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Kevin Glover

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Avdeling: Administrerende direktør med stab


I have a wide range of research interests which can be tentatively grouped into the four fields outlined below. Scientific papers associated with this work are detailed at the end of my CV.
• Marine population genetics and genomics. Using genetics and genomics tools to study variation within and among populations in time and space, and investigate the underlying ecological and evolutionary mechanisms at work. This involves investigations into a wide range of species, from copepods, to marine and anadromous fish, and marine mammals.
• Genetic interactions between domesticated escapees and wild populations. Using field, tank and laboratory studies, involving ecological, phenotypic and molecular genomic analyses, we have investigated the genetic differences between farmed and wild salmon, their interactions in the wild, and potential fitness consequences. I have also published a review paper on this subject.
• Fisheries forensics. I have played a central role in developing DNA methods to trace unreported farmed escapees back to their farms of origin which is currently used by the regulatory authorities in Norway, and also lead the Norwegian DNA register for minke whales (see below).
• Diverse/opportunistic. Based upon the broad infrastructure, topics and species I work on together with members of the group, other research groups at IMR, and external partners, a number of multidisciplinary and opportunistic studies have been published. I am always looking for good opportunities to use existing data, or connect up with ongoing studies, to generate new knowledge.

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Kevin A. Glover (BSc PhD)

Population Genetics Group leader
Professor in Genetics (Adjunct), University of Bergen
Handling Editor: Aquaculture Environment Interactions
DOB: 10.01.1975
Nationality: British (resident of Norway)
Status: Married with 3 children
Tlf. 480 40 035

1999-2002 Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD)
Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway, and the University of Stirling, Scotland
1993-1996 BSc (Hons) in Biological Science
The University of Reading, England.

2013-present Research Group leader for Population Genetics group at IMR.
2012-present Adjunct Professor in Genetics, Sea Lice Research Centre, University of Bergen.
2009-present 1183 Principal scientist, IMR.
2002-2009 Post Dr, 1109 and 1110 scientist positions at IMR.
I have been the leader for the population genetics group at IMR since 2013. The group has ~30 employees, including scientific and technical staff, as well as post Drs and PhD students. The group publishes ~30 scientific papers yearly and has won the IMR prize for best publication of the year in four of the past seven years. The research group is part of IMRs formal organizational structure and my position includes scientific, administrative and personal responsibility for all members of the group.
The below list (which is not complete) reflects some of the projects I manage. Past projects are not listed to save space, but include EU projects, National platform projects, Strategic Institute Projects, and the National Farmed Salmon Monitoring Program for Norway.
1. 2007 ongoing: The Norwegian minke whale genetic database. This is a DNA register over all captured minke whales under Norwegian commercial quota in the period 1996-present (~10 000 whales). This is possibly the only DNA register used to actively monitor trade and exploitation of a CITES listed species globally. Annual budget ca. 1.5mill Nok.
2. 2016-2019: WP leader in Quantescape II. This is a large national knowledge platform project including collaboration between several institutes looking into the genetic and ecological consequences of farmed salmon escapees. Total budget ca. 20 mill. Nok.
3. 2016-2017: Genetic background of domestication. This is a small project between the Marine Harvest and IMR looking into the genetics of domestication in Salmon.
4. 2015 ongoing: Scientific support to the National Monitoring Program for Farmed escapees. Project financed with resources from the Norwegian Department of Trade and Industry to look into genetic issues related to farmed escapees and their interactions with wild fish. Annual budget ca. 3.5 mill. Nok.
Two of the projects I currently manage (Minke whale DNA register and Scientific support to the National Monitoring Program for farmed escapees) have a direct connection to the legal authorities. We offer DNA analyses as a routine forensic service to support the Norwegian Directorate of fisheries and police. The analyses conducted within these projects have led to the successful prosecutions. Example of a press-release connected with such a case:
2013 – ongoing. Contributing editor of Aquaculture Environment Interactions.
2011 – 2013. Member of the official Norwegian delegation for the IWC.
2005 - ongoing. Annual lecturer for the MSc course: “Environmental impacts of aquaculture” at the University of Bergen. 3x double lectures on sea lice and genetic interactions.
2008. Lecturer for the course “Applying microsatellite techniques to aquatic systems”. Nordic Marine Academy held at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology/Trondheim.
Supervision or co-supervision of PhD students = 5 (past), 2 (present), and Masters students = 1 (past) 1 (present).
I have 101 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals in the period 2001-2017. Of these, 47 were published 2014-2017. H-value 22 with 1649 total citations. Selected publications below:


Vitenskapelige artikler (NVI)


Haemoglobin revisited: Delineating population structure with the world's first molecular genetic marker used in fisheries research

Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Geir Dahle, Torild Johansen, Per Erik Jorde, Kevin Alan Glover
Royal Society Open Science 12

Genetic Stock Identification Reveals Mismatches Between Management Areas and Population Genetic Structure in a Migratory Pelagic Fish

Gaute Wilhelmsen Seljestad, Maria Quintela, Dorte Bekkevold, Christophe Pampoulie, Edward D. Farrell, Cecilie Kvamme, Aril Slotte, Geir Dahle, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Mats E. Pettersson, Leif Andersson, Arild Folkvord, Kevin Alan Glover, Florian Berg
Evolutionary Applications 17

Genetics in the Ocean's Twilight Zone: Population Structure of the Glacier Lanternfish Across Its Distribution Range

Maria Quintela, Eva García-Seoane, Geir Dahle, Thor A. Klevjer, Webjørn Raunsgård Melle, Roger Lille-Langøy, Francois Besnier, Konstantinos Tsagarakis, Maxime Geoffroy, Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Eugenie Jacobsen, David Côté, Sofie Knutar, Laila Unneland, Espen Strand, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 17

Limited Parallelism in Genetic Adaptation to Brackish Water Bodies in European Sprat and Atlantic Herring

Mats E. Pettersson, Maria Quintela, Francois Besnier, Qiaoling Deng, Florian Berg, Cecilie Kvamme, Dorte Bekkevold, Mai-Britt Mosbech, Ignas Bunikis, Roger Lille-Langøy, Iole Leonori, Andreas Wallberg, Kevin Alan Glover, Leif Andersson
Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) 16

Genetic analyses verify sexually mature escaped farmed Atlantic cod and farmed cod eggs in the natural environment

Per Erik Jorde, Terje van der Meeren, Maria Quintela, Geir Dahle, Alejandro Mateos-Rivera, Marit Aase, Birgitta Norberg, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Pål Arne Bjørn, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 17

Genetics in the Ocean's Twilight Zone: Population Structure of the Glacier Lanternfish Across Its Distribution Range

María Quintela, Eva García-Seoane, Geir Dahle, Thor A. Klevjer, Webjørn Raunsgård Melle, Roger Lille-Langøy, Francois Besnier, Konstantinos Tsagarakis, Maxime Geoffroy, Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Eugenie Jacobsen, David Côté, Sofie Knutar, Laila Unneland, Espen Strand, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 17

Genetic Stock Identification Reveals Mismatches Between Management Areas and Population Genetic Structure in a Migratory Pelagic Fish

Gaute Wilhelmsen Seljestad, María Quintela, Dorte Bekkevold, Christophe Pampoulie, Edward D. Farrell, Cecilie Kvamme, Aril Slotte, Geir Dahle, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Mats E. Pettersson, Leif Andersson, Arild Folkvord, Kevin Alan Glover, Florian Berg
Evolutionary Applications 17

Chromosomal aberrations and early mortality in a non-mammalian vertebrate: example from pressure-induced triploid Atlantic salmon

Aurelien Nicolas Delaval, Kevin Alan Glover, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Alison C. Harvey

Adaptation in landlocked Atlantic salmon links genetics in wild and farmed salmon to smoltification

Ross Fisher Cairnduff, Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Fernando Ayllon, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Eva Andersson, Craig Primmer, William Perry, Kevin Alan Glover, Anna Sofie Troedsson Wargelius
BMC Genomic Data 25

Limited Parallelism in Genetic Adaptation to Brackish Water Bodies in European Sprat and Atlantic Herring

Mats E. Pettersson, María Quintela, Francois Besnier, Qiaoling Deng, Florian Berg, Cecilie Kvamme, Dorte Bekkevold, Mai-Britt Mosbech, Ignas Bunikis, Roger Lille-Langøy, Iole Leonori, Andreas Wallberg, Kevin Alan Glover, Leif Andersson
Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) 16

Introgression affects Salmo trutta juvenile life-history traits generations after stocking with non-native strains

Dorte Bekkevold, Francois Besnier, Thomas Frank-Gopolos, Einar E. Nielsen, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 17

Scrutinizing the current management units of the greater argentine in the light of genetic structure

Maria Quintela, Gaute Wilhelmsen Seljestad, Geir Dahle, Elvar Halldor Hallfredsson, Katja Susanna Enberg, Tom Langbehn, Eeva Jansson, Kevin Alan Glover, Jon-Ivar Westgaard
ICES Journal of Marine Science

A genetic method to infer ploidy and aberrant inheritance in triploid organisms

Aurelien Nicolas Delaval, Kevin Alan Glover, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, John B. Taggart, Francois Besnier, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Johanne Øyro, Sofie Nordaune Garnes-Gutvik, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Alison C. Harvey
Molecular Ecology Resources

Genetic analyses verify sexually mature escaped farmed Atlantic cod and farmed cod eggs in the natural environment

Per Erik Jorde, Terje van der Meeren, María Quintela, Geir Dahle, Alejandro Mateos-Rivera, Marit Aase, Birgitta Norberg, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Pål Arne Bjørn, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 17

