mulig stressfaktor og velferdsutfordring i oppdrettsnæringen — Sluttrapport FHF #901744 «Soundscape»

Frode Oppedal, Luke T. Barrett, Thomas Fraser, Tone Vågseth, Kathy Overton, Timothy David Dempster, Marco Vindas
Rapport fra havforskningen

Lyd i lakseoppdrett

Frode Oppedal, Marco Vindas, Lise Doksæter Sivle, Karen de Jong, Timothy David Dempster, Tonje Nesse Forland, Luke Barrett
Rapport fra havforskningen

Tolerance limits to fluctuating water currents in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): A novel method to simulate the impact of ocean waves on salmon welfare in the laboratory “Wave after Wave”

Ronja Rogerdatter Athammer, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Chronic turbulence and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): assessing effects on growth performance, behaviour, welfare, stress and swimming capacity.

Barbier Emma, Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal

Production, fasting and delousing of triploid and diploid salmon in Northern Norway - Report for the 2020-generation

Lars Helge Stien, Cameron Thompson, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Frode Oppedal, Tore S Kristiansen, Per Anton Sæther, Per Magne Bølgen, Lisbeth Martinsen

Using split beam, broadband acoustics to measure behaviour of salmon in normal and sea lice preventative submerged cages with either air dome or bubbles for swim bladder refilling

Cecilie Kahrs Skaale, Frode Oppedal, Tonje Nesse Forland, Anne Gro Vea Salvanes

Delousing Efficacy and Physiological Impacts on Atlantic Salmon of Freshwater and Hyposaline Bath Treatments

Cameron Thompson, Angelico Madaro, Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Samantha Bui

The application of CW and FM sonar technology to detect a decrease in air in the swim bladder of Atlantic salmon, measurements and modeling. Master thesis

Maren F. Rong, Per Lunde, Tonje Nesse Forland, Frode Oppedal, Geir Pedersen

The application of CW and FM sonar technology to detect a decrease in air in the swim bladder of Atlantic salmon, measurements and modeling

Maren F. Rong, Per Lunde, Tonje Nesse Forland, Frode Oppedal, Geir Pedersen

Welfare indicators of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) observed with broadband acoustic in a submerged cage

Kristin Utne Berg, Frode Oppedal, Tonje Nesse Forland, Øyvind Fiksen

Havbasert oppdrett – hvor mye vannstrøm tåler laks og rensefisk? - fiskevelferd og grenseverdier

Malthe Hvas, Ole Folkedal, Frode Oppedal

Physiology and welfare of Atlantic salmon and cleaner fish in exposed aquaculture

Malthe Hvas, Frode Oppedal, Ole Folkedal, Albert Imsland

In situ sea lice egg sterilization with UVC light

Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal

Utvikling av lakselus ved ulik temperatur og lys - TEMPLUS

Sussie Dalvin, Frode Oppedal

The Well – Mixing skirt and freshwater lens concepts with smart-lighting and -feeding to enhance lice prevention and safeguard fish welfare

Daniel William Wright, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal, Michael Sievers, Ellen Ditria, Henrik Trengereid

Summary and status of deep lights and deep feed use in commercial settings: welfare, behaviour and infestation at three case study sites — End report from the FHF projects 901154 “Dypelysogfôring”

Samantha Bui, Frode Oppedal, Jonatan Nilsson, Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Lars Helge Stien

Avlusing med kaldt vann? – effektivitet og laksens velferd — sluttrapport FHF prosjekt 901488

Frode Oppedal, Lars Helge Stien, Daniel William Wright, Lene Moltumyr, Jonatan Nilsson, Timothy David Dempster, Kathy Overton

Use of deep lights and deep feed in commercial settings: effect on welfare, behaviour and infestation, summary and status at three case study sites/ Bruk av dype lys og dyp fôring i kommersiell skala; effekter på velferd, atferd og lusepåslag ved 3 oppdrettsanlegg

Jonatan Nilsson, Samantha Bui, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal

Lusepåslag og velferd hos dypfôret og overflatefôret laks på lokalitet Skrubbholmen midtvinters.

Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal

Assessment of long-term implementation of sea lice prevention technologies: efficiency in reducing infestations and impact on fish welfare.

Samantha Bui, Jonatan Nilsson, Frode Oppedal

Assessment of long-term implementation of sea lice prevention technologies: efficiency in reducing infestations and impact on fish welfare

Samantha Bui, Lars Helge Stien, Jonatan Nilsson, Frode Oppedal

Effect of step salinity gradients on salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) larvae behaviour and dispersal II: Impact of thermoclines on the vertical distribution of salmon lice larvae (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

Thomas Crosbie, Timothy Dempster, Frode Oppedal, Daniel William Wright

Lusepåslag og velferd hos dypfôret og overflatefôret laks på lokalitet Skrubbholmen midtvinters. – Delrapport fra FHF-prosjekt 901154 «Dypelysogfôring»

Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal

Environment, lice levels, welfare and salmon swim depth at Kobbavika site with surface or deep feeding combined with artificial light/ Miljø, lusenivå, velferd og laksens svømmedyp ved lokalitet Kobbavika ved bruk av utfôring i overflate eller under vann kombinert med kunstig lys.

Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal

Environment, lice levels, welfare and salmon swim depth at Kobbavika site with surface or deep feeding combined with artificial light. – part of CAC2015G production at Marine Harvest “The use of deep feeding and deep lights in lice mitigation” and FHF project 901154 “Dypelysogforing”

Jonatan Nilsson, Lars Helge Stien, Frode Oppedal

Identifying the nature, extent and duration of critical production periods for Atlantic salmon in Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania, during summer.

Timothy David Dempster, Daniel William Wright, Frode Oppedal

Snorkelmerd: Produksjonseffektivitet, adferd og velferd.

Frode Oppedal, Timothy David Dempster, Lars Helge Stien

Feed utilisation in Atlantic salmon kept at fluctuating oxygen saturation. A CREATE project

Turid Synnøve Aas, Mette Remen, Frode Oppedal, Tor Johannes Hjertnes

Influence of artificial light on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in seawater

Oppedal, Frode

Vekst, kvalitet, kjønnsmodning og atferd hos vårutsatt regnbueørret, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) holdt under naturlig og kontinuerlig lysregime i sjøvann. Hovedfagsoppgave i generell akvakultur, Cand. scient

Oppedal, Frode
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