Most of the escaped farmed salmon entering a river during a 5-year period were infected with one or more viruses

Abdullah Sami Madhun, Egil Erlingsson Karlsbakk, Øystein Skaala, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Vidar Wennevik, Alison C. Harvey, Sonnich Meier, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Kaja Christine Andersen-Fjeldheim, Kevin Alan Glover
Journal of Fish Diseases

Regional and temporal variation in escape history of Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon

Nina Strand, Kevin Alan Glover, Sonnich Meier, Fernando Ayllon, Vidar Wennevik, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Øystein Skaala, Kristin Hamre, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Eero Niemelä, Sofie Knutar, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Monica Favnebøe Solberg
ICES Journal of Marine Science 81 p. 119-129

Pre-fertilization gamete thermal environment influences reproductive success, unmasking opposing sex-specific responses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Marco Graziano, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Kevin Alan Glover, Ramakrishnan Vasudeva, Lise Dyrhovden, David Murray, Simone Immler, Matthew J. G. Gage
Royal Society Open Science 10

Caught in the trap: over half of the farmed Atlantic salmon removed from a wild spawning population in the period 2014−2018 were mature

Abdullah Sami Madhun, Alison C. Harvey, Øystein Skaala, Vidar Wennevik, Sofie Knutar, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Maria Quintela, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Sonnich Meier, Kevin Alan Glover
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 15 p. 271-285

DNA and scale reading to identify repeat spawning in Atlantic salmon: Unique insights into patterns of iteroparity

Håvard Kaland, Alison C. Harvey, Øystein Skaala, Vidar Wennevik, Francois Besnier, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Sofie Knutar, Kaja Christine Andersen-Fjeldheim, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications

Caught in the trap: over half of the farmed Atlantic salmon removed from a wild spawning population in the period 2014−2018 were mature

Abdullah Sami Madhun, Alison C. Harvey, Øystein Skaala, Vidar Wennevik, Sofie Knutar, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, María Quintela, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Sonnich Meier, Kevin Alan Glover
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 15 p. 271-285

Genetic study reveals local differentiation persisting in the face of high connectivity and a genomic inversion likely linked with sexual antagonism in a common marine fish

Eeva Jansson, Carl André, Maria Quintela, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Francois Besnier, Fernando Ayllon, Ellika Faust, Halvor Knutsen, Åsa Strand, Kevin Alan Glover
ICES Journal of Marine Science 80 p. 1103-1112

Aquaculture-driven evolution of the salmon louse mtDNA genome

Karoline Hasti Rutle, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Frank Nilsen, Alejandro Mateos-Rivera, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Eeva Jansson, Maria Quintela, Francois Besnier, Fernando Ayllon, Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 16 p. 1328-1344

Red and melanized focal changes in white skeletal muscle in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Comparative analysis of farmed, wild and hybrid fish reared under identical conditions

Malin Helen Brimsholm, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Thomas Fraser, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Kevin Alan Glover, Erling Olaf Koppang, Håvard Bjørgen
Journal of Fish Diseases

Genetic study reveals local differentiation persisting in the face of high connectivity and a genomic inversion likely linked with sexual antagonism in a common marine fish

Eeva Jansson, Carl André, María Quintela, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Francois Besnier, Fernando Ayllon, Ellika Faust, Halvor Knutsen, Åsa Strand, Kevin Alan Glover
ICES Journal of Marine Science 80 p. 1103-1112

Aquaculture-driven evolution of the salmon louse mtDNA genome

Karoline Hasti Rutle, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Frank Nilsen, Alejandro Mateos-Rivera, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Eeva Jansson, María Quintela, Francois Besnier, Fernando Allyon, Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 16 p. 1328-1344

Overruled by nature: A plastic response to environmental change disconnects a gene and its trait

Francois Besnier, Øystein Skaala, Vidar Wennevik, Fernando Ayllon, Kjell Rong Utne, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Kaja Christine Andersen-Fjeldheim, Sofie Knutar, Kevin Alan Glover
Molecular Ecology

Global, regional, and cryptic population structure in a high gene-flow transatlantic fish

Eeva Jansson, Ellika Faust, Dorte Bekkevold, Maria Quintela, Caroline Durif, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Geir Dahle, Christophe Pampoulie, James Kennedy, Benjamin Whittaker, Laila Unneland, Søren Post, Carl André, Kevin Alan Glover

Diet analysis of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post-smolts after the ecological regime shift in the Northeast Atlantic

Lea Marie Hellenbrecht, Kjell Rong Utne, Ørjan Karlsen, Kevin Alan Glover, Vidar Wennevik
Fisheries Research 262

Natural and anthropogenic drivers of escaped farmed salmon occurrence and introgression into wild Norwegian Atlantic salmon populations

Ola Håvard Diserud, Peder Fiske, Sten Karlsson, Kevin Alan Glover, Tor Næsje, Tonje Aronsen, Gunnar O Bakke, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, J. Erkinaro, Bjørn Florø-Larsen, Anders Foldvik, Mikko Petteri Heino, Øyvind Kanstad-Hanssen, Håvard Lo, Roar Asbjørn Lund, R. Muladal, E. Niemela, Finn Økland, Gunnel Marie Østborg, Håkon Magne Otterå, Øystein Skaala, Helge Skoglund, Ingrid Solberg, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Vegard Pedersen Sollien, Harald Sægrov, Kurt Urdal, Vidar Wennevik, Kjetil Hindar
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 p. 1363-1379

Introgression of domesticated salmon changes life history and phenology of a wild salmon population

Francois Besnier, Fernando Ayllon, Øystein Skaala, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Per Tommy Fjeldheim, Kaja Christine Andersen, Sofie Knutar, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 15 p. 853-864

Time series covering up to four decades reveals major changes and drivers of marine growth and proportion of repeat spawners in an Atlantic salmon population

Alison C. Harvey, Øystein Skaala, Reidar Borgstrøm, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Kaja Christine Andersen-Fjeldheim, Kjell Rong Utne, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Peder Fiske, Synnøve Winterthun, Sofie Knutar, Harald Sægrov, Kurt Urdal, Kevin Alan Glover
Ecology and Evolution 12

Geographic variation in gene flow from a genetically distinct migratory ecotype drives population genetic structure of coastal Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)

Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Geir Dahle, Torild Johansen, Francois Besnier, Maria Quintela, Per Erik Jorde, Halvor Knutsen, Jon-Ivar Westgaard, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Eva Farestveit, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 15 p. 1162-1176

Genomic evidence of recent European introgression into North American farmed and wild Atlantic salmon

Ian R. Bradbury, Sarah Jean Lehnert, Tony Kess, Mallory Van Wyngaarden, Steven Duffy, Amber M. Messmer, Brendan Wringe, Silje Karoliussen, J. Brian Dempson, Ian A. Fleming, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Kevin Alan Glover, Paul Bentzen
Evolutionary Applications 15 p. 1436-1448

Reply to Jansen and Gjerde's (2021) critique of the salmon louse infection model reported in Johnsen et al. (2021)

Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Alison C. Harvey, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Ola Ugedal, Bjørn Ådlandsvik, Vidar Wennevik, Kevin Alan Glover, Ørjan Karlsen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 p. 3852-3857

Domestication-induced reduction in eye size revealed in multiple common garden experiments: The case of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

William Bernard Perry, Joshka Kaufmann, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Christopher Brodie, Angela Maria Coral Medina, Kirthana Pillay, Anna Egerton, Alison C. Harvey, Karl P. Phillips, Jamie Coughlan, Fintan Egan, Ronan Grealis, Steve Hutton, Floriane Leseur, Sarah Ryan, Russell Poole, Gerard Rogan, Elizabeth Ryder, Patrick Schaal, Catherine Waters, Robert Wynne, Martin I. Taylor, Paulo Prodöhl, Simon Creer, Martin Llewellyn, Philip McGinnity, Gary R. Carvalho, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 14 p. 2319-2332

Genetic variation for upper thermal tolerance diminishes within and between populations with increasing acclimation temperature in Atlantic salmon

Paul V. Debes, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Ivar Helge Matre, Lise Dyrhovden, Kevin Alan Glover

Long-term monitoring of a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population reveals kin-associated migration patterns and contributions by resident trout to the anadromous run

Eloïse Duval, Øystein Skaala, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Geir Dahle, Aurelien Nicolas Delaval, Vidar Wennevik, Kevin Alan Glover, Michael Möller Hansen
BMC Ecology and Evolution

The salmon louse genome: Copepod features and parasitic adaptations

Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Ketil Malde, Christiane Eichner, Michael Dondrup, Tomasz Furmanek, Francois Besnier, Anna Zofia Komisarczuk, Michael Nuhn, Sussie Dalvin, Rolf Brudvik Edvardsen, Sven Klages, Bruno Huettel, Kurt Stueber, Sindre Grotmol, Egil Erlingsson Karlsbakk, Paul Kersey, Jong S Leong, Kevin Alan Glover, Richard Reinhardt, Sigbjørn Lien, Inge Jonassen, Ben F Koop, Frank Nilsen
Genomics 113 p. 3666-3680

Not that clean: Aquaculture-mediated translocation of cleaner fish has led to hybridization on the northern edge of the species' range

Ellika Faust, Eeva Jansson, Carl André, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Geir Dahle, Halvor Knutsen, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Kevin Alan Glover
Evolutionary Applications 14 p. 1572-1587

Losing the 'arms race': Multiresistant salmon lice are dispersed throughout the North Atlantic Ocean

Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Frank Nilsen, Francois Besnier, Anne Stene, Ann-Kristin Tveten, Pål Arne Bjørn, Vidar Teis Aspehaug, Kevin Alan Glover
Royal Society Open Science 8 p. 1-10

The potential for cleaner fish-driven evolution in the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis: Genetic or environmental control of pigmentation?

Lars Are Hamre, Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Frode Oppedal, Frank Nilsen, Kevin Alan Glover
Ecology and Evolution 11 p. 1-14

Genetic response to human-induced habitat changes in the marine environment: A century of evolution of European sprat in Landvikvannet, Norway

Maria Quintela Sanchez, Alex Richter-Boix, Dorte Bekkevold, Cecilie Kvamme, Florian Berg, Eeva Jansson, Geir Dahle, Francois Besnier, Richard David Marriott Nash, Kevin Alan Glover
Ecology and Evolution 11 p. 1691-1718

Salmon lice-induced mortality of Atlantic salmon during post-smolt migration in Norway

Ingrid A. Johnsen, Alison Harvey, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Anne D. Sandvik, Ola Ugedal, Bjørn Ådlandsvik, Vidar Wennevik, Kevin A. Glover, Ørjan Karlsen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 p. 142-154

Genetic structuring in Atlantic haddock contrasts with current management regimes

Paul R. Berg, Per E. Jorde, Kevin A. Glover, Geir Dahle, John B. Taggart, Knut Korsbrekke, Gjert E. Dingsør, Jon E. Skjæraasen, Peter J. Wright, Steven X. Cadrin, Halvor Knutsen, Jon-Ivar Westgaard
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 p. 1-13

Disentangling the effects of sex, life history and genetic background in Atlantic salmon: Growth, heart and liver under common garden conditions: Atlantic salmon: Growth, heart & liver

William Bernard Perry, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Christopher Brodie, Angela C. Medina, Kirthana G. Pillay, Anna Egerton, Alison C. Harvey, Simon Creer, Martin Llewellyn, Martin I. Taylor, Gary R. Carvalho, Kevin Glover
Royal Society Open Science 7 p. 1-17

Development of supermale and all-male Atlantic salmon to research the vgll3 allele - puberty link

Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Anna Wargelius, Fernando Ayllon, Kevin Alan Glover, Rüdiger W. Schulz, Thomas Fraser
BMC Genetics 21

Aquaculture-driven evolution: distribution of pyrethroid resistance in the salmon louse throughout the North Atlantic in the years 2000–2017

Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Frank Nilsen, Francois Besnier, Per Gunnar Espedal, Anne Stene, Ann-Kristin Tveten, Pål Arne Bjørn, Vidar Aspehaug, Kevin Glover
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 p. 1806-1815

The pantophysin gene and its relationship with survival in early life stages of Atlantic cod: Pantophysin in Atlantic cod

Håkon Magne Otterå, Torild Johansen, Arild Folkvord, Geir Dahle, Marte Kristine Solvang Bingh, Jon-Ivar Westgaard, Kevin Glover
Royal Society Open Science 7 p. 1-13

A transcriptomic analysis of diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon lenses with and without cataracts

Pål Asgeir Olsvik, Roderick Nigel Finn, Sofie C. Remø, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Francois Chauvigné, Kevin Glover, Tom Johnny Hansen, Rune Waagbø
Experimental Eye Research 199 p. 1-14

Autosomal sdY pseudogenes explain discordances between phenotypic sex and DNA marker for sex identification in Atlantic salmon

Fernando Ayllon, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Francois Besnier, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Anna Wargelius, Rolf Brudvik Edvardsen, Kevin Glover
Frontiers in Genetics 11 p. 1-10

Genome wide analysis reveals genetic divergence between Goldsinny wrasse populations

Eeva Jansson, Francois Besnier, Ketil Malde, Carl André, Geir Dahle, Kevin Glover
BMC Genetics 21 p. 1-15

Genomic analysis reveals neutral and adaptive patterns that challenge the current management regime for East Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L

Torild Johansen, Francois Besnier, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Per Erik Jorde, Kevin Glover, Jon-Ivar Westgaard, Geir Dahle, Sigbjørn Lien, Matthew Peter Kent
Evolutionary Applications p. 1-16

Transcriptomic comparison of communally reared wild, domesticated and hybrid Atlantic salmon fry under stress and control conditions

Beatrix Bicskei, John B. Taggart, James E. Bron, Kevin Glover
BMC Genetics 21 p. 1-20

Production and verification of the first Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) clonal lines

Tom Johnny Hansen, David J. Penman, Kevin Glover, Thomas Fraser, Tone Vågseth, Anders Thorsen, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Per Gunnar Fjelldal
BMC Genetics 21

Chromosome aberrations in pressure-induced triploid Atlantic salmon

Kevin Glover, Alison C. Harvey, Tom Johnny Hansen, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Francois Besnier, J.B. Bos, Fernando Ayllon, John B. Taggart, Monica Favnebøe Solberg
BMC Genetics 21 p. 59

Genetic analysis redraws the management boundaries for the European sprat

Maria Quintela Sanchez, Cecilie Kvamme, Dorte Bekkevold, Richard David Marriott Nash, Eeva Jansson, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, John B. Taggart, Øystein Skaala, Geir Dahle, Kevin Glover
Evolutionary Applications 13 p. 1906-1922

“A cleaner break”: Genetic divergence between geographic groups and sympatric phenotypes revealed in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta)

Gaute Seljestad, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Ellika Faust, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Francois Besnier, Eeva Jansson, Geir Dahle, Halvor Knutsen, Carl André, Arild Folkvord, Kevin Glover
Ecology and Evolution 10 p. 6120-6135

Population structure of bycaught harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Norway

Maria Quintela Sanchez, Francois Besnier, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Kevin Glover, Ulf Lindstrøm
Marine Biology Research 16 p. 141-147

Epistatic regulation of growth in Atlantic salmon revealed: a QTL study performed on the domesticated-wild interface

Francois Besnier, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Alison C. Harvey, Gary R. Carvalho, Dorte Bekkevold, Martin I. Taylor, Simon Creer, Einar Eg Nielsen, Øystein Skaala, Fernando Ayllon, Geir Dahle, Kevin Glover
BMC Genetics 21

Atlantic salmon and sea trout display synchronised smolt migration relative to linked environmental cues

Alison C. Harvey, Kevin Glover, Vidar Wennevik, Øystein Skaala
Scientific Reports 10 p. 1-13

Domestication leads to increased predation susceptibility

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Grethe Robertsen, Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen, Kjetil Hindar, Kevin Glover
Scientific Reports 10

The future looks like the past: Introgression of domesticated Atlantic salmon escapees in a risk assessment framework

Kevin Glover, Vidar Wennevik, Kjetil Hindar, Øystein Skaala, Peder Fiske, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Ola Håvard Diserud, Terje Svåsand, Sten Karlsson, Lasse Berg Andersen, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud
Fish and Fisheries

Microbial communities associated with the parasitic copepod Lepeophtheirus salmonis.

Sussie Dalvin, Kai Ove Skaftnesmo, Ketil Malde, Kevin Glover, Jong S Leong, Ben F. Koop, Rolf Brudvik Edvardsen, Nina Sandlund
Marine Genomics 49

Salmon Lice Sampled from Wild Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout Throughout Norway Display High Frequencies of the Genotype Associated with Pyrethroid Resistance

Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Frank Nilsen, Francois Besnier, Anne Stene, Pål Arne Bjørn, Ann-Kristin Tveten, Vidar Teis Aspehaug, Bengt Finstad, Kevin Glover
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 459-468

Swimming with the Fishes: Validating Drift Diving to Identify Farmed Atlantic Salmon Escapees in Thewild

Shad Kenneth Mahlum, Helge Skoglund, Tore Wiers, Eirik Normann, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Vidar Wennevik, Kevin Glover, Kurt Urdal, Gunnar O Bakke, Knut Vollset
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 417-427

Population genetic analysis reveals a geographically limited transition zone between two genetically distinct Atlantic salmon lineages in Norway

Vidar Wennevik, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Øystein Skaala, Eric Verspoor, Sergey Prusov, Kevin Glover
Ecology and Evolution 9 p. 6901-6921

Swimming with the fishes: validating drift diving to identify farmed Atlantic salmon escapees in the wild

Shad Kenneth Mahlum, Helge Skoglund, Tore Wiers, Eirik Normann, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Vidar Wennevik, Kevin Glover, Kurt Urdal, Gunnar O Bakke, Knut Vollset
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 417-427

Inferring Atlantic salmon post-smolt migration patterns using genetic assignment

Alison C. Harvey, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Kevin Glover, Ørjan Karlsen, Rune Nilsen, Øystein Skaala, Harald Sægrov, Steinar Kolås, Sofie Knutar, Vidar Wennevik
Royal Society Open Science 6:190426 p. 1-10

Domesticated escapees on the run: The second-generation monitoring programme reports the numbers and proportions of farmed Atlantic salmon in >200 Norwegian rivers annually

Kevin Glover, Kurt Urdal, Tor Næsje, Helge Skoglund, Bjørn Florø-Larsen, Håkon Magne Otterå, Peder Fiske, Mikko Petteri Heino, Tonje Aronsen, Harald Sægrov, Ola Håvard Diserud, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Kjetil Hindar, Gunnar O Bakke, Ingrid Solberg, Håvard Lo, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Sten Karlsson, Øystein Skaala, Anders Lamberg, Øyvind Kanstad-Hanssen, Rune Muladal, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Vidar Wennevik
ICES Journal of Marine Science 76 p. 1151-1161

Development of SNP for the deep-sea fish blue ling, Molva dypterygia (Pennant, 1784) from ddRAD sequencing data

Kristin Helle, Maria Quintela Sanchez, John B. Taggart, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Geir Dahle, Kevin Glover, Torild Johansen
Conservation Genetics Resources p. 1-7

Salmon lice sampled from wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout throughout Norway display high frequencies of the genotype Associated with pyrethroid resistance

Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Frank Nilsen, Francois Besnier, Anne Stene, Pål Arne Bjørn, Ann-Kristin Tveten, Vidar Teis Aspehaug, Bengt Finstad, Kevin Glover
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11 p. 459-468

Evolutionary drivers of kype size in atlantic salmon (salmo salar): domestication, age and genetics

William Perry, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Francois Besnier, Lise Dyrhovden, Ivar Helge Matre, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Fernando Ayllon, Simon Creer, Martin Llewellyn, Martin I. Taylor, Gary Carvalho, Kevin Glover
Royal Society Open Science 6

The influence of vgll3 genotypes on sea age at maturity is altered in farmed mowi strain Atlantic salmon

Fernando Ayllon, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Kevin Glover, Faezeh Mohammadi, Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Eva Andersson, Tom Johnny Hansen, Rolf Edvardsen, Anna Wargelius
BMC Genetics 20:44 p. 1-8

An extensive common‐garden study with domesticated and wild Atlantic salmon in the wild reveals impact on smolt production and shifts in fitness traits

Øystein Skaala, Francois Besnier, Reidar Borgstrøm, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Eirik Normann, Britt Iren Tjelle Østbø, Michael Möller Hansen, Kevin Glover
Evolutionary Applications 12 p. 1001-1016

Implications for introgression: Has selection for fast growth altered the size threshold for precocious male maturation in domesticated Atlantic salmon?

Alison C. Harvey, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Francois Besnier, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Kevin Glover
BMC Evolutionary Biology 18:188 p. 1-13

DNA-analysis to monitor fisheries and aquaculture: Too costly?

Jann Th. Martinsohn, Paul Raymond, Trey Knott, Kevin Glover, Einar Eg Nielsen, Lars Bonde Eriksen, Rob Ogden, John Casey, Jordi Guillén
Fish and Fisheries p. 1-11

Documentation of multiple species of marine fish trapped in Atlantic salmon sea-cages in Norway

Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Kevin Glover, Ole Folkedal, Jonatan Nilsson, Roderick Nigel Finn, Tom Johnny Hansen
Aquatic Living Resources 31

Investigating the frequency of triploid Atlantic salmon in wild Norwegian and Russian populations

Katarina Mariann Jørgensen, Vidar Wennevik, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Laila Unneland, Sergey Prusov, Fernando Ayllon, Kevin Glover
BMC Genetics 19:90 p. 1-9

Cryptic introgression: evidence that selection and plasticity mask the full phenotypic potential of domesticated Atlantic salmon in the wild

Kevin Glover, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Francois Besnier, Øystein Skaala
Scientific Reports 8:13966 p. 1-10

Analysis of coastal cod (Gadus morhua L.) sampled on spawning sites reveals a genetic gradient throughout Norway's coastline

Geir Dahle, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Torild Johansen, Jon-Ivar Westgaard, Francois Besnier, Asgeir Aglen, Knut Eirik Jørstad, Kevin Glover
BMC Genetics 19

Growth of wild and domesticated Atlantic cod Gadus morhua reared under semi-commercial conditions

Håkon Magne Otterå, Mikko Petteri Heino, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Terje Svåsand, Ørjan Karlsen, Anders Thorsen, Kevin Glover
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 p. 187-200

Modeling fitness changes in wild Atlantic salmon populations faced by spawning intrusion of domesticated escapees

Marco Castellani, Mikko Petteri Heino, John Gilbey, Hitoshi Araki, Terje Svåsand, Kevin Glover
Evolutionary Applications 11 p. 1010-1025

Genetic management of mixed-stock fisheries "real-time": The case of the largest remaining cod fishery operating in the Atlantic in 2007-2017

Geir Dahle, Torild Johansen, Jon-Ivar Westgaard, Asgeir Aglen, Kevin Glover
Fisheries Research 205 p. 77-85

Judging a salmon by its spots: Environmental variation is the primary determinant of spot patterns in Salmo salar

Katarina Mariann Jørgensen, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Francois Besnier, Anders Thorsen, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Øystein Skaala, Ketil Malde, Kevin Glover
BMC Ecology 18:14 p. 1-13

Migration of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in a fjord with high infestation pressure of salmon lice

Elina Halttunen, Karl Øystein Gjelland, Kevin Glover, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Rosa Maria Serra-Llinares, Øystein Skaala, Rune Nilsen, Pål Arne Bjørn, Ørjan Karlsen, Bengt Finstad, Ove Tommy Skilbrei
Marine Ecology Progress Series 592 p. 243-256

“Real-time” genetic monitoring of a commercial fishery on the doorstep of an MPA reveals unique insights into the interaction between coastal and migratory forms of the Atlantic cod

Torild Johansen, Jon-Ivar Westgaard, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Geir Dahle, Kevin Glover, Roger Kvalsund, Asgeir Aglen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 p. 1093-1104

Genetic analysis of goldsinny wrasse reveals evolutionary insights into population connectivity and potentialevidence of inadverent translocationvia aquaculture.

Eeva Jansson, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Geir Dahle, Jon Albretsen, Halvor Knutsen, Carl André, Åsa Strand, Stein Mortensen, John B. Taggart, Egil Karlsbakk, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Kevin Glover
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 p. 2135-2147

A pedigree-based experiment reveals variation in salinity and thermal tolerance in the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis

Lina Ljungfeldt, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Francois Besnier, Frank Nilsen, Kevin Glover
Evolutionary Applications 10 p. 1007-1019

The Phe362Tyr mutation conveying resistance to organophosphates occurs in high frequencies in salmon lice collected from wild salmon and trout

Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Francois Besnier, Anne Stene, Frank Nilsen, Pål Arne Bjørn, Ann-Kristin Tveten, Bengt Finstad, Vidar Aspehaug, Kevin Glover
Scientific Reports 7:14258 p. 1-10

Rapid growth causes abnormal vaterite formation in farmed fish otoliths

Tormey Reimer, Timothy David Dempster, Anna Wargelius, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom Johnny Hansen, Kevin Glover, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Stephen E. Swearer
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 p. 2965-2969

Timing is everything: Fishing-season placement may represent the most important angling-induced evolutionary pressure on Atlantic salmon populations

Alison C. Harvey, Yongkai Tang, Vidar Wennevik, Øystein Skaala, Kevin Glover
Ecology and Evolution 7 p. 7490-7502

The mechanism (Phe362Tyr mutation) behind resistance in Lepeophtheirus salmonis pre-dates organophosphate use in salmon farming

Kiranpreet Kaur, Francois Besnier, Kevin Glover, Frank Nilsen, Vidar Teis Aspehaug, Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Tor Einar Horsberg
Scientific Reports 7

The ecological profile of Atlantic salmon escapees entering a river throughout an entire season: Diverse in escape history and genetic background, but frequently virus-infected

Abdullah Sami Madhun, Vidar Wennevik, Egil Karlsbakk, Øystein Skaala, Ingrid Uglenes Fiksdal, Sonnich Meier, Yongkai Tang, Kevin Glover
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 p. 1371-1381

Cloned and outbred Atlantic salmon display equal parasite dispersion when infected with the salmon louse

Kevin Glover, Tom Johnny Hansen, Francois Besnier, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Sussie Dalvin, Frank Nilsen
Aquaculture 480 p. 83-88

Half a century of genetic interaction between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon: Status of knowledge and unanswered questions

Kevin Glover, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Phil McGinnity, Kjetil Hindar, Eric Verspoor, Mark W. Coulson, Michael Möller Hansen, Hitoshi Araki, Øystein Skaala, Terje Svåsand
Fish and Fisheries 18 p. 890-927

Whole genome resequencing reveals diagnostic markers for investigating global migration and hybridization between minke whale species

Ketil Malde, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Geir Dahle, Francois Besnier, Hans J. Skaug, Nils Inge Øien, Hiroko Kato Solvang, Tore Haug, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Naohisa Kanda, Luis A. Pastene, Inge Jonassen, Kevin Glover
BMC Genomics 18:76 p. 1-11

Ploidy elicits a whole-genome dosage effect: growth of triploid Atlantic salmon is linked to the genetic origin of the second maternal chromosome set

Alison C. Harvey, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Tom Johnny Hansen, Kevin Glover
BMC Genetics 18:34 p. 1-12

Thermal plasticity in farmed, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon during early development: Has domestication caused divergence in low temperature tolerance?

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Lise Dyrhovden, Ivar Helge Matre, Kevin Glover
BMC Evolutionary Biology 16

Genetic screening of farmed Atlantic salmon escapees demonstrates that triploid fish display reduced migration to freshwater

Kevin Glover, Jim B. Bos, Kurt Urdal, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Laila Unneland, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Øystein Skaala, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Yanli Tang, Vidar Wennevik
Biological Invasions 18 p. 1287-1294

Comparing the transcriptomes of embryos from domesticated and wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks and examining factors that influence heritability of gene expression

Beatrix Bicskei, John B. Taggart, Kevin Glover, James Emmanuel Bron
Genetics Selection Evolution 48

Does density influence relative growth performance of farm, wild and F1 hybrid Atlantic salmon in semi-natural and hatchery common garden conditions?

Alison C. Harvey, Gareth Juleff, Gary R. Carvalho, Martin I. Taylor, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Simon Creer, Lise Dyrhovden, Ivar Helge Matre, Kevin Glover
Royal Society Open Science 3:160152

Atlantic salmon populations reveal adaptive divergence of immune related genes - A duplicated genome under selection

Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Fernando Ayllon, Tomasz Furmanek, Vidar Wennevik, Geir Dahle, Eero Niemelä, Mikhail Ozerov, Juha-Pekka Vähä, Kevin Glover, Carl J. Rubin, Anna Wargelius, Rolf Edvardsen
BMC Genomics 17:610 p. 1-12

Development of SNP and microsatellite markers for goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) from ddRAD sequencing data

Eeva Jansson, John B. Taggart, Stefanie Wehner, Geir Dahle, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Stein Mortensen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Kevin Glover
Conservation Genetics Resources 8 p. 201-206

Plasticity in response to feed availability: Does feeding regime influence the relative growth performance of domesticated, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr?

Alison C. Harvey, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Kevin Glover, Martin I. Taylor, Simon Creer, Gary R. Carvalho
Journal of Fish Biology 89 p. 1754-1768

Salmonid fish: model organisms to study cardiovascular morphogenesis in conjoined twins?

Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Tom Johnny Hansen, Tone Vågseth, Kevin Glover, Harald Kryvi
BMC Developmental Biology 16:25

A common garden design reveals population-specific variability in potential impacts of hybridization between populations of farmed and wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

Alison C. Harvey, Kevin Glover, Martin I. Taylor, Simon Creer, Gary R. Carvalho
Evolutionary Applications 9 p. 435-449

Is the ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) two species? Genetic analysis reveals within-species divergence associated with plain and spotted morphotype frequencies

Maria Quintela Sanchez, Elin A. Danielsen, Lùa Lòpez, Rodolfo Barreiro, Terje Svåsand, Halvor Knutsen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Kevin Glover
Integrative Zoology 11 p. 162-172

Siblingship tests connect two seemingly independent farmed Atlantic salmon escape events

Maria Quintela Sanchez, Vidar Wennevik, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Øystein Skaala, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Kurt Urdal, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Kevin Glover
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 8 p. 497-509

Plasticity in growth of farmed and wild Atlantic salmon: is the increased growth rate of farmed salmon caused by evolutionary adaptations to the commercial diet?

Alison Catherine Harvey, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Eva Troianou, Gary Robert Carvalho, Martin Ian Taylor, Simon Creer, Lise Dyrhovden, Ivar Helge Matre, Kevin Glover
BMC Evolutionary Biology 16

IBSEM: An individual-based atlantic salmon population model

Marco Castellani, Mikko Petteri Heino, John Gilbey, Hitoshi Araki, Terje Svåsand, Kevin Glover
PLOS ONE 10:e0138444

The vgll3 Locus Controls Age at Maturity in Wild and Domesticated Atlantic Salmon(Salmo salar L.) Males

Fernando Ayllon, Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Tomasz Furmanek, Vidar Wennevik, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Geir Dahle, Geir Lasse Taranger, Kevin Glover, Markus Sällman Almén, Carl J. Rubin, Rolf Edvardsen, Anna Wargelius
PLoS Genetics 11:e1005628

Identification of quantitative genetic components of fitness variation in farmed, hybrid and native salmon in the wild

Francois Besnier, Kevin Glover, Sigbjørn Lien, Matthew Peter Kent, Michael Möller Hansen, Xia Shen, Øystein Skaala
Heredity 115 p. 47-55

The frequency of spontaneous triploidy in farmed Atlantic salmon produced in Norway during the period 2007–2014

Kevin Glover, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Geir Dahle, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Vidar Wennevik, Øystein Skaala, Hugh Craig Morton, Tom Johnny Hansen, Per Gunnar Fjelldal
BMC Genetics 16

Evaluation of emamectin benzoate and substance EX against salmon lice in sea-ranched Atlantic salmon smolts

Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Per Gunnar Espedal, Frank Nilsen, Enrique Perez Garcia, Kevin Glover
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 113 p. 187-194

Genetic introgression of farmed salmon in native populations: quantifying the relative influence of population size and frequency of escapees

Mikko Petteri Heino, Terje Svåsand, Vidar Wennevik, Kevin Glover
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 6 p. 185-190

Are farmed salmon more prone to risk than wild salmon? Susceptibility of juvenile farm, hybrid and wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. to an artificial predator

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Zhiwei Zhang, Kevin Glover
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 162 p. 67-80

Potential disease interaction reinforced: double-virusinfected escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., recaptured in a nearby river

Abdullah Sami Madhun, Egil Karlsbakk, Cecilie Helen Isachsen, Linn Maren Omdal Strandenes, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Øystein Skaala, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Kevin Glover
Journal of Fish Diseases 38 p. 209-219

Risk assessment of the environmental impact of Norwegian Atlantic salmon farming

Geir Lasse Taranger, Ørjan Karlsen, Raymond Bannister, Kevin Glover, Vivian Husa, Egil Karlsbakk, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Karin Kroon Boxaspen, Pål Arne Bjørn, Bengt Finstad, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Hugh Craig Morton, Terje Svåsand
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 p. 997-1021

Investigating population genetic structure in a highly mobile marine organism: The minke whale balaenoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata in the north east atlantic

Maria Quintela Sanchez, Hans J. Skaug, Nils Inge Øien, Tore Haug, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Hiroko Kato Solvang, Christophe Pampoulie, Naohisa Kanda, Luis A. Pastene, Kevin Glover

Hatching time and alevin growth prior to the onset of exogenous feeding in farmed, wild and hybrid Norwegian Atlantic salmon

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Frank Nilsen, Kevin Glover

A comparison of gene transcription profiles of domesticated and wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) at early life stages, reared under controlled conditions

Beatrix Bicskei, James E. Bron, Kevin Glover, John B. Taggart
BMC Genomics 15

Triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon show similar susceptibility to infection with salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis

Benedikt Frenzl, Herve Migaud, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Andrew P. Shinn, John F. Taylor, Randolph H. Richards, Kevin Glover, David Cockerill, James Emmanuel Bron
Pest Management Science 70 p. 982-988

Triploid (sterile) farmed Atlantic salmon males attempt to spawn with wild females

Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Vidar Wennevik, I.A Fleming, Tom Johnny Hansen, Kevin Glover
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 5

Vertebra deformities in wild Atlantic salmon caught in the Figgjo River, southwest Norway

Florian Sambraus, Kevin Glover, Tom Johnny Hansen, Tom Fraser, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Per Gunnar Fjelldal
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30 p. 777-782

Human-induced evolution caught in action: SNP-array reveals rapid amphi-atlantic spread of pesticide resistance in the salmon ecotoparasite Lepeophtheirus salmonis

Francois Besnier, Matthew Peter Kent, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Sigbjørn Lien, Ketil Malde, Rolf Edvardsen, Simon Taylor, Lina Ljungfeldt, Frank Nilsen, Kevin Glover
BMC Genomics

Hybrid salmonids: Ploidy effect on skeletal meristic characteristics and sea lice infection susceptibility

Mitchell Fleming, Tom Johnny Hansen, Ole Fredrik Skulstad, Kevin Glover, Hugh Craig Morton, Leif Asbjørn Vøllestad, Per Gunnar Fjelldal
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30 p. 746-752

Pacific and Atlantic Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1838) are allopatric subspecies: Lepeophtheirus salmonis salmonis and L. salmonis oncorhynchi subspecies novo

Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Ole Torrissen, Kevin Glover
BMC Genetics 15:32

The effect of triploidy on vaccine side-effects in Atlantic salmon

Tom Fraser, Tom Johnny Hansen, Ian Mayer, Jon Egil Skjæraasen, Kevin Glover, Florian Sambraus, Per Gunnar Fjelldal
Aquaculture 433 p. 481-490

A common-garden experiment to quantify evolutionary processes in copepods: The case of emamectin benzoate resistance in the parasitic sea louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis

Lina Ljungfeldt, Per Gunnar Espedal, Frank Nilsen, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Kevin Glover
BMC Evolutionary Biology 14

Genetic analyses of ling (Molva molva) in the Northeast Atlantic reveal patterns relevant to stock assessments and management advice

Enrique Blanco Gonzalez, Halvor Knutsen, Per Erik Jorde, Kevin Glover, Odd Aksel Bergstad
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 p. 635-641

Microsatellite DNA used for parentage identification of partly digested Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) juveniles through non-destructive diet sampling in salmonids

Øystein Skaala, Kevin Glover, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Reidar Borgstrøm
Marine Biology Research 10 p. 323-328

A conservation plan for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a region with intensive industrial use of aquatic habitats, the Hardangerfjord, western Norway

Øystein Skaala, Geir Helge Johnsen, Håvard Lo, Reidar Borgstrøm, Vidar Wennevik, Michael Møller Hansen, Joseph E. Merz, Kevin Glover, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup
Marine Biology Research 10 p. 308-322

Growth reaction norms of domesticated, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon families in response to differing social and physical environments

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Zhiwei Zhang, Frank Nilsen, Kevin Glover
BMC Evolutionary Biology 13

Atlantic salmon populations invaded by farmed escapees: quantifying genetic introgression with a Bayesian approach and SNPs

Kevin Glover, Cino Pertoldi, Francois Besnier, Vidar Wennevik, Matthew Peter Kent, Øystein Skaala
BMC Genetics 14

ParallelStructure: a R package to distribute parallel runs of the population genetics program STRUCTURE on multi-core computers

Francois Besnier, Kevin Glover

Emamectin benzoate resistance and fitness in laboratory reared salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

Per Gunnar Espedal, Kevin Glover, Tor Einar Horsberg, Frank Nilsen
Aquaculture 416-417 p. 111-118

Kva skjer med oppdrettslaksen sitt avkom i naturen?

Øystein Skaala, Kevin Glover, Terje Svåsand, Francois Besnier, Michael M. Hansen, Reidar Borgstrøm
Fisken og Havet, Særnummer p. 18-19

Hybrids between common and Antarctic minke whales are fertile and can back-cross

Kevin Glover, Naohisa Kanda, tore Haug, Luis A. Pastene, Nils Inge Øien, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Hans J. Skaug
BMC Genetics 14

Molecular Genetic Analysis of Stomach Contents Reveals Wild Atlantic Cod Feeding on Piscine Reovirus (PRV) Infected Atlantic Salmon Originating from a Commercial Fish Farm

Kevin Glover, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Egil Karlsbakk, Zhiwei Zhang, Øystein Skaala

How does sequence variability affect de novo assembly quality?

Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Ketil Malde, Francois Besnier, Frank Nilsen, Inge Jonassen, Richard Reinhardt, Ben F. Koop, Sussie Trine Dalvin, Stig Mæhle, Heidi Kongshaug, Kevin Glover
Journal of Natural History 47 p. 901-910

Does domestication cause changes in growth reaction norms? A study of farmed, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon families exposed to environmental stress

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Øystein Skaala, Frank Nilsen, Kevin Glover

Genetic analysis of Atlantic salmon captured in a netting station reveals multiple escapement events from commercial fish farms

Z. Zhang, Kevin Glover, Vidar Wennevik, Terje Svåsand, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Peder Fiske, Sten Karlsson, Øystein Skaala
Fisheries Management and Ecology 20 p. 42-51

Performance of farmed, hybrid, and wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) families in a natural river environment

Øystein Skaala, Kevin Glover, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Terje Svåsand, Francois Besnier, Michael M. Hansen, Reidar Borgstrøm
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69 p. 1994-2006

Three Decades of Farmed Escapees in the Wild: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Atlantic Salmon Population Genetic Structure throughout Norway

Kevin Glover, María Quintela, Vidar Wennevik, Francois Besnier, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Øystein Skaala

Effects of environmental stress on mRNA expression levels of seven genes related to oxidative stress and growth in Atlantic salmon salmo salar L. Of farmed, hybrid and wild origin

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Frank Nilsen, Kevin Glover
BMC Research Notes 1

The Norwegian minke whale DNA register: a data base monitoring commercial harvest and trade of whale products

Kevin Alan Glover, tore Haug, Nils Inge Øien, Lars Walløe, Lotta Lindblom, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Hans J. Skaug
Fish and Fisheries 13 p. 313-332

Gene expression in Atlantic salmon skin in response to infection with the parasitic copepod Lepeophtheirus salmonis, cortisol implant, and their combination

Aleksei Krasnov, Stanko Skugor, Marijana Todorcevic, Kevin Glover, Frank Nilsen
BMC Genomics 13

Good ethics or political and cultural censoring in science?

Ole Torrissen, Kevin Glover, tore Haug, Ole Arve Misund, Hans J. Skaug, Matthias Kaiser
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 p. 493-497

Genotyping errors in a calibrated DNA register: implications for identification of individuals

Øystein Haaland, Kevin A. Glover, Bjørghild Breistein Seliussen, Hans Julius Skaug
BMC Genetics 12

Generic genetic differences between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon identified from a 7K SNP-chip

Sten Karlsson, Thomas Moen, Sigbjørn Lien, Kevin A. Glover, Kjetil Hindar
Molecular Ecology Resources 11 p. 247-253

Population genetic structure of the parasitic copepod Lepeophtheirus salmonis throughout the Atlantic

Kevin Alan Glover, Åsta Bergmann Stølen, Amber Messmer, Ben F Koop, Ole Torrissen, Frank Nilsen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 427 p. 161-172

Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) scavenge offal from minke (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) whaling operations in Svalbard (Norway)

Lisa-Marie Leclerc, Christian Lydersen, tore Haug, Kevin Alan Glover, Aaron T. Fisk, Kit M. Kovacs
Polar Research 30

Investigating genetic change in wild populations: modelling gene flow from farm escapees

Francois Besnier, Kevin Alan Glover, Øystein Skaala
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 2 p. 75-86

Genetic identification of farmed and wild Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, in coastal Norway

Kevin Alan Glover, Geir Dahle, Knut Eirik Jørstad
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 p. 901-910

Genetic differentiation among Atlantic salmon reared in sea-cages reveals a non-random distribution of genetic material from a breeding programme to commercial production

Kevin Alan Glover, Øystein Skaala, Anne Grete Eide Søvik, Tor Arne Helle
Aquaculture Research 42 p. 1323-1331

Microsatellite DNA reveals population genetic differentiation among sprat (Sprattus sprattus) sampled throughout the Northeast Atlantic, including Norwegian fjords

Kevin Alan Glover, Øystein Skaala, Morten Limborg, Cecilie Kvamme, Else Torstensen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 p. 2145-2151

Forensic identification of fish farm escapees: the Norwegian experience

Glover, Kevin
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 1 p. 1-10

Migration of Antarctic Minke Whales to the Arctic

Kevin Glover, Naohisa Kanda, Tore Haug, Luis A. Pastene, Nils Inge Øien, Mutsuo Goto, Bjørghild B Seliussen, Hans Julius Skaug

Pharmacokinetics of emamectin benzoate administered to Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., by intra-peritoneal injection

Kevin Alan Glover, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Karin Kroon Boxaspen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
Journal of Fish Diseases 33 p. 183-186

Forensic identification of severely degraded Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) tissues

Sussie Trine Dalvin, Kevin Alan Glover, AGE Sørvik, BB Seliussen, JB Taggart
Investigative Genetics 1

Genetic diversity within and among Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) farmed in marine cages: a proof-of-concept study for the identification of escapees

Kevin Alan Glover, Geir Dahle, Jon-Ivar Westgaard, Torild Johansen, Halvor Knutsen, Knut Eirik Jørstad
Animal Genetics 41 p. 515-522

A comparison of SNP and STR loci for delineating population structure and performing individual genetic assignment

Kevin Glover, Michael Møller Hansen, Sigbjørn Lien, Thomas D. Als, Bjørn Høyheim, Øystein Skaala
BMC Genetics 11

Fatty acids in fish scales

Otto Grahl-Nielsen, Kevin Alan Glover
Marine Biology 157 p. 1567-1576

A comparison of farmed, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) reared under farming conditions

Kevin Glover, Håkon Magne Otterå, Rolf Erik Olsen, Erik Slinde, Geir Lasse Taranger, Øystein Skaala
Aquaculture 286 p. 203-210

Identifying the source of farmed escaped Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Bayesian clustering analysis increases accuracy of assignment

Kevin Glover, Michael M. Hansen, Øystein Skaala
Aquaculture 290 p. 37-46

Vertebral body mineralization and deformities in cultured Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): Effects of genetics and off-season smolt production

Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Kevin A. Glover, Øystein Skaala, Albert Imsland, Tom Johnny Hansen
Aquaculture 296 p. 36-44

Establishment and characterisation of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kroyer 1837)) laboratory strains

Lars Are Hamre, Kevin Alan Glover, Frank Nilsen
Parasitology international 58 p. 451-460

Genetic dissection of MHC-associated susceptibility to Lepeophtheirus salmonis in Atlantic salmon

K Gharbi, K.A. Glover, L.C. Stone, E.S. McDonald, L. Matthews, Unni Grimholt, M.J. Stear
BMC Genetics 10 p. 20-29

A laboratory study to evaluate the use of emamectin benzoate in the control of sea lice in sea-ranched Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Kevin Glover, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Bjørn Tore Lunestad
Aquaculture 285 p. 2-7

Local and systemic gene expression responses of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) to infection with the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

Stanko Skugor, Kevin Alan Glover, Frank Nilsen, Aleksei Krasnov
BMC Genomics 9

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) variation and susceptibility to the sea louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

Kevin Glover, Unni Grimholt, Hege G. Bakke, Frank Nilsen, Arne Storset, Øystein Skaala
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 76 p. 57-65

Sequence variation in four mitochondrial genes of the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis

Kjersti Tjensvoll, Kevin A. Glover, Are Nylund
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 68 p. 251-259

Microsatellite analysis in domesticated and wild Atlanticsalmon (Salmo

Øystein Skaala, Bjørn Høyheim, Kevin Glover, Geir Dahle
Aquaculture 240 p. 131-143

Annet tidsskriftbidrag


Rømt laks må hindres i å gyte

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Kevin Glover
Dagens næringsliv

Unødvendig med fem fangstområder for vågehval.

Tore Haug, Nils Inge Øien, Hans J. Skaug, Kevin Glover

Isolation and characterization of twenty microsatellite loci for the ballan wrasse, Labrus bergylta

Maria Quintela Sanchez, Elin A. Danielsen, Terje Svåsand, Halvor Knutsen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Kevin Glover
Conservation Genetics Resources 6 p. 425-428

Offspring performance of three different cod populations, measured under identical environmental conditions

Knut E. Jørstad, Terje van der Meeren, Geir Dahle, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, JB Taggart, Kevin Glover, Håkon Magne Otterå
Aquaculture 272 p. S273-S273

Faglige foredrag


En mulig kobling mellom innavlsdepresjon og redusert velferd hos triploid Atlantisk laks Salmo salar

Aurelien Nicolas Delaval, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Tom HANSEN, Francois Besnier, Lars Helge Stien, Kevin Alan Glover, Alison C. Harvey

Kan genetiske tilpasninger i ferskvannlaks, avsløre genetikk bak smoltifisering?

Ross Fisher Cairnduff, Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Fernando Ayllon, Eva Andersson, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Craig Primmer, Kevin Alan Glover, Anna Sofie Troedsson Wargelius

Adaptation in landlocked Atlantic salmon links genetics in wild and farmed salmon to smoltification.

Ross Fisher Cairnduff, Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Fernando Ayllon, Eva Andersson, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Kevin Alan Glover, Anna Sofie Troedsson Wargelius

Rask vekst hos laksefisk; fra individ til økosystem

Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen, Grethe Robertsen, Kjetil Hindar, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Eli Kvingedal, Sten Karlsson, Kevin Alan Glover, Knut Andresas Bækkelie

Genetiske metoder for å undersøke utvandring av villaks

Alison C. Harvey, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Kevin Glover, Vidar Wennevik

Genetiske metoder for å undersøke utvandring av villaks

Alison C. Harvey, Maria Quintela Sanchez, Kevin Glover, Vidar Wennevik

Eksperimentelle undersøkelser av vekst og overlevelse hos oppdrettslaks og villaks

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Grethe Robertsen, Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen, Kjetil Hindar, Øystein Skaala, Kevin Glover

Domestication leads to increased predation susceptibility

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Grethe Robertsen, Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen, Kjetil Hindar, Kevin Glover

Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus Salmonis) induced mortality of Atlantic salmon (Salsmo salar) during post-smolt migration in Norway

Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Alison C. Harvey, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Ola Ugedal, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Bjørn Ådlandsvik, Vidar Wennevik, Kevin Glover, Ørjan Karlsen

Nye genetiske markører for å spore innkrysning

Ingerid Julie Hagen, Geir Hysing Bolstad, Ola Håvard Diserud, Kjetil Hindar, Kevin Glover, Sigbjørn Lien, Nicola Barson, Sten Karlsson

Escaped farm salmon affect the Genetics of Wild salmon populations all along the Norwegian coast

Ola Håvard Diserud, Kjetil Hindar, Sten Karlsson, Kevin Glover, Øystein Skaala

Ulv i fåreklær – vekstpotensialet til oppdrettslaks er skjult i naturen, men avsløres under oppdrettsforhold

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Francois Besnier, Øystein Skaala, Kevin Glover

The river positions within fjords affects salmon lice infestation on trawled postsmolt Atlantic salmon

Ørjan Karlsen, Alison C. Harvey, Vidar Wennevik, Kevin Glover, Rune Nilsen

Kan en feilaktig atferd mot rovdyr forklare hvorfor avkom av oppdrettslaks har lavere overlevelse enn villaks i naturen?

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Grethe Robertsen, Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen, Kjetil Hindar, Kevin Glover

Risk assessment of genetic impact of escaped farmed salmon on wild populations in Norway

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Terje Svåsand, Kevin Glover, Mikko Petteri Heino, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Øystein Skaala, Vidar Wennevik

Genome resequencing of geographically distinct Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) populations reveals adaptive divergence

Rolf Edvardsen, Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Fernando Ayllon, Tomasz Furmanek, Vidar Wennevik, Geir Dahle, Eero Niemelä, Mikhail Ozerov, Juha-Pekka Vähä, Kevin Glover, Carl Johan Rubin, Anna Wargelius

Adaptive plasticity in Atlantic salmon- genetic predisposition of time at maturity and environmental triggers

Rolf Edvardsen, Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Fernando Ayllon, Tomasz Furmanek, Tom Johnny Hansen, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Carl Johan Rubin, Lene Kleppe, Kai Ove Skaftnesmo, Elin Sørhus, Faezeh Mohammadi, Geir Dahle, Vidar Wennevik, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Kevin Glover, Birgitta Norberg, Geir Lasse Taranger, Eva Andersson, Rüdiger W. Schulz, Anna Wargelius

Genetisk interaksjon og vurdering opp mot kvalitetsnorm

Sten Karlsson, Ola Håvard Diserud, Kjetil Hindar, Kevin Glover, Øystein Skaala

Population genetics of the salmon louse

Glover, Kevin

Det nasjonale overvåkningsprogram for rømt laks

Glover, Kevin

Farmed escapees and interactions with wild fish: the big picture from little Norway

Glover, Kevin

A study of growth reaction norms of farmed, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) families exposed to different levels of stress

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Øystein Skaala, Frank Nilsen, Kevin Glover

Knowledge Platform - Quantifying Genetic Effects of Escaped Farmed Salmon on Wild Salmon (QuantEscape)

Kjetil Hindar, Sten Karlsson, Ola Håvard Diserud, Steinar Engen, Kevin Glover, Øystein Skaala, Terje Svåsand, Ingrid Olesen, Matthew Baranski, Bjarne Gjerde, Celeste Jacq, Sigbjørn Lien, Matthew Peter Kent, Thomas Moen



A new genetic baseline for Atlantic herring Clupea harengus L in Norwegian waters

Gaute Wilhelmsen Seljestad, Maria Quintela, Dorte Bekkevold, Christophe Pampoulie, Cecilie Kvamme, Geir Dahle, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Arild Folkvord, Kevin Alan Glover, Florian Berg

Population structure of ling (Molva molva) in the Northeast Atlantic and its implications for stock assessments and management advice

Enrique Blanco Gonzalez, Halvor Knutsen, Per Erik Jorde, Kevin Glover, Odd Aksel Bergstad

Performance of farm, hybrid and wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) families in a natural river environment

Øystein Skaala, Kevin Glover, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Terje Svåsand, Francois Besnier, Michael M. Hansen, Reidar Borgstrøm

Results from River Guddal: Performance of farmed, hybrid and wild salmon planted out as eyed eggs

Øystein Skaala, Terje Svåsand, Francois Besnier, Bjørn Barlaup, Reidar Borgstrøm, Michael Møller Hansen, Kevin Glover

Rapporter og avhandlinger


Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2025 - Produksjonsdødelighet hos oppdrettsfisk og miljøeffekter av norsk fiskeoppdrett

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Lasse Berg Andersen, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Samantha Bui, Thomas Bøhn, Ola Håvard Diserud, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Rosa Helena Escobar Lux, Peder Fiske, Ole Folkedal, Lena Geitung, Kevin Alan Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Rita Hannisdal, Pia Kupka Hansen, Kjetil Hindar, Solfrid Sætre Hjøllo, Vivian Husa, Eeva Jansson, Ørjan Karlsen, Sten Karlsson, Lars Johan Naustvoll, Rune Nilsen, Jonatan Nilsson, Pål Næverlid Sævik, Tina Marie Wier Oldham, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Ole Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Rosa Maria Serra Llinares, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Morten D. Skogen, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Lars Helge Stien, Elisabeth Stöger, Kjell Rong Utne, Vidar Wennevik
Rapport fra havforskningen

Rømt og vill fisk i Etneelva 2024 — Resultat frå Fjord- og elvelaboratoriet i Etne

Kaja Christine Andersen, Per Tommy Fjeldheim, Kevin Alan Glover, Alison C. Harvey, Øystein Skaala
Rapport fra havforskningen

Rømt oppdrettslaks – risikovurdering og kunnskapsstatus 2024 — Risiko for ytterligere genetisk endring hos villaks som følge av innkryssing av rømt oppdrettslaks

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Lasse Berg Andersen, Kevin Alan Glover, Øystein Skaala, Elisabeth Stöger, Kjell Rong Utne, Vidar Wennevik, Ola Håvard Diserud, Peder Fiske, Kjetil Hindar, Sten Karlsson, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud
Rapport fra havforskningen

Rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag i 2023. Rapport fra det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet

Vidar Wennevik, Eva Bonsak Thorstad, Elisabeth Stöger, Vegard M. Ambjørndalen, Tonje Aronsen, Ola Håvard Diserud, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Bjørn Florø-Larsen, Kevin Alan Glover, Mikko Petteri Heino, Åse Husebø, Kristina Johansen, Marius Kambestad, Sofie Knutar, Gitte Løkeberg, Øystein Skaala, Helge Skoglund, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Ingrid Solberg, Vegard Pedersen Sollien, Enghild Steinkjer, Harald Sægrov, Tine Solvoll Tønder, Kurt Urdal, Kjell Rong Utne, Gunnel Marie Østborg
Rapport fra havforskningen

Rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag i 2023. Rapport fra det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet

Vidar Wennevik, Eva Bonsak Thorstad, Elisabeth Stöger, Vegard M. Ambjørndalen, Tonje Aronsen, Ola Håvard Diserud, Per Tommy Fjeldheim, Bjørn Florø-Larsen, Kevin Alan Glover, Mikko Petteri Heino, Åse Husebø, Kristina Johansen, Marius Kambestad, Sofie Knutar, Gitte Løkeberg, Øystein Skaala, Helge Skoglund, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Ingrid Solberg, Vegard Pedersen Sollien, Enghild Steinkjer, Harald Sægrov, Tine Solvoll Tønder, Kurt Urdal, Kjell Rong Utne, Gunnel Marie Østborg
Rapport fra havforskningen

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2024 - Produksjonsdødelighet hos oppdrettsfisk og miljøeffekter av norsk fiskeoppdrett

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Lasse Berg Andersen, Ola Håvard Diserud, Katherine Mary Dunlop, Rosa Escobar, Peder Fiske, Ole Folkedal, Kevin Alan Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen Halvorsen, Rita Hannisdal, Pia Kupka Hansen, Kjetil Hindar, Vivian Husa, Eeva Jansson, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Ørjan Karlsen, Sten Karlsson, Abdullah Sami Madhun, Kjell Harald Nedreaas, Jonatan Nilsson, Aoife Elizabeth Parsons, Ole Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Anne Dagrun Sandvik, Rosa Maria Serra Llinares, Øystein Skaala, Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Lars Helge Stien, Elisabeth Stöger, Terje Svåsand, Kjell Rong Utne, Vidar Wennevik
Rapport fra havforskningen

Rømt og vill fisk i Etneelva 2023 - Resultat fra Fjord- og Elvelaboratoriet i Etne

Kaja Christine Andersen-Fjeldheim, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Kevin Alan Glover, Alison C. Harvey, Øystein Skaala
Rapport fra havforskningen

Genetisk påvirkning av rømt oppdrettslaks på ville laksebestander – oppdatert status 2023

Ola Håvard Diserud, Kjetil Hindar, Sten Karlsson, Kevin Alan Glover, Øystein Skaala
NINA rapport

Rømt og vill fisk i Etneelva 2022 - Resultat frå den nasjonale forskingsplattforma i Etne

Kaja Christine Andersen, Per Tommy Fjeldheim, Kevin Alan Glover, Øystein Skaala

Sporing 2-2023 Full Rapport. Genetisk identifikasjon av torskeegg i Meløy i Nordland, mars 2023

Maria Quintela, Terje van der Meeren, Geir Dahle, Anne Grete Eide Sørvik, Alejandro Mateos-Rivera, Hildegunn Mjanger, Vidar Wennevik, Kevin Alan Glover

Rømt oppdrettslaks – risikovurdering og kunnskapsstatus 2023 — Ytterligere genetisk endring hos villaks som følge av innkryssing av rømt oppdrettslaks

Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Kevin Alan Glover, Øystein Skaala, Elisabeth Stöger, Kjell Rong Utne, Vidar Wennevik, Ola Håvard Diserud, Peder Fiske, Kjetil Hindar, Sten Karlsson, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud

Genetiske analyser av aure i Gloppenelva

Maria Quintela, Harald Sægrov, Geir Dahle, Kevin Alan Glover, Vidar Wennevik

Rømt og vill fisk i Etneelva 2021 - Resultat frå den nasjonale forskningsplatforma i Etne

Kaja Christine Andersen, Per Tommy Fjeldheim, William Aure Aannø, Kevin Alan Glover, Øystein Skaala

Rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag i 2020 - Rapport fra det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet

Vidar Wennevik, Vegard M. Ambjørndalen, Tonje Aronsen, Gunnar O Bakke, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Ola Håvard Diserud, Peder Fiske, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Bjørn Florø-Larsen, Kevin Alan Glover, Mikko Petteri Heino, Tor Næsje, Øystein Skaala, Helge Skoglund, Ingrid Solberg, Monica Favnebøe Solberg, Harald Sægrov, Kurt Urdal, Kjell Rong Utne

Kunnskapsgrunnlag for mulig påvirkning fra oppdrettstorsk og levendelagret torsk på villtorsk

Pål Arne Bjørn, Kevin Alan Glover, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Sigurd Heiberg Espeland, Egil Erlingsson Karlsbakk, Ørjan Karlsen, Terje van der Meeren, Even Moland, Nina Sandlund, Bjørn-Steinar Sæther, Ingeborg Mathisen Sætra, Terje Svåsand

Rømt og vill fisk i Etneelva 2020 - Resultat frå den nasjonale forskningsplatforma i Etne

Kaja Christine Andersen-Fjeldheim, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Kevin Alan Glover, Øystein Skaala

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2021 - kunnskapsstatus

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Ørjan Karlsen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Kevin Alan Glover, Vivian Husa, Pia Kupka Hansen, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Lars Helge Stien, Terje Svåsand

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2021 - risikovurdering

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Ørjan Karlsen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Kevin Alan Glover, Vivian Husa, Pia Kupka Hansen, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Lars Helge Stien, Terje Svåsand

Kunnskapsstatus - miljøeffekter av norsk fiskeoppdrett 2019 : Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett, del 2

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Terje Svåsand, Kevin Glover, Vivian Husa, Pia Kupka Hansen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Lars Helge Stien

Rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag i 2019 : Rapport fra det Nasjonale Overvåkningsprogrammet

Tonje Aronsen, Gunnar O Bakke, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Ola Håvard Diserud, Peder Fiske, Per Tommy Fjeldheim, Bjørn Florø-Larsen, Kevin Glover, Mikko Petteri Heino, Tor Næsje, Ingrid Solberg, Øystein Skaala, Helge Skoglund, Vegard Pedersen Sollien, Harald Sægrov, Kurt Urdal, Kjell Rong Utne, Vidar Wennevik

Rømt og vill fisk i Etneelva 2019: resultat frå den nasjonale feltplattforma

Øystein Skaala, Per Tommy Andersen-Fjeldheim, Kaja Christine Andersen-Fjeldheim, Kevin Glover

OURO Etneelva 2018

Øystein Skaala, Kevin Glover, Per Tommy Fjeldheim, Kaja Christine Andersen

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2019 - Miljøeffekter av lakseoppdrett

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Terje Svåsand, Kevin Glover, Vivian Husa, Pia Kupka Hansen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Nina Sandlund, Lars Helge Stien

Rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag i 2018 : Rapport fra det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet

Tonje Aronsen, Gunnar O Bakke, Bjørn Torgeir Barlaup, Johan Henrik Hårdensson Berntsen, Ola Håvard Diserud, Peder Fiske, Per Tommy Fjeldheim, Bjørn Florø Larsen, Kevin Glover, Mikko Petteri Heino, Åse Husebø, Tor Næsje, Helge Skoglund, Vegard Pedersen Sollien, Harald Sægrov, Kurt Urdal, Vidar Wennevik

Genetisk påvirkning av rømt oppdrettslaks på ville laksebestander – oppdatert status 2019

Ola Håvard Diserud, Kjetil Hindar, Sten Karlsson, Kevin Glover, Øystein Skaala

OURO Etneelva 2018

Øystein Skaala, Kevin Glover, Per Tommy Fjeldheim, Andersen Kaja Christine

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2018

Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Kevin Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Vivian Husa, Ørjan Karlsen, Tore S Kristiansen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Stein Mortensen, Ole Bent Samuelsen, Lars Helge Stien, Terje Svåsand

Rømt og vill fisk i Etneelva 2017

Øystein Skaala, Per Tommy Fjeldheim, Kevin Glover

Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2017

Terje Svåsand, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Ørjan Karlsen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Kevin Glover, Vivian Husa, Tore S Kristiansen

Genetics behind puberty and adaptation in Atlantic Salmon revealed by genomic studies

Anna Wargelius, Rolf Edvardsen, Erik Nordtorp Kjærner-Semb, Kevin Glover

Genetisk påvirkning av rømt oppdrettslaks på ville laksebestander – status 2017

Ola Håvard Diserud, Kjetil Hindar, Sten Karlsson, Kevin Glover, Øystein Skaala

Risikovurdering norsk fiskeoppdrett 2013

Geir Lasse Taranger, Terje Svåsand, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Tore Kristiansen, Karin Kroon Boxaspen, Jon Albretsen, Lars Asplin, Jan Aure, Britt Bang-Jensen, Raymond Bannister, Pål Arne Bjørn, Geir Dahle, Arne S Ervik, Per-Gunnar* Fjelldal, Bengt Finstad, Kevin Glover, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Pia Kupka Hansen, Tom Hansen, Mikko Heino, Vivian Husa, Peder Andreas Jansen, Daniel Jimenez, Ingrid Askeland Johnsen, Knut Jørstad, Egil Karlsbakk, Ørjan Karlsen, Anja Kristoffersen, Rosa Maria Serra Llinnares, Abdullah Madhun, Stein Mortensen, Morton Craig, Rune Nilsen, Håkon Otterå, Sonal Patel, Bjørn-Steinar Sæther, Ole B. Samuelsen, Anne Sandvik, Jofrid Skardhamar, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, Ove Skilbrei, Øystein Skaala, Cecilie Skår, Lars H. Stien, Ingebrigt Uglem, Terje van der Meeren, Vidar Wennevik

Forslag til førstegenerasjons målemetode for miljøeffekt (effektindikatorer) med hensyn til genetisk påvirkning fra oppdrettslaks til villaks, og påvirkning av lakselus fra oppdrett på viltlevende laksefiskbestander

GL Taranger, Terje Svåsand, PA Bjørn, Peder A Jansen, Peter Andreas Heuch, Randi Grøntvedt, Lars Asplin, Ove Tommy Skilbrei, Kevin Glover, Øystein Skaala, Vidar Wennevik, KK Boxaspen

Genetiske effekter av rømt oppdrettslaks på ville laksebestander:: utforming av indikatorer

Kevin Alan Glover, Kjetil Hindar, Sten Karlsson, Øystein Skaala, Terje Svåsand

Studies on genotype dependant growth in juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.) reared at different temperatures and light regimes

Kevin Alan Glover, Gunnar Nyhammer, Gunnar Nævdal, Erling Otterlei, Solveig Thorkildsen, Torleiv Brattegard
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